Commander suggestions?

So I haven’t played Sc2 in about 4 years, used to be GM but usually sat in masters. Started playing Co-op and it’s alot of fun, but I don’t want to mess around with all the heroes rather just get a suggestion =D. I’ve been playing Swann but I’m not crazy about his playstyle, probably looking for a higher apm commander. Suggestions?

tough to say without knowing your playstyle, but I’d look at Nova and her special forces or Dehaka for the early hero unit. You can test any commander up to level 5, so maybe give them a whirl?

If you want to test fully leveled commanders (because a lot of commanders play differently with masteries comparing to sub-mastery i.e. Stetmann), try Maguro’s test maps in the Arcade.

Just search for maps named [MM] in the custom tab to get started.

Otherwise, if you want a high APM commander I’d recommend Nova/Stetmann/Mengsk.

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I liked a mobile playstyle.

  • Do you like having a hero unit? Big army or small army?

  • How is your skill at using top bars?

  • Do you prefer micro heavy, macro heavy, or both, or neither (not judging you if you do)?

  • Do you like having a tried-and-true “bread and butter” or do you like flexibility?

  • Do you favor offense or defense?

IMO the answers to these questions will go a long way in determining which commander(s) would be best suited for you.

  • Do you like having a hero unit? Big army or small army? Big Army
  • How is your skill at using top bars? Excellent
  • Do you prefer micro heavy, macro heavy, or both, or neither (not judging you if you do)? Macro
  • Do you like having a tried-and-true “bread and butter” or do you like flexibility? Bread and butter
  • Do you favor offense or defense? Offence

Oh. Then I amend my suggestion to Han and Horner

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I didn’t know about this myself, thank you for putting it here

From your answers, I can suggest a few commanders:

  • Fenix: Has a good combat hero unit (well it’s actually three different bodies, but it’s one guy), heavier on macro than micro because his army lacks manual cast spells outside of conservators and disruptors, has several standard bread-and-butter builds you can follow, and has some mobility via Cybros Arbiter’s Recall.

  • Han and Horner: Extremely offensive oriented commander with near-nonexistent defense, good top bar that rewards tactical use, combines high damage disposable ground units with durable expensive air units, has a pretty much cookie cutter build (reapers + some hellions with death effect researched + theia ravens + wraiths or BCs). Tactical Jump on Horner’s air units provide some global presence, though Han’s ground units lack mobility otherwise.

  • Stetmann: Has a powerful combat hero unit when mastered. Can be played like a variant of Kerrigan (ling ultra hydra), Zagara (banelings + corruptors) or Stukov (mass infestors). Heavy on both micro and macro, with micro/macro requirements changing depending on which comp you’re using. Top bar provides a creep-style field that buffs both Stetmann and his ally’s units. Hero unit can teleport army to locations with Stetellite presence, providing mobility.

Honorable mention:

  • Artanis: Large army with some staple choices (zealots, dragoons, immortals). Supportive top bar with one of the best passives in the game (Guardian Shell). Is very low on micro requirements if you don’t use archons, just F2 A move into the enemy and micro dragoons so they dont get stuck on each other. Beefy army that can duke it out continuously with the enemy, though his army has pretty low DPS density even when maxed - which is why I hesitate to recommend him as a primary option. Plus he’s pretty bad on the mobility side.
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Thanks I really appreciate it!

When I want to play a big army with max supply I go for Zagara. All other commanders do not need to max out.

For high apm most commanders are already named (Stettman, Mengsk, Fenix, H&H).

3 others i want to mention:
Abathur, Alarak and Kerrigan

Abathur: Can snowball insanely hard if you spend early micro on lurking biomass, most people stop with 6 mega evolution, but there’s nothing stopping you from going to insane 200/200 stomp army if you like to micro/macro your way around. Recommended to play brutal ++'s after some time cause this champ is way to strong for brutal if mastered.

Alarak: Ascendend build, takes quit some apm to manage the ascendeds, Alarak, the supplicant flow and keeping the Havocs in the right spots, but can outshine most other commanders if the player is good enough.
Disclaimer: If things go wrong, they go massivly wrong

Kerrigan: You can kinda cheese her by going mostly hero solo and nydus worms. However, if you micro her mutalisks and hydra’s around to stay alive this commander becomes a true beast (in my opinion).

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Definitely Raynor, he scales massively with APM. If you want an APM challenge try the speedrunning group on TL (dot) net. Perhaps go for some Mengsk speedruns since he’s still quite new. Maybe even some brutal+ solo?

Edit: Lots of good suggestions above - I love Nova. But hadn’t seen Raynor mentioned.

As a Starter Hero commander kerrigan is Good. She also has one of the strongest Ground composition,

I have strong opinion on Buffing Kerrigan especially on herself:


  • Transfusion on Coccoons revive Kerrigan Quickly.
  • Creep increase Queen Energy regeneration, Autocasts are enabled.
  • Broodlords Benefit from Rapid Regeneration.
  • Omega Worms now shows Kerrigan foremost.
  • Kerrigan is significantly improved . We want to emphasize Kerrigan is the Queen of the Universe as well as in Co-op.
    . Chain Reaction is improved (25% damage of current attack and triggers fury)
    . Psionic Shift decreases damage taken by 75% (Kerrigan dies too quickly when used against more powerful enemy)
    . Leap does not decrease range (increase range to 6)
    . Mastery 3.2 Improved to 45% from 30%
    . Kerrigan’s unit upgrade improves Kerrigan.
  1. Ground Attack improves Kerrigan’s Carapace drain +5% (Max Drain 30% -> 45% per attack)
  2. Ranged Attack improves Kerrigan’s attack by +5 85 (Maximum)
  3. Carapace improves Kerrigan’s Armour by +1
  4. Air Attack improves Kerrigan’s Energy regeneration by +5% (110% energy regen)
  5. Air Carapace improves Kerrigan’s Carapace Armour by +1

Kerrigan seriously does not need buffs. Anyway wrong thread. :wink:


Kerrigan doesn’t feel like Queen of the Universe and she is the least played out 3 Starter commanders like Raynor and Artanis.
Kerrigan is played so rarely by players that even level 100 forgets that she has Assimilation Aura.

LOL. There’s load of high Ascension players who don’t have a clue how to play any commander well. Sorry. Have you ever seen pros playing her? Check Youtube, loads of examples of solo with Kerri.

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This is a thread about which to play, not buff. Your list of buffs (which you’ve posted what, 5 times now?) contributes nothing.

For new players looking for commanders:
Gives you light details on their playstyle and ratings for difficulty, power level for newer players/veterans, etc.


Actually I played Kerrigan extensively and I am writing based on my experience.
I played Ground Composition, Mutalisk Compositions, and evem Broodlord Compositions. I TRIED to play Solo with Omega Worms and from how I felt that Kerrigan doesn’t feel that powerful on her own.
What I think from Her Mastery that Developers want to encourage her solo play but for me it doesn’t have much impact as Queen of Blades. I would rather use her army than going Solo.

It Does make a point. How many times have you seen Kerrigan being played in Every Weekly mutation? For me its 1~2 times.
Raynor and Artanis has far more popular than Kerrigan because they have more definitive Strength (Raynor Quick Marine/Medic Deathball, Artanis Dragoon/Guardian shield Deathball). For me Kerrigan is defined by Kerrigan herself and besides Omega Worm spam it still hasn’t fulfilled her potential and needs some love.

I will write as many times as it needs to be so the Developers could give Kerrigan some Love.

You don’t have to play Kerri solo, but she’s a really powerful hero. Kerri + army in omegas wrecks everything. Perhaps post some of your replays on another thread so those better with Kerri can help you. BTW, I believe Kerri has completed every brutation since they came out, and probably a lot solo.

If you need an easier hero try Dehaka.