Commander Sale!

Since nothing new has been added to co-op in a looong time, why not have a bundle sale on commanders?

First off, you may want to change your topic from an ‘!’, to ‘?’. Wording it like that might make it sound like it’s news, as opposed to a request/wish.

As for the topic itself, there’s nobody around working that department. When we got server issues like the 3 starter COs being capped at lv5, or all COs being capped at lv0, they grab somebody to look at it, but that’s about it. Nobody’s there to do the tech stuff needed (whatever that may be), and no one’s calling those shots either.

AFAIK, they were never really motivated to discount them. We got some freebies like the Twitch Prime deal, when Stukov was included with the purchase of Sc1: Remastered, Fenix was free during some 20th anniv. event, and when Nova and Stukov being $2.50 apiece. I guess $5 apiece is about as low they’d care to go [shrug]

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Appreciate the input, but I don’t work for Blizzard and I don’t work on SC2. Not my fault anyone can post, not changing punctuation as long as it attracts attention. I don’t have either issue you described and it’d be nice to get discount on the remaining commanders available that I don’t have yet. There’s already been a patch recently for multiplayer. Why not do a sale for Co-op at least if nobody’s going to give any attention to the remaining issues or develop anything new? They’re not worth $5 each as it is. I’ve spent about $46 on 5 commanders/mission packs/bundles since 2016, and around $40 each for the HotS and LotV campaigns. That’s close to $130 total in the last 8 years. There are probably 5 or 6 commanders left, why not let me have em for a bundle deal of $15 or $20 instead of pushing sales for other stuff they know most people don’t need or care about?

Not all attention is good attention. If you spew enough bs, people will start ignoring you. If you don’t care about that, that’s fine. Just know that has happened before and might happen again.

Where’s the bs? I’m not writing an advertisement for Blizzard, I’m asking for a discount.

What is this in response to? It seems to have come out of nowhere

To me, it’s borderline click baity. Which BTW, has a tie in with this statement of yours…

… see above where there’s no sales going on, but you just want to attract attention (so it’s not news, but a request)

So the update was only for MP. I get it now.

Here, they don’t care about Coop (which is why we’re not getting new content, nor updates to it). They still care about MP enough to update it (I’ve never really followed that scene, but apparently, there’s enough activity and playing to warrant it).

I’m thinking it goes hand-in-hand… Not only is Coop disregarded enough to not have any updates, but they couldn’t even be bothered to discount it. They’re literally not paying any attention to it (beyond showstoppers like server issues), nor wasting any man-hours on it.

I’ve always liked Sc and Sc2 so to me, they’re definitely worth $5 each. In fact, I paid $10 for some of them for their Commander Bundles! Not much into the the voice announcers, but the Stimpack (aka XP boosts) were nice! Each CO got me hours and hours of play and entertainment. And that was for the ones I didn’t really like. The ones I do like far exceeded that expectation.

You already spent close to $130. The proverbial “hill you’re going to die on” is going to be over an extra $5 to $15?

Again, nobody’s around in the Sc2 Coop department anymore. We used to have Monk and perhaps a few more Blizzard employees who regularly engage with the users on this message board. There are no developers left working on Coop. I’m sure no management staff, nobody really monitoring these forums (IIRC, Leviathon may be an employee so it’s nice to have that much), but it’s pretty much a graveyard at this point. It’s not likely your request will even be heard by anybody who could do anything about it (sorry, but that’s been the reality for all of us. Not unlike inflation, etc.). It seems the only real choice is if you’re in for the prices set, or hard pass. [shrug]

Given they own the marketplace they know how many new licenses are paid for, how often they get played, in what modes, and how often conversions from licenses to coop purchases (or cosmetics) happen plus their expected monthly income, given all that and they dont discount crap but the bait/hook of initial purchase it means they sell enough to feel no need to discount further.

In fact if theyd discounted theyd get a spike in sales by number, but initial income may not warrant it (due to decreased margin per sale), or long term may not warrant it (every discounted purchase now is a full purchase that doesnt happen later). Only ways you’d see a discount are if blizz went through economic troubles, or to market sc3.

You addressed my post as if I were advertising on behalf of Blizzard. This was not my intent and I clarified I neither worked for them nor on their products.

I don’t mean to say they’re trash, just that they’re not worth that especially if they don’t come bundled w/ announcers or other stuff at this point.

If they have people giving any other area of this game attention, and they don’t want to waste any more time on co-op, then the least anyone can be bothered to do is put together some discounts/bundles for what they clearly don’t think is valuable anymore. Ignoring/Neglecting this is practically flipping the bird to everyone who still enjoys co-op. Like I already said, someone makes enough of an effort to put the campaigns on sale, so why not either stop wasting that effort or make it count and get some actual sales for any other or even all the content?

Not trying to “die on a hill”, I’m just asking for the Blizz people to stop trying to pinch more pennies out of loyal active players for older content that doesn’t even get updated anymore. Who’s managing putting the campaign stuff on sale and why can’t they be contacted or flagged down? What would it take to get the people still working on the MP part of this to at least try what I’m suggesting here?

There’s no need for any calculation if they clearly don’t think it’s worth the time to update or work on anything co-op related anymore. They should just put everything on sale ffs and stop acting like they’re trying to avoid giving away a fortune. I’m not buying Diablo 4 and I may not buy anything else new from Blizzard unless it’s SC3, possibly. I doubt the difference in sales from full/discounted purchases is going to influence whatever budget anyone decides for new developments.

My comment still stands…
By putting an ‘!’, it makes it sound like news. Using a ‘?’ would’ve been more appropriate.

And let’s be clear, I never thought you were a Blizzard employee. That was never a factor.

Good question. I posted a thread asking why COs don’t go on sale, but camp’s do. Nobody really knew.

I doubt the extra sales from the discounting would make a difference either.

Wouldn’t it help anything if it generated enough attention for more people to start asking for this? I don’t see a downside if it doesn’t, and I don’t expect people to blame me for Blizzard’s decision not to have one.

Feel like this would go w/out saying, unless you’re trying to justify nobody bothering to setup a sale.

The state of Coop as is, I gotta give you that. “Doesn’t matter either way”

Not justifying it. At the same time, I don’t care either. As mentioned, I though $5 per CO was an excellent value, so I don’t mind (nm that I ended up getting them all of them anyways).

Also confused b/c I’m still wondering why they discount campaigns, but not COs, and nobody seems to have an answer for this. Best I can surmise is they rely on CO sales for better profits, while camp’s are more so to draw people in (and they were priced higher anyways)

I might feel that way if I also didn’t have a streak of bad experiences IRL, but if Steam and other platforms can make the kinds of deals like they do regularly, I don’t see any excuse for Blizzard not to find a way.

I wanna see the stats on where players go after buying campaigns and all that. I’m sure it still won’t justify neglecting CO deals/bundles.

Both for better and for worse, Blizzard isn’t Steam and other platforms. While we’re there, mobile is still dominated by “predatory p2w nonsense”. I have a few premium games on there, but those are VERY far and few. I didn’t mind spending $3 to $12 apiece for some of those games. There are some really good games that I spent $50 to $100 for. Otherwise, I’ve played a few “grindy” games in the past (one for 3 years on and off, another for 8 months), and pretty much “never again”.

Nintendo is also another company that’s VERY stingy with their sales. I did bite the bullet and get some games close to full price. FWIW, the quality is right up there. Tears of the Kingdom was $60, but it’s a game I’ll play on and off for years to come. Super Mario Bros. Wonder I really enjoyed and got to regift it to family (since I got that for physical).

Sorry you can’t get yourself to spend $5 per CO (and I mean that in as heartfelt and genuine way as I can.
I’ve had moments in my past where I wasn’t willing to spend a few dollars here and there, and am that way about other video game purchases). However, this post serves as the details as to why spending $5 was a no-brainer for me.