Commander karax feedback


My name is Eymen, and I am a big fan of Starcraft 2. I especially enjoy playing as Karax. However, the gas cost of Karax’s buildings in Prestige 2 makes it difficult for him to build up his economy and puts him at a disadvantage against other commanders.

Fenix’s 10th level Prestige ability removes the gas cost of his buildings. This ability makes Fenix’s economy more efficient and makes him more competitive against other commanders.

I believe that Karax should have a similar ability. This ability would improve Karax’s economy in Prestige 2 and make him more competitive against other commanders.

However, I also understand that this ability could be unbalanced. Therefore, I also recommend that the Unity Barrier ability be removed to maintain balance. Unity Barrier significantly increases the health of Karax’s units. If this ability were removed, Karax’s units would be easier to kill, which would help to maintain Karax’s power balance.

I would appreciate it if you would consider my feedback.

Best regards, Eymen

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I have 2 issues with Karax P2:

  • cost decrease is not that big (all the more since Karax has a 30% cost increase from level 1)
  • time cost is not affected by the cost decrease

1 thing I can think of that could make things better: allow 2 or 3 probes to harvest the same resource at the same time.

  • economy much more efficient
  • slow construction time countered by earlier construction
  • lack of defense countered by better units construction flow and easier reconstruction thanks to more resources

Minus: (balance)

  • Additional supply cost from the additional probes will make it harder for the army to grow as easily early on (need more pylons first)
  • Can’t send probes as easily to the expansion if saturation take longer to reach
  • Punishing for early game, but potentially OP for late game (if you kill probes to get back supply)
  • It mess up playstyles that could be used on other prestiges (but the loss of static defense already did that anyway)

Karax P2’s building gas cost is negligible.
350 gas for starport path
300 gas for robo path
100 gas for Twilight
P2 Karax does just fine waiting for the more advanced buildings and having his tough low cost Zealots (and orbital shots) early game.
40% is a big drop in cost (it multiplies with the cost increase so that Karax has a 22% net cost drop compared to someone else)

Karax also has plenty of things to accelerate the production of those cheap units. (Chrono wave, etc.)

Karax P2 is already one of the best Prestiges, there is no need to change it.

Undead’s suggestion has no effect on the very early game and is pure bonus for early to mid-late game (when you get to true late game ie maxing out it is easy enough to get rid of probes to clear up supply… send them to enemy base or kill them yourself.)


one thing they could add to that prestige is orbital assimilators.

FWIW, Karax P2 can already keep up with Zagara in pushing (there was a video to that effect). You are utilizing his (SoA) Spear of Adun Top bars right? OS (Orbital Strike) and SL (Solar Lance) let his fewer units become even more effective. And it helps that his units are very tanky (with max mastery, which you should be using for his P2).

I wouldn’t want Unity Barrier to be removed because it would also be a blow to his allies. Heck, I grumble a bit every time I get paired with a P1 Karax.

The developer diaries said they were near adamant they didn’t want too many COs getting auto-gas buildings. With what we have sounds like it’s already at the edge. The ones that do have it do have good reasons…
Nova and Zeratul are capped at 100 supply
Vorazun just really needs it
Zagara is capped at 100 supply, but her drones are half supply each.