[Co-op] Stettman no Worker Drone Hotkeys

Yet more hotkey problems (lucky me again). In co-op stettmans worker drones have no listings in the co-op hotkeys area. So I can set every other hotkey but not his building buttons because its not even listed in the menu. I don’t understand why something as universal as building units wouldn’t be listed in the menu???

I am pretty sure it was there before the last update. It seems every time there is an update now the game gets ruined even more than it was before. I have had previous problems with hotkeys on the campaign and now it has spread to co-op, and I really am sick to death and have lost my patience with this game. After buying the Stettman pack, I expected the game to actually work out of the box if I payed money for something. Maybe that was wrong of me.

At this point I am pretty much done with blizzard products, every time I pay money I seem to get screwed over. I have already wasted about a week of my life with tech support on the last load of nonsense on this game, so if it’s going to be like this, this time, I am done. From a AAA company like blizzard you would think they would have something as simple as hotkeys down all the time, but apparently not lol. What a pathetic joke.

I apologise for this being an angry rant but this really is a complete joke and is a constant issue for me. I just wanted to play the game and can never seem get a break on this.


Yup, Stetmann balance update reset hotkeys and made drone hotkeys unbindable.
It’s not the first time when co-op character update breaks keybindings.

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I lost the key settings for the workers, if there is a solution that I can throw ? Perhaps in the settings file you can add settings for the working commander Stetmann - I used a translator

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yes, Hotkey Assignment for Stetmann's Drones

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That worked beautifully thank you so much. If only I could get the same help with the hotkeys from the campaign lol. Half of the keys in my game are broken. I reported the bug and they said it was “low priority” lol. Maybe me buying Blizzard products will be low priority from now on lmao. I have just gave up on the campaigns now. I can’t even change the keys on some of the buttons they are that buggy and broken.