Co-Op Mutation #459: Portal Power

Amon’s forces are fanatical in their efforts to take down Sgt. Hammer’s useless fortress. Reinforcements surge forth from the Void, brimming with new and terrible power. Match their strength and crush the Void Thrashers.

Void Rifts - Void Rifts periodically appear in random locations and spawn enemy units until destroyed.
Power Overwhelming - All enemy units have energy and use random abilities.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Chaotic Power Couple] [fiveDOLLARS 33x40Devouring One]
[CtG 33x40 Evolution Master] [spohky 33x40Lone Puppy]
[CtG 33x40 Network Administrator] [Lila 33x40Renegade Commander]
[CtG 33x40 Merchant of Death] BlackSyn 33x40 Lone Puppy

Rift spawn timings

Time Rifts
2:20 2 Rifts
3:50 2 Rifts
5:20 2 Rifts
6:50 2 Rifts
8:20 4 Rifts
9:50 4 Rifts
11:20 4 Rifts
12:50 4 Rifts
14:20/+90s 4 Rifts

[Reddit Post Link]


  • FIRST FOUR SETS of Void Rifts possible spawn locations:
  • Each Void Rift has 500HP, and their spawnings are signalled by a minimap ping on each Rift.
  • The first Void Rifts spawn very close to your base, however the Rifts start to spawn further, often behind enemy lines.
  • Units spawned from Void Rifts DO get the Power Overwhelming buff.
  • Units that spawn from Void Rifts do not drop biomass for Abathur nor essence for Dehaka.
  • Time stop delays by 20 seconds the spawn time of Void Rifts.
  • Abilities used by the enemy include Abduct, Black Hole, Defensive Matrix, Disabling Cloud, Disruption Web, Force Field, Fungal Growth, Guardian Shield, Graviton Beam, [Hybrid Structure Disable Thing], Irradiate, Parasitic Bomb, Point Defense Drone, Psionic Orb, Psionic Storm, Seeker Missile, Snipe, Time Warp.
  • There is no means to determine what spells each enemy unit has until they actually use it.
  • Although the enemy does not target-fire Artosis Pylons, they will sometimes cast disabling spells on them.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Portal Power] - Online Poll -
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Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List


This mutation is the hardest one, unless divided. One must defend from Void Rift attacks, the other destroy the Thrashers. Recommended commanders:

  • Karax P1
  • Stukov P3
  • Zagara P1
  • Tychus P2
  • Nova P3
  • Swann P2
  • HH P1
  • Dehaka P3
  • Abathur P2
  • Zeratul P2
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Mutation overlap 40, 109, 275. this week 4th. 459.

1st clear Tychus P2+Zeratul P3

Mutation (Portal Power) play list


I wouldn’t say the hardest. Just Die + Void Rifts makes this look like a cakewalk by comparison. Even with Mengsk.

Always take their suggestions with a whole block of salt.

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Won using both Swann P2, and Karax P3.

For both, space them apart since a single Disruption Web can be enough to shut down most/all of them. Also space them out for map coverage. The yellow zones" indicated in the diagram are a good start, but also note where VR spawn (for example, next to expansions). It’d be nice to eventually cover as much of the map as possible so that when a Void Rift does spawn, it’ll be greeted by towers, and promptly taken care of, leaving you to focus on mission objectives.

For Swann, take 6 to 13 SCVs with you when building since SCVs are in effect, your army. For Karax, you won’t need as much, but still take 3 to 7 Probes.

For both, spread out your workers so a single Storm, Fungal, or orb doesn’t take out the whole clump of them!

Busy day yesterday. Will have the thread up soon.