Your enemies intend to seize your defenses and use them against you, reconstructing them under Amon’s control after they are destroyed by the hybrid’s nukes. Do not allow that to occur.
Eminent Domain - Enemies gain control of your structures after destroying them.
Mutually Assured Destruction - Enemy Hybrid units detonate a Nuke upon death.
Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:
Player 1 Player 2
[CtG Desolate Queen] Aommaster Apex Predator
[CtG Shadow of Death] [Punisher Best Buddy]
[CtG Rebel Raider] [Nostrebor Devouring One]
[CtG Frightful Fleshwelder] TSK Best Buddy
- Mutually Assured Destruction detonates nukes after the Hybrids’ death animation, which is almost instantaneously, and deals the same damage as a regular nuke, depending on the size of the Hybrid.
- Amon does produce units out of production buildings, apparently.
- The unit that kills off a player’s building needs to have a ground pathing to the Temple for the mutator to activate. If there is no ground path, the buildings will not respawn.
- The enemy units will not destroy a wall made of their own buildings.
- Eminent Domain no longer works on Abathur’s Toxic Nests.
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