It’s a time for celebration, and Amon’s starting it all off with a bang. Not only does he intend to overload Ulnar, he has outfitted his own minions with explosives as well. Make use of the resources being gifted to you and put a stop to Amon’s plans.
Lucky Envelopes - Festive envelopes containing resource pickups are dropped at random throughout the map.
Fireworks - Enemies launch a dazzling fireworks display upon death, dealing damage to your nearby units.
Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:
Player 1 Player 2
[CtG Devouring One] [Punisher Best Buddy]
[CtG Merchant of Death] [Lila Renegade Commander]
[CtG Hierarch of the Daelaam] Aommaster Network Administrator
[CtG Chief Engineer] 콩지누 Technical Recruiter
- Fireworks target a spot with your units after an enemy unit dies. The more enemies, the more fireworks.
- Fireworks deal area damage to units standing in a targeted circle after a few seconds.
- Fireworks damages buildings as well.
- Lucky envelopes is a flat out buff. Nothing about this makes the mission any more difficult.
- The lucky envelopes give 50 minerals or gas to both allies when picked up.
- This is for the LUNAR new year, of course. Imagine thinking the fireworks are for literally any other holiday.
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