Co-Op Mutation #450: Survival of the Fittest

Sgt. Hammer’s Fortress is under siege. Determined to shatter its defenses, Amon IS shielding his minions from damage and resurrrecting them in entirely new bodies upon death. Do whatever it takes to stop their assault.

Transmutation - Enemy units have a chance to transform into more powerful units whenever they deal damage.
Barrier - Enemy units gain a temporary shield upon the first time they take damage.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Templar Apparent] [Lila 33x40Renegade Commander]
[CtG 33x40 Best Buddy] [Piky 33x40Devouring One]
[CtG 33x40 Legendary Outlaw] [Spohky 33x40Network Administrator]
[CtG 33x40 Anakh’Sun] 투배럭매니아 33x40 Solarite Celestial

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Don’t worry, the Hybrids don’t explode this time.
  • Hybrid Reavers, Destroyers, and Nemeses have a chance to transform into Behemoths and Dominators, so delaying on killing them is not the brightest idea.
  • [Editor data] for transformation tiers. [a lower tier can transform into a higher one]
  • The trigger for transmutation is whenever an enemy unit deals X amount of damage, OR kills one of your units. So sending small “expendable” units actually feeds the enemy.
  • Newly-transformed units get a new barrier.
  • Enemy units, upon transforming, return to full health. Make sure to focus the strong ones before they become Hybrid.
  • Ground units have a chance to transform into air units, and vice versa.
  • Thrashers don’t transform. That’s something. :B

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Survival of the Fittest] - Online Poll -
Mutation difficulty:
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Commander of the Week winner of last week:

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List

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This mutation requires long range and cannon fodder. Transmutation and barrier are not so much of a concern, so brave both of them. Recommended commanders:

  • Nova P3
  • Stukov P3
  • Zagara P1
  • Karax P1
  • Mengsk P1
  • Tychus P2
  • Stetmann P2
  • Artanis P3

Super easy +3.

I did a Zera P3 and his spin to win (after the 2nd artifact) melted the enemy forces. My ally was P3 dehaka and the two of them ate anything that got to big. The enemy wasn’t bad either, it was one of the non-swarmy Zerg comps. Got the bonus.

Mutation overlap 31, 100, 266. this week 4th. 450.

1st clear Zeratul P3+Tychus P2

Mutation (Survival of the Fittest) play list

Karax P2 + Alarak P0 @lv13 vs. Guard, Devs, Mutas, and Lings — WIN
Spammed Zealots and Energizers. Should’ve put in more Immortals.

If you get a Zerg comp, it’s worth researching “Mind Control” since Transmutation units can shift to Protoss or Terran mech.

Karax P2 + Raynor P1 vs. ground Zerg (Hydras, Lurkers, SH, etc.) — WIN
This time, we made more Immortals and Colossi, and skipped Star Gates. Mirages need to be made en masse anyways.

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#31 Survival of the Fittest – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Transmutation, Barrier (advice) (shorts) (easy solo - Fenix p2)

Enemies get a new barrier when they transmutate.

Enemy zerg has weaker air defenses (aside from those vipers).

When you start fighting a base, a good portion of it will join the fight and transmutate. Once the fight is over, the majority of the base will be cleared.

For duos: Karax or Swann + Zagara or Dehaka

For solo queue: Mengsk

Successes [and key points] (playlist with all commanders)

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week. All members get early access to videos.

Nice people in my discord can help you with the mutation: https://

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I would love to play this mutation but I’ve been downloading a 70MB update for like 2 days because it’s only downloading at 10kbps and then it stalls out after a minute or two and I have to manually stop and restart it each time. I finally got to the end of the 70MB update today and now it has a 224 MB update after that!!

Nova P3 makes this trivial with her sabotage drone and fast nuke. If i ended up facing a lot of hybrids, her ghost EMP can slow down their energy blasts. I won this one a few times with different commander partners.

About to get the next weekly thread up.