Co-Op Mutation #441: Diplomatic Immunity

They say the best offense is a good defense. Not only can Amon’s forces evade and absorb your attacks, but the Void also provides them with impervious defenses against a single army. You and your ally must coordinate your assault in order to secure victory.

Polarity - Each enemy unit is immune to either your units or your ally’s units.
Evasive Maneuvers - Enemy units teleport a short distance away upon taking damage.
Barrier - Enemy units gain a temporary shield upon the first time they take damage.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Renegade Commander] Aommaster 33x40 Best Buddy
[CtG 33x40 Scourge Queen] Espurr 33x40 Templar Apparent
[CtG 33x40 Shadow of Death] Arcturus 33x40 Toxic Tyrant
[CtG 33x40 Infested Admiral] 레오쨩 33x40 Backwater Marshal

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)


  • There is a [visual indicator] for the units that you cannot attack in the form of a little shield icon above the units.
  • Polarity affects all cars of the train, so a whole train is either yours only, or your ally’s only. This is objectively worse than before, when you could share some cars to your ally.
  • Immobilization Wave, Time Stop, and other movement/attack restricting spells still work on enemy units immune to you, but they deal 0 damage.
  • You can manually target the enemy units immune to you, and it will still trigger Evasive Maneuvers, but it will do 0 damage.
  • Mind control no longer works on units immune to you. It used to be more interesting than that.
  • Barrier activates a 100HP shield if you hit the enemy without killing it.
  • Sometimes the enemy blinks into your forces, which makes it a bit trickier to keep some units alive.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Diplomatic Immunity] - Online Poll -
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Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List

Mutation overlap 22, 91, 257. this week 4th. 441.

1st clear Mengsk P1+Stukov P3

Mutation (Diplomatic Immunity) play list

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Polarity huh. Big nope.

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My thoughts exactly.

I kept getting Terran as the enemy. Nothing like being targeted by repeated nukes and not being able to kill the Ghosts!


First game win… Karax P2 + Tychus P3 vs. Immortal Colossi comp - skipped both bonus trains

I was going to do P3 or P1, but the problem is, towers can’t chase after trains. I’d rather have units in this case, so… P2. As a bonus, your ally will appreciate having the full suite of support features… Unity Barrier, and Repair on mech units (Sirius likes this!). And Chrono Field + Chrono Wave (of which yes, I did use this. 4 times IIRC?).

For the first double train run, I failed to take out my train. My mistake was using Purifier Beam on the top train (the first one we dealt with), when I should’ve left it for my train on the bottom (since the up to 2K damage would’ve come in handy. I checked the replay and it had 3387 hp left). FWIW, we let that go so we can deal with an attack wave. Ally did lose his main CC, but rebuilt.

Mass Immortal FTW ofc. They have good DPS against trains with their regular attack, but Shadow Cannon ups that and helps you really gun them down, and other targets hybrids. As fun as mass SoA are on P3, and Chrono Waved towers are on P1… they’re less reliable if the former is low on energy, and latter has CW on cd (although you can slap a Chrono Boost on there, in addition to Energizer Chrono Beam).

Also got 3 to 4 Colossi. Their long range upgrade makes that 9distance, and the “set ground on fire” does nontrivial amounts of damage. I later on made 2 to 3 Carriers since they’re immune to Colossi and Immortals, and their repair drones should help. Last but not least, even if the train isn’t your polarity, you can still help as Karax by sending a few Energizers their way to “stim pack” them. After I got “stun strike”, that still stuns, even though it does no damage on the wrong polarity.

Oh, and a lot of SoA lasering down Colossi. They’re the biggest threat to my Zealots/Sentinels.

This mutation is the hardest one, polarity, evasion, and barrier are too hard to assault. Recommended commanders:

  • Stukov P1
  • Mengsk P1
  • Swann P1
  • Stetmann P2
  • Karax P2
  • Tychus P2
  • HH P1
  • Dehaka P3

I personally don’t think its the hardest, but polarity is not the most liked of mutators. (polarity is not random) (advice from chinese coop community in english)

Also did…

Stetmann P2 + Zagara P1 vs. Banaling, Scourge, and Vipers — WIN
Evasive Manuevers makes E-Gorb less effective, but it still works! Mass Lings are effective too, which is nice since they don’t require gas! I did make Hydras for extra DPS (no crowding issue), Lurkers to focus fire (one of their abilities), and Ultras to better tank

Swann P1 + Dehaka — LOSS
I should’ve built Hercules to help chase down Trains :confused: And more towers.