Co-Op Mutation #437: World on Fire

Nowhere is safe from Amon’s wrath. Between the endless missile salvos, random nuclear strikes, and a purifier beam in search of something to burn, Veridia’s lava flows might be the least of your worries. Get your workers back to base safely. It’s their time to shine.

Missile Command - Endless missile bombardments target your structures and must be shot down throughout the mission.
Going Nuclear - Nukes are launched at random throughout the map.
Purifier Beam - An enemy Purifier Beam moves across the map toward nearby player units.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Architect of War] Piky 33x40 Devouring One
[CtG 33x40 Infested Admiral] Ancalagon 33x40 Valorous Inspirator
[CtG 33x40 Merchant of Death] Ancalagon 33x40 Lone Puppy
[CtG 33x40 Dark Prelate] DIABLO 33x40 Broodbrother

[Reddit Post Link]


  • The Purifier Beam and the nukes do NOT go into the expansion. However, they do hit the ramps, so changing defensive layouts is advisable.
  • Missiles spawn [at the very start] , from the edges of the map. They slowly fly to the players’ bases.
  • Missiles deal 100 damage at first. However, the size increases, and eventually [they launch nukes toward our base] . Those ones come with a warning sound.
  • We can shoot down the missiles. Sometimes [they launch Point Defense Drones] , so we need to shoot those down first. Also, we cannot stop them from spawning.
  • The missiles do not target units or workers.
  • The Purifier Beam slowly chases units, but it does not venture into players’ bases.
  • A new Purifier Beam spawns every 10 minutes.
  • The warning spot for Going Nuclear is the large targeting area. However, you only have 5 Blizzard seconds of warning before the nuke hits.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [World on Fire] - Online Poll -
Mutation difficulty:
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Commander of the Week winner of last week:

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List


This mutation is a defense mission, set up AA defenses against missiles and escort workers to gather crystals as fast as possible while evading nukes and purifier beams. Recommeded commanders:

  • Raynor P3
  • Tychus P2
  • Karax P1
  • HH P1
  • Stetmann P1
  • Mengsk P1
  • Stukov P1
  • Artanis P3
  • Dehaka P3

Mutation overlap 18, 87, 253. this week 4th. 437

1st clear Swann P2+Alarak P2

Mutation (World on Fire) play list

#18 World on Fire – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Purifier Beam, Going Nuclear, Missile Command (easy solo – Tychus p2)

This mutation is a test of your multitasking skills, especially if you use a commander that does not have good missile command defense.

Zerg commanders: Research overlord drop if you can. Bring your drones in overlords so they have an extra life.

If you aren’t good with multitasking, use a commander with good mobility. Once you clear the enemies near the crystals, teleport back to the natural, then focus on your workers.

If you’re decent with multitasking, make it easy for yourself by using hotkeys for your main army and your workers, and switch between them frequently to make sure they don’t get nuked.

For a challenge, add doomsday report (orbital strike + propagators on top of the 3 existing mutators).

For duos: Karax and Stetmann

For solo queue: Zeratul, Tychus

Successes [and key points] (playlist with all commanders)

Level 1 (Zeratul p3) (Stukov p1) (Tychus p0 because p2 was too easy) (Mengsk p3)

Multi Mutation (Stetmann p2, b+4) [doomsday report + media blackout] (Abathur p2, b+5) [doomsday report + world on fire] (Tychus p2, b+5) [doomsday report + world on fire] (Swann p1, b+5) [doomsday report + world on fire]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week. All members get early access to videos.

Finally… a reason to get that upgrade :stuck_out_tongue: (nah, I know of putting a tower on the high ground without ground access, on DoN

IIRC, this won’t work on Drones carrying a crystal, but getting there is nice to have that extra life. Also ability to get there faster via air, over lava (although monitor it, and make sure spouts don’t wreak you)

Shouldn’t the title be Mutation #437?
Thanks for posting these though!!!


IIRC Abby also has nydus so wouldn’t it be better to drop a nydus for him and Kerrigan? I guess it would apply to Zagara only. Dehaka and Stukov are also out of the question.

without kerrigan, nydus builds really slowly (and also cost gas), so overlords are better. stetmann also has drop, but probably doesnt need it due to speed. alarak doesnt have overlord drop, but war prisms can function in a similar manner.

My bad. Fixed it now. And your welcome!

without kerrigan, nydus builds really slowly (and also cost gas), so overlords are better. stetmann also has drop, but probably doesnt need it due to speed. alarak doesnt have overlord drop, but war prisms can function in a similar manner.

I love kerrigan as an ally here. Makes it a lot safer to get around.

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If you’re tight on time, transport Drones when lava is up, and blue zone to speed their journey back

I thought this week was pretty fun. Not often do you get to sit back, relax, and fill the base with 100 missile turrets.

I probably would have had a different experience as Zerg though.

Zerg tend to be better at pushing, which is also good for this mutation

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I was playing this as Zagara mostly. Had no problem defending the base with spores. Although nukes can be an issue. She can refill drones pretty quick and easy.