Amon’s armies are vast. An endless tide of his fanatical warriors washes over the halls of Ulnar, hell-bent on burning you to ash. Cut through them to get to the celestial locks, but beware: Amon’s forces are dangerous even in death.
Scorched Earth - Enemy units set the terrain on fire upon death.
Void Rifts - Void Rifts periodically appear in random locations and spawn enemy units until destroyed.
Avenger - Enemy units gain increased attack speed, armor, and life when nearby enemy units die.
Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:
Player 1 Player 2
[CtG Infiltration Specialist] Neometal
Solarite Celestial
[CtG Knowledge Seeker] Arcturus
Merchant of Death
[CtG Evolution Master] Neometal
Best Buddy
[CtG Lone Puppy] SeeFollowMe
Khalai Phasesmith
[CtG Chaotic Power Couple] [Lowko
Architect of War]
Time | Rifts |
2:20 | 2 Rifts |
3:50 | 2 Rifts |
5:20 | 2 Rifts |
6:50 | 2 Rifts |
8:20 | 4 Rifts |
9:50 | 4 Rifts |
11:20 | 4 Rifts |
12:50 | 4 Rifts |
14:20, and after every 90 seconds | 4 Rifts |
Commanders who can aggressively hunt down Void Rifts regardless of location:
- Raynor [Very reliable] - Drop units, Hyperion, Scanner Sweep
- Kerrigan [Reliable] - Leaping Strike → Retreat into Omega Worm
- Artanis [Reliable] - Unit runby → Power Field → Warp-in Zealots/Immortals
- Swann [50/50] - Hercules with tanks [Laser Drill is too costly; Wraith has low DPS]
- Vorazun [50/50] - Dark Templar
- Karax [Reliable] - Observer Flyby → Orbital Strike
- Abathur [Very Reliable] - Brutalisk Deep Tunnel
- Nova [50/50] - Liberators
- Dehaka [50/50] - Mutalisks
- Han and Horner [50/50] - Precision Strikes
Commanders who can defend vs the Void Rifts:
- Swann
- Karax
- Stukov
Commanders who can [and should] rush the first Void Rifts:
- Raynor
- Artanis
- Zagara
- Karax
- Nova
- Fenix
- Dehaka
- Han and Horner
- Each Void Rift has 500HP, and their spawnings are signalled by a minimap ping on each Rift.
- To spot Void Rifts on the Minimap, set Texture graphics settings to Ultra. Starcraft II: How to See Void Rifts on the Minimap - YouTube
- The first Void Rifts spawn very close to your base. But as you capture more locks, the Rifts start to spawn further. Often behind enemy lines.
- Units spawned from Void Rifts DO get the Avenger buff, and they get Scorched Earth.
- Units that get the Avenger buff also grow in size to give players a visual indicator.
- Scorched Earth sets fire to the ground with size and intensity varying upon total supply of the enemy killed over the spot.
- Time stop will cause the enemy to start sending units to the locks non-stop. Do NOT use time stop unless you want to make life harder, or if you’re capturing the last lock.
- Mind Controlled Units [Vorazun, Karax, Stukov] lose their avenger buffs.
- Air units are immune to Scorched Earth
Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Burning Legion] - Online Poll -
Mutation difficulty:
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