Co-Op Mutation #433: Out of Order

Electromagnetic interference is wreaking havoc on your communications. Giving orders to your army can prove costly, so make every action count. Intel is limited and vision is obscured, and even the simplest task could take a while to complete. Get through it and save the planet.

Micro Transactions - Giving commands to your units costs resources based on the unit’s cost.
Darkness - Previously explored areas remain blacked out on the minimap while outside of player vision.
Time Warp - Enemy Time Warps are periodically deployed throughout the map.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Rebel Raider] jjoaker 33x40 Folly of Man
[CtG 33x40 Best Buddy]
[CtG 33x40 Shadow of Death] Neometal 33x40 Herald of the Void
[CtG 33x40 Primal Pack Leader] Arcturus 33x40 Merchant of Death

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)


  • It is important to stay on top of crystal spawns to give yourself the best chance to survive with fewer units. [Xenon Crystal spawn locations]
  • Cost to micro is supply timex 1 mineral and 1 gas, or 2 minerals, depending on whether the unit costs gas.
  • Even hero units like the Hyperion and Kerrigan cost resources to micro.
  • Queueing units, refocusing and upgrading the Laser Drill, upgrading to warp gate, cancelling an upgrade, using creep tumors and changing building rally points all cost resources.
  • Orbital Strikes and other top bar abilities cost 10 minerals per shot.
  • Auto attack is free, so static defense should work fine.
  • The Xenon Crystals are NOT visible through the darkness, including the minimap. Enemy waves are also not visible on the minimap.
  • Once you run out of resources, you will continue to be able to micro your existing units and workers for free! But… you can’t make any more units until your gather enough resources to make them again.
  • Fenix is the cheapest hero to micro at 1 mineral per command. It is technically an “advantage” the same way bringing a bicycle to a car race has the advantage of not needing fuel.

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Mutation overlap 15, 84, 250. this week 4th. 434

1st clear Artanis P3+Stukov P3

Mutation (Out of Order) play list

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This mutation requires budget, expendable units, and map revealing, gather the crystals as quick as possible. Recommended Commanders:

  • Stukov P3
  • Raynor P3
  • Zagara P1
  • HH P1
  • Tychus P2
  • Mengsk P1
  • Vorazun P1
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Did this with Dehaka and Tychus earlier. Microtransactions can be quite a pain, but workable.

The annoying part is if you don’t have any idea where the first few crystals spawns you can have your time run out. If you’re a P0/P3 stukov making bunkers in the areas to the left and right side of your main bases as well as on expos will make this easier since your troopers roaming around give constant vision. Also, just because you saw a crystal doesn’t mean you can leave, park a unit there while your scv is on the way because they sometimes cancel their move commands if the area goes dark again.

“Good players” are supposed to have memorized when and where crystals come out. That sure isn’t me, although I have a rough idea at this point. Luckily, I had a Raynor ally who was able to use com scan to scout. I threw down some SoA lasers while there was vision to soften up the guarding units while he was at that.

I think you mean people that are no-lifing coop. I’ve been playing since LotV released and I still haven’t memorized the locations except maybe the first 3 lava surges, since they’re the only consistent spawns.

#15 Out of Order – No Mining SOLO CLEAR 17/18

Mutators: Darkness, Time Warp, Micro Transactions (crystal spawn patterns)

Easy mutation. Just keep track of the lava so you know where the crystals might spawn next. Keep spotters along the paths of the enemy to know where they are coming from.

Because of Darkness, click NEXT TO the crystal, not ON the crystal. If you click on the crystal but lose vision of it, the worker will stop moving.

For duos: anyone

For solo queue: anyone

Failures [and why I failed]

Mengsk (p0) [Amon has map hacks, so can’t hide. Can’t fight because unarmed troopers are too weak. Not enough mandate to get enough bunkers]

Successes [commanders WITHOUT hero units]

Abathur (p2)

Artanis (p3)

HH (p1)

Karax (p3)

Raynor (p0)

Stukov (p0)

Swann (p1)

Vorazun (p3)

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week. All members get early access to videos.

You don’t have to no life coop to know where the locations are. Just a bit of experience playing the map a few times before, but it depends on the person. Different people may find it harder or easier to remember.