Co-Op Mutation #430: Perfect Storm

Slayn’s climate is as merciless as the Tal’darim. Visibility is reduced as a titanic storm rages across the killing fields, freezing its victims solid and sweeping them up into dangerous twisters. Brave the elements and win the challenge at all costs.

Blizzard - Storm clouds move across the map, damaging and freezing player units in their path.
Twister - Tornadoes move across the map, damaging and knocking back player units in their path.
Shortsighted - Player units and structures have reduced vision range.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Legendary Outlaw] Arcturus 33x40 Infested Admiral
[CtG 33x40 Queen of Blades] Piky 33x40 Matriarch of the Nerazim
[CtG 33x40 Dark Prelate] jjoaker 33x40 Dominion Ghost
[CtG 33x40 Primal Pack Leader] Arcturus 33x40 Emperor of the Dominion

[Reddit Post Link]


  • The blizzards and tornadoes both go into the players’ expansions. However, the expansions are designated mutator safety zones, where the blizzards deactivate and deal no damage, and the twisters never enter.
  • Time stop freezes [wink wink] blizzards, tornadoes, and hybrids.
  • Raynor’s scan + Hyperion + Dusk Wings seems to be a good way to quickly respond to opponents pushing Ji’Nara back.
  • I think this one is easier to solo than to beat as two players, if only because you can always support when you want, and not have to wait on an ally.
  • Melee units are actually effective vs shortsighted.
  • Teleport abilites like deep tunnel, omega worms, griffin airlift, tactical jump, and Artanis’ Nexus Legate power field help your army move to where they need to be, without risking getting stuck in the weather effects.

Commander of the Week:
Mutation difficulty:
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Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List


Mutation overlap 12, 81, 247. this week 4th. 431

1st clear Fenix P2+Raynor P1

Mutation (Perfect Storm) play list

If somebody’s Stukov, Occular Symbiote from Queen is nice. It doesn’t restore your vision to baseline, but it does give it +3 which is still a lot more to work with then 1.

This isn’t difficult. You just need to micro your units around the Blizzards and Twisters as needed. Else, you stand to lose a lot of units to them before they even get into the fray.

#12 Perfect Storm – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Blizzard, Shortsighted, Twister (easy solo - Zeratul p2)

You’ll have regular vision at the ramps and around Jinara. Push the center with Jinara so you can better kite the enemies there.

Check for blizzards on the minimap before engaging hybrids.

Attack waves might attack the natural.

For duos: Swann and Nova p3

For solo queue: Zeratul, Nova, Dehaka (Playlist with all commanders) (Dehaka p2 - multi mutation (b+7))

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week. All members get early access to videos.

This mutation needs awareness and cannon fodder. Brave the blizzard and tornadoes and push Amon’s champion into the pit. Recommended commanders:

  • Raynor P3
  • Tychus P3
  • Stukov P1/P3
  • HH P1
  • Mengsk P2
  • Zagara P3
  • Swann P1
  • Alarak P3
  • Abathur P2
  • Nova P1

I’ve been getting kinda lazy lately. Might start including pools again in place of commander of the week.

I played a practice game with Raynor on Hard and thought it was real easy. But then played different commanders on Brutal and was having a tough time because I wasn’t thinking about how dangerous it was to rally to Jinara. Should’ve just stuck with Raynor in retrospect.

Also I hate playing mutations on this map.

Got paired in pub queue with a Kerrigan as P3 Stukov and the rest was history.