Co-Op Mutation #425: War is Hell

Char is ablaze. Increased volcanic activity has made the planet even more hazardous than before. Keep your eyes on the enemy, and always remember: don’t stand in the fire.

Scorched Earth - Enemy units set the terrain on fire upon death.
Lava Burst - Lava periodically burst from the ground at random locations and deals damage to player air and ground units.
Evasive Maneuvers - Enemy units teleport a short distance away upon taking damage.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Lord of the Horde]
[CtG 33x40 Rebel Raider]
[CtG 33x40 Templar Apparent]
[CtG 33x40 Matriarch of the Nerazim] Galle 33x40 Primal Pack Leader

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Lava Bursts hit air units, like in Vermillion Problem.
  • The Lava Bursts appear all around your expansion, but not in the mineral line. It is probably wise to break rocks, and build your expansion on-location.
  • Scorched Earth stacks depending on the supply count of units killed in a particular area, but it dissipates over time.
  • Scorched Earth does NOT damage air units.
  • Sometimes units blink closer to your units. Watch out for Banelings!

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This mutation is somewhat annoying, but challenging. Lava bursts and scorched earth can be evaded, but evasive maneuvers is too annoying. Recommended commanders:

  • Raynor P3
  • Stukov P3
  • Dehaka P2
  • Tychus P2
  • Swann P1
  • Zeratul P2
  • Stetmann P1
  • Fenix P1
  • Karax P3

And here’s a clip as Stukov and Dehaka: Void Thrashing as the Zerg Duo

Mutation overlap 6, 75, 241. this week 4th. 425

1st clear Raynor P3+Tychus P1

Mutation (War Is Hell) play list

#6 War is Hell – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Evasive Maneuvers, Lava Burst, Scorched Earth (easy solo - Mengsk p1)

Lava bursts and scorched earth make life difficult for ground units, so use air units and snipe the thrashers from the sides. Defend at home.

For duos: Karax and Nova

For solo queue: Mengsk, Dehaka

Successes [and key points] (playlist with runs from all commanders) (Tychus p2 level 1) (Dehaka p0 level 1) (Nova p3 level 1) (Kerrigan p1 no mining) (Fenix p2 100% Kaldalis) (Abathur p3) (Mengsk p1 - 5 mutations, 13 mutators, b+11)

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week. All members get early access to videos.

Zagara P1 with Zeratul ally. (I didn’t check the prestige, but wasn’t P1). We got a Zerg enemy with Vipers.

Ally just went with Zeratul so they spent most of the time running around the map clearing things and doing objectives when they had time. They tried to build some immortals in the late game, but they didn’t get much done.

I rallied my bane nest to mass up banelings at our ramp to deal with attack waves. The rest was just mass scourge for sniping thrashers. The Vipers made things a bit tricky but I pressed though.

We ignored the last attack wave and just went for the last set of thrashers. The attack did a number on my expo and base but we finished the last thrasher in plenty time. We skipped the bonus.

Something that was interesting was due to us waiting for the thrashers to spawn on their own: the mission went longer than usual which resulted in some pretty intense attack waves near the end. The 2nd from last and last waves were hilariously large. A bunch of ultras, bunch of lurkers, bunch of ravagers, bunch of hydras. Maybe other stuff too. There had to be 30 mid and late tier units in those last couple waves lol.

3 Roaches, 15 Hydras, 4 Infestors, 9 Ravagers and 6 Ultras
7 Roaches, 16 Hydras, 5 Infestors, 14 Ravegers and 8 Ultras

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