Co-Op Mutation #413: Of One Mind

With limited supplies, you and your ally must share the available supply on the field, as well as control of the boom bot defusion device. Being on the same page as your ally is no longer enough; you need to be on the same letter.

Boom Bots - Uncaring automatons carry a nuclear payload toward your base. One player must discern the disarming sequence and the other player must enter it.
Polarity - Each enemy unit is immune to either your units or your ally’s units.
Sharing is Caring - Supply is shared between you and your partner, and units from both armies contribute to your combined supply cap.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Solarite Celestial] [Spohky 33x40Emperor of the Dominion]
[CtG 33x40 Infiltration Specialist] [Spohky 33x40Scourge Queen]
[CtG 33x40 Evolution Master] Spohky 33x40 Dark Prelate
[CtG 33x40 Hierarch of the Daelaam] Galle 33x40 Renegade Commander

Boom Bot spawn timings

Time Qty
2:28 1
3:58 1
5:28 1
6:58 1
8:28 1
9:58 1
11:28 1
12:58 2
14:08 2
15:18 2
16:28 2
17:38 2
18:48 2
19:38 2
20:28 2
21:18 2
22:08 2
22:58 2
23:48 2
24:38 2
25:28 2
26:18 2

[Reddit Post Link]

Other Notes:

  • Boom bots are untargetable units that walk toward the players, and detonate a nuke upon contact. They will survive the blast and keep walking until they are defused.
  • Each boom bot has a [4-digit code] that only one player can see. However, it is only the other player who can enter this code [through the command card or by using number keys] , to defuse the boom bot.
  • The boom bots are [visible from the minimap] , and spawn from enemy structures.
  • Boom bots aggro to your buildings. They “see” your initial buildings, so if you destroy your initial buildings and don’t let them see any more of your buildings, it will not move toward your base.
  • Half of every single attack wave and every base is immune to you or your ally. This means you cannot split between separate attack waves; both need to attack the same location simultaneously.
  • Enemies with the red shield are immune to your attacks. Another way to figure out which units are yours before engaging is to mouse over the enemy unit:
  • [Yellow circle] is ally’s target
  • [Red circle] is your target
  • Immobilization Wave, Time Stop, and other movement/attack restricting spells still work on enemy units immune to you, but they deal 0 damage.
  • You can manually target the enemy units immune to you, but it will do 0 damage.
  • The actual supply of both commanders are added. However, the supply limit is still individual for each commander. This means each player keeps the original supply cap, but must now accommodate both their supply and their ally’s.
  • Commanders with 100 supply cap retain the 100 supply cap. They will NOT be able to produce any supply-consuming units if their ally goes above 100 supply, for as long as the ally is over 100 supply.
  • Commanders with instant max supply perks like Artanis and Dehaka retain their perks.

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List

Vote here which 3 commanders you think are best for this weekly mutation:


This mutation requires distance and expendable units as boom bots and limited supplies are challenging. Worse, polarity is painful. Recommended commanders:

  • Karax P3
  • Stukov P3
  • Mengsk P0
  • Raynor P0
  • Swann P2
  • Dehaka P3
  • Zagara P1
  • Nova P3

hard pass on this week.


I feel like this week’s mutation is missing some Co-op play. Here are a few ideas to rectify this:

  • Communism – unit costs are deducted from both players’ stockpiles
  • Countersign – all units, buildings, research, and calldowns must be approved by your ally before being queued
  • Hivemind – both players share one cursor, which moves when either player moves their mouse
  • Trust but Verify – all enemy units and building are supercloaked unless they are seen by both players’ units

And of course, throw in Just Die for good measure. /s


Mutation overlap 230 this week 2nd

1st clear Tychus P2+Zeratul P3

Mutation (Of One Mind) play list

This mutation looks pretty unfun to say the least in my opinion. Boombots and Polarity are two of my least favorite mutations. However sharing is caring does seem fairly interesting.

I feel like this week’s mutation is missing some Co-op play. Here are a few ideas to rectify this:

  • Communism – unit costs are deducted from both players’ stockpiles
  • Countersign – all units, buildings, research, and calldowns must be approved by your ally before being queued
  • Hivemind – both players share one cursor, which moves when either player moves their mouse
  • Trust but Verify – all enemy units and building are supercloaked unless they are seen by both players’ units

And of course, throw in Just Die for good measure. /s

Lets not forget. “Glutton for punishment”. Damage done from AOE attacks now affects your ally.


Not a weekly mutation that seems worth trying to pull off with a random partner and my friend I do the tough ones with is out of town on a business trip.

I’ll wait until next week.


Ditto. I didn’t plan it this way, but I certainly choose a good time to go on travel! :slight_smile: :sunglasses:


That really smells like just to cheese it with Mengsk ESO.

And what about polarity?

I dont remember does polarity also affects the objectives.

yes, esos work though, if you and your partner can keep the bombs away and they have a “cheese” available to them

Made it yesterday with my Mengsk and a Dehaka (Pack Leader Mastery).
I just bombed the zones and shards open and he summoned the packleaders on the others wich was immune against my damage.

Hey. Does anyone else here have trust level 3? I lost it again. Didn’t get in any trouble on any Blizzard forums. I suspect I am low on the read requirements again. Last time it took me a few days to grind the read requirements. If someone else here has trust level 3 then they can make the thread right off the bat.