Co-Op Mutation #413: Hello My Old Friend

The vortex of swirling energies around the Void Slivers eat away at anything that isn’t in a building, and jams your reconnaisance systems. When hybrid die, they explode in an enormous blast that disables all your weapons. Only destroying the slivers will restore order to the area.

Black Death - Some enemy units carry a plague that deals damage over time and spreads to other nearby units. The plague spreads to your units when the enemy unit is killed.
Darkness - Previously explored areas remain blacked out on the minimap while outside of player vision.
Moment of Silence - When a Heroic enemy unit dies all player units around it will reflect on their sins, unable to attack or use their abilities.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1 Player 2
[CtG 33x40 Anakh’Sun] Ancalagon 33x40 Withering Siphon
[CtG 33x40 Chief Engineer] Ancalagon 33x40 Hero Genius (Henius)
[CtG 33x40 Lord of the Horde] Ancalagon 33x40 Scourge Queen
[CtG 33x40 Emperor of the Dominion] Galle 33x40 Renegade Commander

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Any enemy unit has 33% to carry black death on Brutal.
  • Players units that carry this plague will lose 2% of their max HP per second on Brutal until they die.
  • When any infected unit dies [player’s or Amon’s], it will spread to 3 random players’ units within 5 range.
  • Stukov’s Bunkers, Karax’s Repair Beam, 100-biomass Abathur units, and being in Kerrigan’s Omega Worms all out-heal the plague.
  • Stetmann’s green zone can outheal the Black Plague for a lot of the units with Stetzone bonuses mastery.
  • Moment of Silence [has 8 range] . Units affected can move, but not attack.
  • Buildings are IMMUNE to Moment of Silence.
  • The Void Sliver locations are visible through the darkness, but attack waves are not.

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List


Mutation overlap 229 this week 2nd

1st clear Artanis P3+Mengsk P3

Mutation (Hello My Old Friend) play list

Added the poll. Also added CTG’s latest videos to the thread.


This mutation requires distance and expendable units as black death is nigh impossible to regenerate. Recommended commanders:

  • Swann P1
  • Karax P3
  • Stukov P3
  • Mengsk P3
  • Stetmann P1
  • Vorazun P3
  • Abathur P2
  • Raynor P3
  • Nova P3

Dehaka should be on that list too. Creeper hosts are great here.

#229 Hello My Old Friend – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Black Death, Moment of Silence, Darkness (Easy solo - Artanis p3)


This is mostly a normal SoA mission but more hiding in bunkers or behind static D to avoid MoS and black death. Commanders that rely on army units will have a bit of a harder time because of black death.

For duos: Nova p3 and Swann

For solo queue: Karax, Dehaka, Artanis, Zeratul

Successes [and key points]

The usual

Abathur (p2)

Abathur (p1) [ravagers]

Artanis (p3)

Dehaka (p2)

Fenix (p2)

Karax (p3)

Mengsk (p3)

Stetmann (p2)

Stukov (p3)

Swann (p2)

Tychus (p1)

Zeratul (p2)

A bit different

Zagara (p3) [I dunno why I cleared it this way; this was from years ago]

Vorazun (p3) [forward nexus; sacrifice a few corsairs when attack wave hits]

Raynor (p0) [calldowns are used to deal with slivers; need Viking assistance later]

Nova (p3) [nuke, then liberators; defend with tanks and railgun turrets]

Kerrigan (p0) [immo wave, then charge in; pick out infected units afterwards]

Alarak (p2) [p2 so I have empower me for every wave; sacrifice alarak when there’s downtime; the usual prism sniping ]

HH (p1) [spawn camp attack waves; use both top bars starting from the third sliver, and then charge in; pick out infected units afterwards]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome.


Ctg’s ranking video is up.

So I cleared this as Mengsk P3 with a P3 Stukov. I just crawled my way through with ESOs and my ally cleared the way until I was able to mass ESOs in the sweet spot (the path where the optional objective shuttle takes from lower left to upper right). It was tough since we got zerg air and we all know ESOs can’t hit air. Thankfully my ally was very good and took most of the brunt of the attack waves.

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Take his lists with a block of salt. IDK where he pulls that from.

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Zagara p1 was super easy. Basically sent scourges into the shards

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I just kept suiciding Mengsk p3 troopers

Mengsk esoparty with Dehaka packleaderdancers are also a good pair.

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