Co-Op Mutation #401: Hot 'n' Cold


  • Void Launch


  • Blizzard - Storm clouds move across the map, damaging and freezing player units in their path.
  • Lava Burst - Lava periodically burst from the ground at random locations and deals damage to player air and ground units.
  • Scorched Earth - Enemy units set the terrain on fire upon death.


  • Brutal +3


  • Blizzard affects units and structures, including heroic.
  • Main base and expansion are safe from mutators.
  • The Lava Bursts appear all around your bases, but not in the mineral line.
  • Lava Bursts hit air units.
  • The size of scorched earth depends on the supply count of the unit killed.
  • Air units are immune to Scorched Earth.

Links: .com/spreadsheets/d/1NvYbNvHkivOKJ9vWf9EneXxvwMlCC4nkjqHlv6OCRQo/edit?usp=sharing

Edit: not enough reputation and whatever to have links and pictures


An easy enough mutation in my opinion. Gotta pay attention. I primarily play dehaka so I will say for dehaka players that mass swarm hosts with P2 is pretty good here. Allows you to bypass scorched earth and creepers are a lot more expendable then loosing large expensive units. However you do have to be careful because blizzard can slow them down.

This mutation requires air superiority and highly mobile units as you must rely on airpower while evading blizzard and lava burst and destroying shuttles at the same time. Recommended commanders:

  • Raynor P3
  • Artanis P3
  • Swann P1
  • Kerrigan P2
  • Alarak P3
  • HH P2
  • Karax P2
  • Tychus P2
  • Fenix P1
  • Nova P1
  • Stukov P1
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Gonna miss CTGā€™s ranking videos, but the problem is that in order for someone to properly do ranking videos youā€™d need someone with all commanders who has all prestiges who are willing to do a fair bit of testing in the PTR. Many of us might have taken for granted how privleged we were that CTG was doing all this.

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The mutations repeat so testing should not be needed unless there is some change which is unlikely now.
But posting the full article requires being very active on the forums to maintain the trust level 3 :slightly_frowning_face:

I have trust level 3. Maybe I could post it next week?


By the way. CTG actually did a video on this weekā€™s mutation.

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the ranking vids arenā€™t going anywhere


#217 Hot ā€˜nā€™ Cold ā€“ SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Blizzard, Lava Burst, Scorched Earth (easy solo - Tychus p1)

Fairly easy mutation, especially if you donā€™t go for the bonuses.

Make sure you have a way to escape lava bursts that suddenly pop up. Pay attention to the minimap to see where blizzards will hit.

For duos: anyone, really

For solo queue: Zeratul, Karax, Tychus

Successes [and key points]

Abathur (p0)

Abathur (p3)

Alarak (p3)

Artanis (p3) [tempests; only go out to fight shuttles]

Dehaka (p2)

Fenix (p1)

HH (p2)

Karax (p3)

Kerrigan (p2)

Mengsk (p3)

Nova (p1)

Raynor (p2) [vikings on crack]

Raynor (p3)

Stetmann (p2)

Stukov (p3) [get liberators]

Swann (p1)

Tychus (p1)

Vorazun (p3)

Zagara (p1)

Zeratul (p2)

Zeratul (p3) [no mining]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome.


Mutation overlap 217 this week 2nd

[1st clear Alarak P3+Karax P2]

[Mutation (Hot ā€˜nā€™ Cold) play list]

Good to know! I would have missed those.

If someone can hunt down the previous appearance of a Mutation, it can be bumped it can be copy and pasted by someone who is TL3. That will have all the pics, vids and links in it.

Just fyi. No matter how itā€™s done is fine by me.

MVPā€™s have permanent trust level 3 right? Maybe you can make next weekā€™s thread.

If you use the ā€œPreformatted textā€ markdown (the </> symbol in the toolbar) it will allow you post links without breaking them. For example:

That said, CtG isnā€™t keeping the spreadsheet updated anymore. So after the next 4 mutations, it wonā€™t show the new ones.

Iā€™m not around on the weekends enough to reliably do it unfortunately.

I wonder what people think about Mengsk P3.
I thought it was actually quite strong.

Blizzard you can at least see on the mini-map. Lava Burstsā€¦ not so much. Does require babysitting. I donā€™t think static d will cut it, although perhaps Karax P1 can do so with Unity Barrier being on 1 minute cool down (although Iā€™d much rather just use his P2 regardless for this)

Is Egon any good for this? I wanted to try it, but usually when I played Dehaka I go mass swarm hosts for this or guardians if the enemy comp is ground. However lava bursts is my main worry because the game it does is percentage based. Iā€™ve seen a hypheria get deleted a few seconds cause of lava bursts.

Okay. If nobody else has any objections, I can create next weekā€™s thread since I have trust level 3.

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I originally mentioned bumping the old threads, but now that I think about it, whoever does can copy and paste CtGā€™s thread and just edit the title, and the body if needed.

Or make whole new ones with new styles.

Or whatever :slight_smile:

Thanks Seras for taking over the weekly mutation postings. Happy Holidays Everyone.