Co-Op Mutation #392: Tax Day

Let me tell you how it will be: There’s one for you, nineteen for me. Your force trembles in the Tax Man’s wake, so keep orders low; make no mistake.

Fear - Player units will occasionally stop attacking and run around in fear upon taking damage.
Micro Transactions - Giving commands to your units costs resources based on the unit’s cost.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG The Powerless] Twotuuu Arkship Commandant
[CtG Architect of War]
[CtG Heavy Weapons Specialist] Nostrebor Lord of the Horde
[CtG Lord of the Horde] Kayapa Architect of War

[Reddit Post Link]


  • The cost to micro a unit is its supply count times 1 mineral and 1 gas. For units that cost only minerals, the cost to micro is the supply times 2.
  • Buildings and top bars also cost resources to use.
  • The fear effect will make your units run around and be completely uncontrollable or unrecallable for 10 Blizzard seconds.
  • Static defenses are immune from Fear.
  • A unit’s probability of getting struck with fear varies directly with its health. Higher health units are more resistant to fear.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Tax Day] - Online Poll -
Mutation difficulty:
Do you like this mutation?

Commander of the Week winner of last week:

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List


This mutation requires budget and defensive purposes. Static defenses are immune to fear, use low cost and expendable units to overcome micro transactions. Recommended commanders:

  • Raynor P1
  • Zagara P1
  • Karax P1
  • Abathur P3
  • Artanis P3
  • Stukov P3
  • Tychus P2
  • Swann P1
  • Kerrigan P3

#207 Tax Day – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Micro Transactions, Fear

https: //

Not difficult, just a bit annoying.

Static defense isn’t affected by fear, and you can place static defense at the conduits without having to clear any encampments.

For duos: Two commanders with good static D

For solo queue: Any commander with good static D

Successes [and key points]

Abathur (p2)

Abathur (p3)

Alarak (p3)

Artanis (p3)

Artanis (p3) [Top bar and cannons only]

Dehaka (p2) [Buildings]

Fenix (p2)

HH (p1)

Karax (p1)

Karax (p3) [Top bar only]

Kerrigan (p2)

Mengsk (p3)

Nova (p1)

Raynor (p2)

Stetmann (p2) [100% Gary]

Stetmann (p2)

Stukov (p3)

Swann (p2)

Swann (p1)

Tychus (p2)

Vorazun (p3)

Zagara (p3)

Zeratul (p3) [no mining]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Some runs will be uploaded tomorrow or the day after.

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This is a bit surreal, as I’ve already viewed 3 of your videos on YouTube, long before this thread went up! :sunglasses: :open_mouth:

Mutation overlap 207 this week 2nd
1st clear Stukov P3+Abathur P3 Double Role
Mutation (Tax Day) play list

Remember that Swann P1 slows down shuttles to a crawl, which should allow you to deal with any unfortunate mishaps during your defensive maneuvers. If you lose your turrets at one of the warp gates, just use flying factories to gain vision.


P3 Stukov with a random P3 Nova ally.

We got a Zerg comp which started out with large packs of zergings. The first attack wave was a little messy because the large number of lings feared every unit we had at that point. Took a minute to clean them up. But after that, the rest of the mission was pretty easy.

Once we got settled, I just used my mob to ambush all the attack waves at their spawn points while my ally cleared the bases.

Got the bonuses.

Just … how? Of 18 commanders, he’s the only one who can’t build detectors. He’s a decent pick for this week, but last week? Nope.


Probably because they can spam scan? As for actually clearing the mines though I think he’s probably one of the hardest to use outside of siege tank crawling or banshees which are not the right units to build of you get an air comp.

You won’t be able to spam Scan if each of your “detectors” cost 550 minerals.
In fact, Raynor is probably the worst commander for that mutation. He’s terrible for Minesweeper because he has only Scan for detection (building and rebuilding Missile Turrets just to have detection is extremely slow), and terrible for SlimPickings because his MULEs become worthless.

So i think it’s pointless to say, but i’ll say it anyway: someone clearly trolled the poll again.


On the CtG video, Raynor was the only one who was E-tier for that week! Literally the worst one!

I have the feeling that is nearly every week that the worst commander get voted as commander of the week.

CtG should be ashamed of himself if this is accurate.

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The video is here if you want to check it out for yourself…

People voted him. The commander of the week poll is linked in every single one of these, and Raynor got the most votes, regardless of how good he actually is.

Do that poll made any sense when (nearly) every week only trollvotes win?

I believe you. His ‘‘polls’’ are nothing more than popularity contests/trolls.