Co-Op Mutation #391: Explosive Hunt

The enemy has placed mines all around the field to stop you from collecting valuable resources. These traps are difficult to kill, so move with care but intent.

Minesweeper - Groups of Widow Mines and Spider Mines are buried throughout the battlefield.
Slim Pickings - Player worker units gather resources at a reduced rate, but resource pickups spawn throughout the map.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Rebel Raider] [Twotuuu Keeper of Shadows]
[CtG Desolate Queen] RmasterJ Lone Puppy
[CtG Dark Prelate] Nostrebor Solarite Celestial
[CtG Best Buddy] Lord of the Horde

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Workers gather 1 resource per trip on Brutal difficulty.
  • Each pickup give 50 resources to both players [mineral or gas].
  • Large groups of Widow Mines and Spidermines are spawned on the map. Players can destroy these to clear them out.
  • Widow Mines have 180HP, deal 250 damage each with 5 range, and replenish their charges.
  • Spidermines have 25HP, deal 250 damage each, and do not respawn upon detonation.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Explosive Hunt] - Online Poll -
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This mutation requires careful planning and early resource hunt as you mine at a slow rate, widow and spider mines are everywhere, so ready your detectors. Recommended commanders:

  • Raynor P3
  • Stetmann P2
  • Kerrigan P3
  • Tychus P2
  • Karax P3
  • Vorazun P3
  • Swann P1
  • HH P1-P3
  • Stukov P3

Mutation overlap 206 this week 2nd

1st clear Zeratul P3+Fenix P2

Mutation (Explosive Hunt) play list

Cleared this as P3 Stukov with a Random P2 Stet. I recommend spreading out your bunkers so your infested cover more ground and trigger the mines before your cleanup crew or ally arrives as well as increasing your chances of passively picking up resources.

#206 Explosive Hunt – 14/18 SOLO CLEAR

Mutators: Minesweeper, Slim Pickings


Minesweeper slows things down to a crawl. Clear mines and then patrol workers in those areas to GET VISION OF PICKUPS. Use a worker on a separate hotkey to shift-click the resources. The purpose of patrolling workers is NOT to get the pickups (although it’s good if they pick up resources incidentally). I suggest using two workers on two hotkeys; one on the left side and one on the right side.

Consider getting your gasses despite slim pickings. You can even mine your main with 14 workers to get a “steady” income. Don’t mine the minerals in your natural, though. Get your gasses if your commander needs a lot.

For duos: Two commanders with hero units

For solo queue: Stetmann, Dehaka, Zeratul, Kerrigan

Failures [and why I failed]

Artanis [did not attempt]

HH (p2) [could get parts but not an army to fight the hybrid]

Mengsk (p1) [could get parts but not an army to fight the hybrid]

Raynor (p3) [got to the last boss fight, but ran out of time; couldn’t replicate that “success” again]

Successes [and key points]

Abathur (p2) [easy after 3 swarm hosts]

Alarak (p3) [careful minesweeping with the mothership]

Dehaka (p2) [slowly amass creeper hosts while pack leaders do the heavy lifting]

Fenix (p2) [careful minesweeping with warbringer]

Karax (p3) [kill detectors, snatch parts with obs]

Kerrigan (p3) [25 points or more in immo wave to kill mines]

Kerrigan (p1) [quickly jump in and slide out to clear mines]

Nova (p3) [nova clears map, army fights the boss]

Stetmann (p2) [the usual]

Stukov (p3) [the usual]

Swann (p1) [kill detectors, snatch parts with cloaked wraiths]

Tychus (p2) [Sirius clears mines]

Vorazun (p3) [kill detectors during time stop, snatch parts with cloaked units]

Zagara (p3) [Zagara does most of the work; army fights hybrid]

Zeratul (p3) [no mining]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Some runs will be uploaded tomorrow or the day after.


First time win with Zagara P1 + Nova P3. Ally pre-cleared a lot of areas (WM nor Mines trigger when she’s super cloaked! 8) ). Not all… I still had to go around with an Os to spend Banalings to draw out Mines, and send in Zerglings to take down Widow Mines when they were on cd. Made sure to collect resources every now and then. Didn’t expand, nor go for the bonus.

First time win as Raynor P0 and Stetmann P-something – the one with Super Gary, I don’t play Stetmann! I sat in base and waited for my ally to clear the map :slightly_smiling_face:
Not enough energy for orbital scans and not enough minerals for single-use marine detectors. This was probably one of the least fun non-Polarity mutations.

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A link I keep b/c it has a list of all prestiges, on a single webpage, with some details for some of them…

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Four attempts as Zera P3 in random queue. If you random queue, you’ll find it relies heavily on allies that know how to effectively counter the mines.

The first three were Tychus, Raynor then Abathur allies. All were the same outcome: my allies barely made it out of the starting area. Each ally would move out, wipe, rebuild, move out, wipe, rebuild, over and over. The timer on the first hybrid would hit 1 minute and we would only have half of the needed parts. I quit out of all three around that time.

The fourth attempt was Tychus again. This one went much smoother. We pretty much went our own way and came together for the hybrids. We missed the second bonus, but overall it wasn’t bad at all.

I didn’t think this mutation would be that challenging, but random queue has been an experience. F2 right click into mines, no detection, not picking up resources … the list goes on.

I also noticed that Mengsk P3 troopers lose their weapons when they are converted into workers? As in they can’t be picked up again. I’ve never seen this happen before.

Yep. They can’t P3 specifically states that weapons can’t be picked up again once dropped coz they turn into mini banelings.

Only when they die. When you convert them into workers, they normally drop their weapons like any other prestige, but not this time for some reason.

Zeratul p2 (me) and Nova p3 finished (with both bonus).
Was pretty smoothly due the clear and earlypower with nova and the latepower of zeratul.
I would recommend Nova or Dehaka for that, due their strong herounit who can get detection.

My conclusion for me:
Biggest issue was in most of the attempts the last hybrid, where we dont had enough time and power to break him.

My favorite picks have been
Stetmann P2
Nova P3
Tychus P1
Kerrigan P2/3

With Stet P2, getting paired with Stukov P3 was nice b/c former can carry a lot early on, while the latter is nice mid to late game. As a bonus, Super Gary is a Detector, has 2K hp (so he’s got margin for error vs. WM), has healing via Stetalite green zone, can overcharge that for more protection, can outrange WM with regular attack, and E-GORB clears out mines and waves alike

I expected it to be much harder, with me being constantly starved on resources, but the actual game feels very relaxing.
The only hard part is if the first Hybrid spawns unit, not enough cash for a sufficient army at that point. So i admit i let my ally handle it each time, while i kept clearing the map further.

The only one i lost was because of a P1 Vorazun that “rushed” VRays (3 VRays at 10th minute!) and didn’t really leave the base, so i was doing all the clearing myself. That is, until i realized i don’t want to give a free win to someone that doesn’t even try, so i stopped clearing and watched my ally’s “army” die to Goliaths.