Co-Op Mutation #389: Chain Explosions

Your enemies are fanatical. Even upon dying they still crawl towards you. The ferocity has rent open the ground and lava bursts forth into the sky, even taking out space craft! Help Ji’Nara navigate the terrain through victory!

Walking Infested - Enemy units spawn Infested Terran upon death in numbers according to the unit’s life.
Lava Burst - Lava periodically burst from the ground at random locations and deals damage to player air and ground units.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Broodbrother] Twotuuu Best Buddy
[CtG Lone Puppy] WYLTPG Apex Predator

[Reddit Post Link]


  • The Lava Bursts appear all around your bases, but not in the mineral line. It is probably wise to build your expansion on-location.
  • Lava Bursts hit air units, like in Vermillion Problem.
  • The number of infested spawned depends on the supply count of the unit killed.

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Mutation overlap 204 this week 2nd

1st clear Tychus P2+Zeratul P3

Mutation (Chain Explosions) play list

This mutation is too tricky, lava bursts and Infested may overwhelm your forces and even Ji’nara herself. Recommended commanders:

  • Karax P3
  • Alarak P3
  • Tychus P2
  • Swann P1
  • Stukov P1/P3
  • Dehaka P3
  • Stetmann P2
  • Kerrigan P2
  • Vorazun P3
  • Zagara P1/P3

#204 Chain Explosion – SOLO ALL CLEAR
Mutators: Lava Burst, Walking Infested, ally

Enjoy the free xp. The hardest mutator is your ally.

For duos: anyone
For solo queue: anyone

Abathur (p2)
Abathur (p3)
Alarak (p3)
Artanis (p3)
Dehaka (p2)
Fenix (p2)
HH (p3)
Karax (p3)
Kerrigan (p2)
Mengsk (p3)
Nova (p3)
Raynor (p1)
Stetmann (p2)
Stukov (p3)
Swann (p0)
Tychus (p1)
Vorazun (p3)
Zagara (p3)
Zeratul (p2)
Zeratul (p3) [no mining]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Some runs will be uploaded tomorrow or the day after (according to schedule).

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Compared to the last mutation was this here a cakewalk.
P2 Zeratul (me) and a P0 Dehaka was finishing it pretty easily.
This mission is more a “either small but strong troop” or “easy to replace mass stuff”.

Wonder why not a Zeratul or Mengsk recommendation?

Steam Rolled through it as Stukov P3 with a random Kerrigan P3. Infested on malignant creep are awesome and just heal off lava spout damage while sprinting towards your beacon.

I’d rate Zera and Mengsk as Mid and Hard to use in this mutation respectively. You still need to manage a sizeable army to dodge the lava spouts. I guess zera can do it with good prism micro and Mengsk can partially ignore it by spamming ESOs.

Also, I would take frycook’s recommendations with a big block of salt. Sometimes they’re on point and sometimes I dunno how he came to the conclusion that they’re great in the mutation.


This is easy, but you’ll need to babysit your units. Otherwise, you look away for a bit to macro or whatever, and you can lose 1/3 to half your supply of units, just like that!

Frycook is a known troll spammer
Mutation is easy as long as you pay attention to jinara and or your forces
Any commander will do as long as apm is above 30


True. Though for this mutation his recommendations are pretty viable, except maybe for Swann P1, I only see mass wraiths being the only viable army comp and even then you would have a hard time going up against hybrid waves. God forbid a wall of lava spouts happen to spawn into the path of your wraiths as you’re move-attacking.

Everyone is good for this mutation, there is no particular difficulty or synergy between the two mutators neither of which adds any real difficulty. Just dont trigger the first hybrid spawn too early as usual, and plant some base defence for the zombies both in expansions and the main base
That’s it

If they’re COs you’re not as adept in, that could be an issue here. For example, the Alarak P1 that use in regular Brutal works just fine, but here, it was too slow to get started.

I also don’t recommend making towers outside the safe zones, as Lava Bursts will wreck them. AFAIK, Karax P1 may be able to stand up to them. For all other COs, having Karax for his Recon Beam is highly recommended but even then, still don’t know if that’ll be enough.