Co-Op Mutation #385: Knock Knock

Your scouts have found some menacing ooze among the infested. According to reports, these instantly convert DNA into more infested. Prioritize them in your clearing efforts.

Avenger - Enemy units gain increased attack speed, armor, and life when nearby enemy units die.
Propagators - Reality warping sludges are crawling towards you. Anything they touch is turned into a copy of the sludge.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Apex Predator] [Twotuuu Arkship Commandant]
[CtG Shadow of Death] Nostrebor Backwater Marshal
[CtG Infiltration Specialist] Derivative Merchant of Death
[CtG Chief Engineer] Rush Infiltration Specialist

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)


  • Propagators have 450 health, and transform any unit they touch into one of them, effectively killing the unit.
  • Propagators hit ground units, air units, heroic units, and buildings.
  • Propagators ignore the rocks.
  • Objects that turn into the propagator have the exact same HP as the propagator that infected it; so a 1-HP Propagator can only make more 1-HP Propagators.
  • Spider mines, toxic nests, and banelings can connect with the poopagator before it poopagates them.
  • Crooked Sam’s Detonation Charge, Abathur’s Disabling Cloud, and Vorazun’s stuff can all prevent poopagators from poopagating.
  • Avenger can buff units within 1.25 range of an enemy unit that dies, up to ten times per buffed unit. Each Avenger buff increases HP and shields by 10%, life regen by 1 per second, armor by 0.3, and attack and movement speed by 10%.
  • Units that get the Avenger buff also grow in size to give players a visual indicator.
  • Poopagators can get the Avenger buff.
  • Mind controlling units will make them lose all their mutator buffs.

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Mutation overlap 199 this week 2nd

1st clear Raynor P3+Nova P3

Mutation (Knock Knock) play list

#199 Knock Knock – 16/18 SOLO CLEAR

Mutators: Avenger, Propagators

Beware of spotters, as they make props move faster. Also beware of stanks, as they are extremely powerful with avenger stacks. If a prop is behind some infested, target fire the prop so that it doesn’t get avenger stacks.

Know the prop spawn timings: 330, 500, 630, 800, 930. Then every minute (XX30) until 2120. By that time, you should have an “automated” prop defense that can take care of props without having to look back and focus (or you should have cleared the mission by then). If you know the timings, stay away buildings before the spawn times.

For duos: A speedrunner (Alarak p3, Nova p3, Zeratul, Tychus p2, HH) and a defender (Swann, Mengsk p3, Karax p1 or p3)

For solo queue: Nova p3, Swann p1

Failures [and why I failed]

Artanis (p3) [did not attempt]

Fenix (p0) [mass scouts works for clearing, but defense is rough]

Successes [and key points]

Abathur (p0) [mass guardians and have several vipers]

Dehaka (p1) [mass guardians]

Karax (p1) [the usual]

Kerrigan (p3) [mutas, then lurkers]

Mengsk (p3) [put tanks/aegis guards at each entrance]

Nova (p3) [the usual]

Raynor (p3) [mass tanks, then BCs]

Stukov (p1) [mass dbacks, then tanks]

Swann (p1) [the usual]

Speedrun [or die]

Alarak (p3) [mothership is the prop killer]

Tychus (p2) [Blaze is mvp]

Zeratul (p3) [a funnel to focus down props]

Cheese [because the mission was too difficult]

HH (p1) [slowly clear the map]

Kerrigan (p1) [hero only]

Stetmann (p2) [hero only]

Vorazun (p3) [regular play was too difficult]

Zagara (p3) [roach drop kills 1-2 buildings during the night]

Zeratul (p3) [no mining]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Some runs will be uploaded tomorrow or the day after.


This mutation is the most challenging, each Infested killed gains more HP and damage, the same thing happens to Propagators when an enemy is killed, it increases HP and damage. We would not allow that to happen, so the recommended commanders:

  • Raynor P1/P3
  • Alarak P3
  • Zagara P1/P3
  • Swann P0/P1
  • Kerrigan P3
  • Artanis P3
  • Karax P1/P3

I hate propagators.
To much life for their instantkill and turn them into a new one ability.
However, the third attempt (the first two was zeratul + raynor and we was not able to hold them back properly.) with Swann p1 and Nova p0 (I was Nova) was finally a sucess.
But it was close in night 8, we was nearly overrunned because propagators was able to enter our base and a full buffed skank runned amok.

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Ironically. The best defense was overwhelming offense (well with a bit of defense). I was P3 Nova paired with a P1 Zagara. We just went ham on killing all the infested buildings. We managed to finish before night 3. Thicc hybrids were definitely keeping us from finishing sooner but knowing the dead spots on the map to siege your libs in to snipe buildings definitely helps in cleaning up the bio domes that don’t get killed in 1 sab-drone or airstrike.


Managed to beat it with Swann P1 and Nova ally first try. For a +4 brutation I found it not too hard to be honest (not a pro player here). It just took longer to beat due to more defensive precautions. For anyone who is interested:

wow…I don’t think I’m going to do this one…

although…can you still take over the Propagaters with Zaratuls sheildguards?

With that he means, that they dont attack the rocks (means they dont open the paths with their instantkill ability), not that they can phase through them.


With that he means, that they dont attack the rocks (means they dont open the paths with their instantkill ability), not that they can phase through them.

If you clear an area of buildings, try to keep the non-infested buildings there alive. That will later make Propagators come from sides where infested no longer spawn, which will make them easier to kill.

Otherwise, you end up in a situation where 4 Props are mixed with ton of infested coming from one side, which can easily overwhelm your defense.
Not to mention trying to clear final infested buildings while 4 Props keep spawning again and again right on top of you…

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No. That got patched a longer while back.

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Did this as P3 Kerri on the NA server and P2 Dehaka on the EU server. My Kerri run was way easier. Mass muta FTW.

Beaten it several times now, with lots of failures.

By far the easiest is Nova p3. 2 tanks and 2 liberators can hold a path, as long as mines are set out and the occasional air strike is used. And then Nova can just clear the buildings.

The most fun I had was Raynor p0. I had a good swann ally, so we combined tanks for defense and I cleared with marauder-heavy bio. Their slowing attack is extremely good for safely clearing and dealing with the random prop spawns.

Stukov p1 can make a pretty great defense too; his tanks have insane range w/ the infested ammo. Better to pair with an offensive ally though; Stukov really needs to reach a critical mass of tanks before he makes a stable defense.

Surprisingly fun mission! I normally hate props, but this is good.

The most recommended commander I played in this mutation is Zagara. Her P1 can overwhelm Propagators, Chokers, Hunterlings, Kaboomers, even Stanks and Hybrids.

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that’s what I was thinking as well, just blow up everything with banelings…

zagara is the one of the worst commanders for DoN, let alone this mutation.

whatever she can do, someone else can do it better

Defending, yes. But she’s good at speed clearing infested camps especially P1. Probably a 200 supply H&H with 10 strike fighters would surpass it.

Can you elaborate on both parts? I was thinking her P1 to burst down Props, although did let a few slip by while defending during night after the SE barricade got taken down.

I’m sure there’s an element of “skill issue” but I didn’t find Zag quite up to the task. Having the economic might to pump out the amount of banes it takes to explode avenger’d units? Idk. I got overwhelmed each time.

On one of my wins, I did have a Zag ally, and they did great, but I was playing Mengsk p2 and had a billion shock divisions. I managed the bulk of the defense while he plugged holes and cleared.

Is it possible to defend, and clear, and keep track of props with Zag p1? I’m sure it is. But with a lot more micro than me.

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