Co-Op Mutation #378: Inordinate Response

Prolonged exposure to the Void Slivers has given your enemies new and unexpected powers. Their strength and speed grow as they get angrier. Deal with them carefully.

Avenger - Enemy units gain increased attack speed, armor, and life when nearby enemy units die.
Power Overwhelming - All enemy units have energy and use random abilities.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Frightful Fleshwelder] [Twotuuu Rough Rider]
[CtG Infiltration Specialist] KaGe Arkship Commandant
[CtG Herald of the Void] Dehakaburger Shadow of Death
[CtG Solarite Celestial] high Desolate Queen

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Abilities used by the enemy include Abduct, Black Hole, Defensive Matrix, Disabling Cloud, Disruption Web, Force Field, Fungal Growth, Guardian Shield, Graviton Beam, [Hybrid Structure Disable Thing], Irradiate, Parasitic Bomb, Point Defense Drone, Psionic Orb, Psionic Storm, Seeker Missile, Snipe, Time Warp.
  • Avenger can buff units up to ten times, with each increasing HP and shields by 10%, life regen by 1 per second, armor by 0.3, and attack and movement speed by 10%.
  • Units that get the Avenger buff also grow in size to give players a visual indicator.
  • There is no means to determine what spells each enemy unit has until they actually use it.
  • Dehaka does not get the psionic buff from devouring units, even though everyone s a spellcaster. The unit tag still takes precedence
  • Mind controlling units will make them lose all their mutator buffs.

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#192 Inordinate Response – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Avenger, Power Overwhelming

This mutation is pretty straightforward: out-muscle the enemies and survive their spells. Static D is good vs power overwhelming, so use plenty of that vs the attack waves.

Like with other SoA missions, when you attack a sliver, commit to it because if they wipe you out, they’ll replenish their forces and the avengered ones from the previous fight will still be there.

Successes [and key points]

The usual

Abathur (p0)

Artanis (p3)

Dehaka (p2)

Fenix (p2)

Karax (p3)

Mengsk (p3)

Nova (p1)

Raynor (p3)

Stetmann (p2)

Swann (p2)

Tychus (p2)

Zeratul (p2)

Something (slightly) different

Alarak (p2) [prism snipe while alarak and army defend at home]

HH (p2) [spawn camp with magmines]

Kerrigan (p3) [spawn camp with immobilization wave]

Vorazun (p3) [spawn camp with corsairs]

Zagara (p2) [mass aberrations, and then mass corruptors late game]

Stukov (p1) [tanks and queens]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Some runs will be uploaded tomorrow or the day after.

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Mutation overlap 192 this week 2nd

1st clear Mengsk P3+Abathur

Mutation (Inordinate Response) play list.

Done first try totally cheesed it with artanis p0 and mengsk. Just defend the waves and bombard the slivers. No need to commit any unit for the slivers although I still destroyed the closest one with zealot/dragoon/immortal because it was faster to do that and SB the expansion one in close succession.

Immortals are great for defense because they trend to have greater resistance to unit abilities and isn’t affected by PDD and counter most units the zealots are ineffective against. Destroying multiple PDDs can be painful with only dragoons, use orbital strikes when things gets ugly.

I cheesed my run with P3 Stukov. P2 Zera ally also helped but the poor guy’s units keep getting into black holes.

Hmm, Zagara P1 may be boring, but it seems like it’ll also be tried and true for this week as well

Do Banelings dying on an enemy unit count as the enemy killing them, thus triggering a rapid avenger build up?

Scratch that. I’m thinking of Transmutation.

Power Overwhelming is the most of my concerns, they would use random spells to annoy your units, but not Avenger. This mutation requires careful planning, long range and/or sacrificial attacks. Recommended commanders:

  • Swann P1
  • Zagara P1
  • Mengsk P3
  • HH P2
  • Karax P3
  • Stukov P1

Whole bunch of fails…

Zagara P1 + Raynor P1
My Raynor ally didn’t even take his expansion. Early on, I should’ve pinged him on that, and if he was serious about not taking it (as opposed to having forgotten it), I would’ve!

Zagara P1 + Stukov P3
My ally commented “my bed”, which I think he meant “my bad”. He only made a few bunkers, and it was only until the very end, thus not taking advantage of that prestige’s (+). Would explain why there were NOT any swarms of Troopers

… for both games above, sure sucks to have your Lings Vortexed, and then Psi Stormed :frowning:

Karax P3 + Stukov P3
Ally didn’t make much of Bunkers either :\ Here, at least having Orbital Strike was a nice backup to having units deal with spells (like, again, Vortex), and towers are immune to some of that. However, it wasn’t enough (or, I need to be better about utilizing those tools)