Co-Op Mutation #346: One for All

Your enemies have entered a state of frenzy as they charge headlong toward the temple. The adrenaline they gain from slaying your forces triggers unexpected transformations, and even provide their strongest forces near-invincibility. Throw everything you have at them until the Temple is ready!

Hardened Will - Enemy Heroic units reduce all incoming damage to a maximum of 10 when any non-heroic enemy unit is near them.
Inspiration - Enemy Heroic units increase the attack speed and armor of all enemies within a small range.
Transmutation - Enemy units have a chance to transform into more powerful units whenever they deal damage.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Lone Puppy] Dehakaburger Wing Commanders
[CtG Knowledge Seeker] Ancalagon Tunneling Horror
[CtG Frightful Fleshwelder] [Twotuuu Rebel Raider]
[CtG Solarite Celestial] mystic Primal Pack Leader
Tier Unit
0 Broodling/Other units
1 Zergling, Marine, Baneling
2 Reaper, Zealot, Roach, Hellion, Widow Mine, Hellbat
3 Marauder, Firebat, Adept, Sentry, Hydralisk
4 Stalker, Dragoon, Mutalisk, Goliath, High Templar
5 Viking, Warhound, Phoenix, Infestor, Banshee, Scout, Viking
6 Siege Tank, Oracle, Cyclone, Ghost, Swarm Host, Lurker
7 Ravager, Immortal, Archon, Voidray, Disruptor, Liberator
8 Broodlord, Ultralisk, Battlecruiser, Thor, Carrier, Tempest, Reaver
9 Loki, Hybrid Nemesis, Hybrid Reaver, Hybrid Destroyer
10 Hybrid Behemoth, Hybrid Dominator

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Whenever an enemy kills one of your units, it transforms. Avoid losing ANYTHING whenever possible.
  • Enemies transform into tiers based on the supply of the units they kill. An enemy that kills a Zealot (2 supply) will level two tiers.
  • Enemy units, upon transforming, return to full health. Make sure to focus the strong ones before they become Hybrid.
  • Hardened Will is basically the hardened shields from the Wings of Liberty version of the Immortal. If your normal attack does 50 damage, it will deal 10 damage to units with hardened will.
  • Inspiration provides +25% attack speed and +3 armor to enemy units within 5 radius of the Hyrbids.
  • Enemies immediately transform into a Tier 10 unit upon killing one of your heroic units.

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Mutation overlap 160 this week 2nd

1st clear Mengsk P3+Tychus P2

Mutation (One For All) play list

#160 One for All – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Transmutation, Hardened Will, Inspiration

I definitely did not expect an all clear, since two of the 18 commanders were missing solos (which meant I had nothing to reference if I needed to).

Enemy comp matters A LOT here, so some of the runs that I felt were easy were probably because the enemy was weak. And some of the more difficult ones were difficult because I tried going against various random comps and had some issues.

Use AOE to kill all the regular enemies. If your commander has a hero unit, use it to focus down the stray units near the hybrids.

Beware of scvs/probes near the thrashers because they give the thrasher hardened will.

If you get pattern B (air hybrid at 6:00; extra thrasher at 20:00), use the strat I used in my stukov run to get rid of some of the air hybrids. You can do this for the top right air hybrids as well regardless of pattern. The short version is to lure them to open air space and let them transmutate to a ground hybrid.

Make lots of buildings around the temple starting from 22:00 to stall because things can go south very quickly (see Nova run).

Successes [and key points]

Breeze (easy)

Alarak (p3) #160: One for All - Alarak Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [Keep Alarak in front, keep ascendants alive]

Artanis (p3) #160: One for All - Artanis Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [storms and space archons]

Karax (p3) #160: One for All - Karax Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [solar lance and purifier beam]

Kerrigan (p2) #160: One for All - Kerrigan Solo (p2) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [lightning everything, target fire stragglers]

Mengsk (p3) #160: One for All - Mengsk Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [explody boys in front of bunkers during hybrid waves]

Stetmann (p2) #160: One for All - Stetmann Solo (p2) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [AOE + invincible lings]

Tychus (p2) #160: One for All - Tychus Solo (p2) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [Nux and Tychus are the sources of AOE; Sam for when things go south; cannonball + extra life for late game stalling]

Vorazun (p3) #160: One for All - Vorazun Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [dark pylon wall vs terran]

Zagara (p3) #160: One for All - Zagara Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [bile launchers]

Zeratul (p2) #160: One for All - Zeratul Solo (p2) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [DTs]

Challenge (medium)

Abathur (p3) [Temple 3000 HP] #160: One for All - Abathur Solo (p3) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [spawn camp]

Dehaka (p1) #160: One for All - Dehaka Solo (p1) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [tyrannozors]

Fenix (p2) #160: One for All - Fenix Solo (p2) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [so difficult against air comps]

Nova (p1) #160: One for All - Nova Solo (p1) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [so difficult against air comps]

Swann (p2) #160: One for All - Swann Solo (p2) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [a bit easier vs zerg]

Torture (difficult)

HH (p1) [Commentary] #160: One for All - Han and Horner Solo (p1) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [good calldown usage; reapers and carrier galleons finish off the stragglers]

Raynor (p0) [Temple 3000 HP; Commentary] #160: One for All - Raynor Solo (p0) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [spawn camp]

Stukov (p1) [200 IQ Strats; Commentary] #160: One for All - Stukov Solo (p1) [Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation] - YouTube [tanks kill the ground while the air hybrid fly past everything]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome.


Should I try Artanis P1/Raynor P3/Alarak P2 and see what happens…

Did this as Abathur P2 with a Karax P3 teammate. Very easy even against Explosive Threats composition. Maximum points in Toxic Nest cooldown let the Nests do some really good work. Fully cleared the map and my ally built cannon fields at/near spawn points.

Played it a couple times and didn’t have a single game where my ally didn’t make a ton of Hybrid.

P2 Stetmann seems like the best pub carry I’ve tried so far but this is going to be a tough one for the f2p people.

I went checking EvolutionTiers in “User Types” of the map editor.
Some details:

  • Dragoons (tier 4) are the Stalker/Aiur type, probably means campaign version rather than Artanis version
  • Vikings (tier 5) can spawn in air or ground mode (probably how it ended up being twice on the line)
  • Scouts (tier 5) are the Fenix version
  • Siege Tanks (tier 6) can spawn both in tank and siege mode
  • Oracles (tier 6) are Vorazun version
  • Lurkers (tier 6) are multiplayer version, and can spawn both burrowed(!) and unburrowed
  • Liberators (tier 7) can spawn both in anti-air and anti-ground(!) mode
  • Colossi can spawn at tier 8(!)

Wouldn’t P1 be better here? Sure, you don’t get the Kaldalis Landmower, but he’s best when you can a-move-and-forget him, and Hardened Will prevents that (he might get stuck on a hybrid and waste all of his dps).
Meanwhile, P1 allows your army to actually fight, teleport basically anytime you want, and gives you two “delete wave” buttons.

abathur p0 blinding cloud comp is nice

Yeah, if you’ve got the skill to use control groups well then crowd control like blinding cloud (or the queen of CC, Vorazun) is awesome. No transmutation when Amon doesn’t get to attack! :rofl: :smiling_imp:

Should be pretty standard to build Ravagers (with Rapid Fire) OR Vipers for beginner/intermediate Abathur as it is all the ability usage that is required and both units are so strong vs the appropriate compositions (Vipers vs Ground, Ravagers vs Air). Both is good as well but harder to control. All of Abathurs other units are A-Move once the Luring mini-game is completed with an adequate score (beyond pulling back injured Brutalisks).

:kiss:Swann P2 :kiss: felt really good. :kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes:

Built so many turrets everywhere, that the endless tide of enemies at the end was unable to even reach my inner line of defense. :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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This mutation will be dependant on with which ally you will get matched. On my first attempt I was paired with a Kerrigan that exelled at letting zerglings die against an skytosscomposition… It was gg pretty quick. The second time we hit a broodcomposition and when zeratul died, the game punished us quite heavily to the point where we couldn’t recover. On the third try I got it with me playing Zeratul Herald of the Void (P3) while my ally played Karax P1 ( Architect of War). This attempt felt like a breeze since neither of us made any mistakes and we defended together to minimize waves from being able to do damage. When played with someone that knows what he is doing, this is a fun challenge.

Pushing lanes early and putting splash damage at spawn points is the easy solution to this map.

Any commander with good early game power can succeed at the former. Most commanders can force move their calldowns or hero units past the static defense in the 1st active lane to destroy the primary structure and all workers at the end to prevent any rebuilding, repeat for other 2 lanes.

Any commander with good static or sieged defense can spawn camp after the above is achieved.

Good spawn camping strategies:

  • Mines: Raynor, H&H, Abathur or Nova.
  • Siege Tanks: Stukov, Raynor, Swann, Nova or Mengsk
  • Static Defense: Swann, Karax, Zagara or Mengsk

Some of these will be more or less effective depending on enemy composition (ground vs air) and care will have to be taken to not spread too thin. Additionally, any commander with “throw away” units creates significant risk (this includes Abathurs locusts).

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Done as P3 Alarak with a P1 Karax ally. As you might have guessed with this comp, he held all the lanes while I moved around. He used Chrono Boost at the right moments and never really struggled. Good ally.

Out of habit, I sent the Mothership with an escort of Destroyers and Warprism(+Havoc) to the broken bridge, but it was not necessary, and those units were dearly missed when Alarak’s troop got “sniped” near a Zenith Stone, and quite a few units evolved, and I lost some Ascendants. Whoops.

Interesting and challenging Brutation. Both players have to pull their weight, or you enter a downward spiral of not being able to clear both your lane(s) and help your ally out.

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Did it as P1 Kerrigan and P1 Abby. Abby carried most of the game with mass hosts on creep where the locusts were enhanced to literally mini-gatling tanks. But unfortunately we were struggling with the late-game waves and the swarm host roadblocks were overwhelmed by accumulated waves that were fully converted to hybrid. We were saved by the bell with only around 100 temple HP left. It was a nailbiter to be sure.

Unless the mutation is Double Edge and/or Black Death I think P2 is better as the Hosts get better DPS density due to increased range, duration and reduced size (125 biomass Locusts start to crowd each other out).

I also like the 30 points in Toxic Nest cooldown reduction for spamming nests everywhere as can really take the sting out of the waves especially if you can Nest the spawning points.

Ghaa this mission…I’ve somehow beaten it twice, once with Dehaka P2 and once with HH P1. In my repeats, including with those commanders, I’m not quite sure how I did it.

The two times I did it was pretty flawless. Built up quickly, mass my units, and wipe out enemy forces. But that I think is the crux of it - wiping out enemy forces quickly. Any type of prolonged battle and the risk is a runaway hybrid situation. Each attack might trigger a full heal and eventually a hybrid, so not letting them stick around for more than a few seconds is crucial. Even in a few games where we got deep enough for me to think, hey, we got this on lock, a single battle would drag on for a moment and boom, half the base is covered in hybrid.

This is a really tough one.

Wasn’t expecting to get this one, a Brutal+4. And even so, barely at that. But did with Karax P3 + Fenix P2 vs. Oracle, VR, Carr comp.

3:33… 2720 hp left
2:13… 2214 hp left
0:48… 1720 hp left. When you need to deal with 6 Hybrid Behemeths, 5 teal ones, and some Hybrid Nemesis, unfortunately the Void Thrashers do get free reign :frowning:

0:21… 1523 hp left. At another entrance: a couple of Lokis, numerous T3 units like Carriers and BL.

0:00… 1380 hp left. My exp and my ally’s main lost all workers. It’s ugly, but it got the job done! Luckily, enemy units were too busy taking on our units, our buildings, and workers that they left the temple alone, so the brunt of its damage was from V. Thrashers.

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