Co-Op Mutation #323: Well Trained

The trains carry powerful artifacts that invigorate your foes immensely. They fiercely guard it, and deploy support forces all around the tracks. You must prevent your enemies from transporting the artifacts.

Aggressive Deployment - Additional enemy units are periodically deployed onto the battlefield.
Avenger - Enemy units gain increased attack speed, armor, and life when nearby enemy units die.
Inspiration - Enemy Heroic units increase the attack speed and armor of all enemies within a small range.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Tactical Dispatcher] [Twotuuu The Powerless]
[CtG Keeper of Shadows] [Dr. Lila Renegade Commander]
[CtG Frightful Fleshwelder] Nostrebor Best Buddy
[CtG Knowledge Seeker] 노미 기 Unconquered Spirit

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)


  • Starting at 4:55, Aggressive Deployment sends a full wave of enemies of the same composition as the attacking waves every 130 seconds on Brutal.
  • Avenger can buff units up to ten times, with each increasing HP and shields by 10%, life regen by 1 per second, armor by 0.3, and attack and movement speed by 10%.
  • Mind-controlling/Reclaiming Avenger-buffed enemy units will cause them to lose the Avenger buff.
  • Units that get the Avenger buff also grow in size to give players a visual indicator.
  • Inspiration provides +25% attack speed and +3 armor to enemy units within 5 radius of the Hyrbids or trains.

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Mutation overlap 137. this week 2nd.

1st clear Mengsk P1+Fenix P1

Mutation (Well Trained) play list


I’m waiting for one day when you’ll reach the 4th cycle counter :sweat_smile: haha (for some of them anyway).

Hmm…Might go P1 Zagara. Fast, quick damage instead of heavy slow damage. Quick response to deployments. Armour shredding. Good to go.

#137 Well Trained – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Aggressive Deployment, Avenger, Inspiration

Aggressive Deployment: one of few mutators that are 3-4x times more difficult solo than with an ally. They come every 2 min 10 seconds (2 min 5 seconds for protoss?), so you can keep a list of timings in front of your computer or on your second monitor to know when the next wave will hit.

Anyway, inspiration and avenger give the enemies a lot of army, so units that do high burst damage are good. If you keep your army on the train tracks, the AD waves shouldn’t spawn in your base. You can engage the train escorts a little earlier than usual so you can fight them before they get the inspiration buff from the trains.

Successes [and key points]

Raynor (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Raynor Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [pretty much have to use vulture/tank since marines don’t do enough (any) damage]

Kerrigan (p0) [Commentary] Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Kerrigan Solo (p0) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [lurker + spore for obs sniping]

Artanis (p0) [Commentary] Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Artanis Solo (p0) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [mass dragoons]

Swann (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Swann Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [the usual]

Zagara (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Zagara Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [aberrations + bile launchers]

Vorazun (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Vorazun Solo (p3) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [the usual]

Karax (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Karax Solo (p1) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [the usual]

Abathur (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Abathur Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [the usual]

Alarak (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Alarak Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [I actually used forcefields]

Nova (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Nova Solo (p1) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [the usual]

Stukov (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Stukov Solo (p1) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [10-12 dbacks, then all tanks]

Fenix (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Fenix Solo (p1) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [use zealot suit on AD waves, dragoon suit on trains]

Dehaka (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Dehaka Solo (p1) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [the usual]

HH (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Han and Horner Solo (p1) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [hellions + good strike fighter/magmine usage]

Tychus (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Tychus Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [the usual]

Zeratul (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Zeratul Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [the usual]

Stetmann (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Stetmann Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [the usual]

Mengsk (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #137: Well Trained - Mengsk Solo (p3) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [more bunkers than usual, and put some near the ESOs in case AD drops there]

Least stressful: Karax

Not recommended: Kerrigan, Artanis, HH

Easiest against random AI: Nova

Questions about any of these runs are welcome.


Done as P2 Alarak with a Zagara ally, P1 I believe.

Tyrant Ascendant really shines for this week, nice change to the usual Shadow of Death. Only had 3 Ascendants surviving the midgame, so I pushed for a more Slayer/Wrathwalker heavy build, further boosting Empower Me.

Enemy comp was Protoss walkers with Immortals and Colossi. Blinking into them was pretty satisfying. Most satisfying thing was Empower Me for every single train though.

Was fun.

Done in Hard with Zagara P1 against a Protoss Air Comp (argh) and a Stukov P1 not knowing how to play yet still picking Hard (aaargh).
The enemy comp Arbiters + Carriers + Avenger buff + Inspiration melted through so many scourges before they could be useful, and also was poison to Overseers. The spitting flying garbage of Zagara whose name I don’t remember had no chance, and I eventually just gave up making them.
Having any support (infested marines, barfing hovercraft, air units) from Stukov would have made that so much easier, but aside from some calldowns, noob was doing god know what somewhere else.
It was a pain to carry, not fun at all, and IT said gg, argh, that’s more painful than a nuke :sob:

P1 Zagara with a Vorazun. No real issues against the Air Zerg. I went mass scourge to wipe out the waves while they went stalker/DT to take out the train. Very good synergy overall.

Followed TwoTuuu’s lead and went P1 Karax. Had a P2 Stetmann ally that I teamed up with beforehand.

Granted, my ally was definitely better than me, but it still wasn’t too bad. Went with the standard of cannon/mono clusters with energizer support in various locations, including a few in our main base. If things got sticky, Chrono Wave annihilated everything. The rest of my calldowns helped thin out the waves/escorts. My ally took care of both bonuses and did some defending in the lower right.

One thing to keep in mind if anyone tries this with Karax: Build defenses in your base(s). Without an army running around, Aggressive Deployment will often drop in your base.

Was actually pretty fun. Big groups of Chrono’d turrets are a trip!

As it turns out, the zergling’s shredding claws do not lower the armour of inspired units. The only reason I won the other times was because I was taking out their air so effectively. Not so much against ground.

Fenix however, was very useful to take out everything do to the immense damage and ability to drop down suits to take care of any drops…Much more useful.

How does one beat Zerg baneling comp? The banelings spawn on your units and vipers can blinding cloud as they’re spawning

Abathur p1 worked for me

Yuck, that’s probably the worse comp you can get. Perhaps a building commander with a set of bait units? Or some who can tank or escape easily like Tychus, Zera, Kerri?

That sounds like hell.

Pretty easy with Tychus P2. Burn it all down with Blaze! The rest of the crew do great work too.

Ran P1 mengsk with a Nova ally. The waves spawning right in your firebase was annoying as hell but was taken care of with some in-house shock divisions and bunkers. Was lucky to get Immortal - Colossi comp as well.

Beefy units then? I ended up getting carried by a Tychus P2 against Zerg air after losing twice to the baneling comp.

Some ideas to counter Explosive threats:

  • Raynor: vultures, firebats, tanks (P2 best)
  • Kerrigan: Lurkers+Ultras
  • Artanis: Archons+Zealots
  • Swann: Hellbats+Thor’s (tanks on high ground)
  • Zagara: Abominations+Bile Launchers
  • Vorazun: nope
  • Karax: nope (colossus get abducted), P1 can manage
  • Abathur: toxic nests (max mastery)
  • Alarak: nope
  • Nova: hellbats+Siege tanks (P1 best)
  • Stukov: Dbacks on low ground, tanks on high
  • Fenix: P2 champs on low ground
  • Dehaka: Tyras on Low ground, maybe some hosts on high
  • H&H: the usual
  • Tychus: P2
  • Zaratul: usual
  • Stettman: Lurkers, Ultras
  • Mengsk: Aegis Guard on low ground, Bunkers, ESOs on high ground

Okay now this feels unnecessarily verbose but maybe at least someone will get an idea from it? Note that often static defense plays a great part in any of the above comps but what is important is getting some sort of tanky force down on the low ground to draw the AD spawns.

Try Karax p3 (with statics) or Swann p1 (with Thors+statics only)

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Swann p1 mass factory + static D. Scourge? Hit the factories. Banelings? Might hit some static D, but you can target them with laser if you see them. Vipers? Nothing to abduct, nothing to parasitic bomb. They’ll binding cloud some turrets, but you have more. Aberrations? Static D can take care of them.