Co-Op Mutation #300: Magnetic Pull

Amon’s forces have deployed mag-mines on Char, and his mysterious power is manipulating your warriors, drawing them towards the corpses of their enemies. Plan your assaults carefully, or be ready for an explosive surprise.

Fatal Attraction - When enemy units and structures die, any of your nearby units are pulled to their location.
Mag-Nificent - Mag Mines are deployed throughout the map at the start of the mission.
We Move Unseen - All enemy units are permanently cloaked.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Highlord of the Tal’darim] [Piky Devouring One]
[CtG Scourge Queen] Dehakaburger Keeper of Shadows
[CtG Chaotic Power Couple] [Twotuuu Templar Apparent]
[CtG Infiltration Specialist] Rsyfer Hierarch of the Daelaam

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)


  • This is the 300th week of co-op mutations.
  • The Mag Mines cannot be attacked; but they trigger when a unit approaches them, and go in a straight line in the direction of the triggering unit. If they hit, they deal 250 damage in a mid-sized area.
  • All Mag Mines are CLOAKED, and will trigger the fatal attraction pull upon explosion.
  • Fatal attraction pulls all units within 9 range of any unit and infested killed. Any unit pulled is stunned for the duration of the pull.
  • Fatal attraction stops workers from mining, so always check your idle workers to prevent economic damage from being too severe.
  • 0 or 1 supply unit = 0.2 second pull
  • 1 supply = 0.4 second pull
  • 4 supply = 0.6 second pull
  • Static defense and sieged/burrowed units do not get pulled in.
  • Running a few units first to trigger the Mag Mines in an enemy base will make it safer for the rest of your units.
  • Mag Mines do not respawn upon detonation.

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65 n this week 2nd.

1st clear Mengsk P1+Fenix P1

Mutation (Magnetic Pull) play list

Wow…that Mengsk looks so boring. lol

good job!

#65 Magnetic Attraction – SOLO ALL CLEAR

Mutators: Mag-nificient, Fatal Attraction, We Move Unseen

Not extremely difficult; just super super annoying. Fatal attraction pulls your stuff towards the invisible magmines. Fun stuff. Try not to use units that attack while moving because every time something dies, your units will get pulled. Lack of detection can sometimes be helpful because your units will just target the thrashers and not get pulled.

Keep an eye on the idle worker counter when you clear the mines at your natural. Fatal attraction might cause some workers to stop mining. If your micro is not very good, stop your worker when it’s safe, build stuff/resume mining, then continue clearing mines. Beware of mines behind the minerals.

vs P/T: You can use a worker to trigger the mag-mines near the first thrasher by walking along the edges of the area (see Abathur, HH, Karax p3). Against T, a tank (from the southeast) might shoot you, so move north as soon as you get hit once. Against zerg, the roaches/hydras will shoot you, so you won’t be able to safely clear the mines with workers. If you see creep in the beginning, don’t do this.

We Move Unseen means that you need to rush detection. Some commanders need to get a turret, which means delaying your tech/expo.

Mag-mines means that your pacing will be much slower than usual if you attack from the middle, so consider using air units to attack thrashers from the back. After the third set of thrashers, you can go around the bonus and attack the last set from the back. The defenses are much weaker there. Note that the thrashers produce a strong pull when they die, so use a sacrificial unit to deal the last bit of damage.

vs Z: The anti-air at the second and third sets (and the back two thrashers in the fourth set) is weak. Beware of vipers, though.

Due to fatal attraction + we move unseen, keep observer(s) sieged outside your base, or make a few turrets/static D to make sure that you don’t lose your detection during the fight.

Successes [and key points]

Raynor (p3) [Commentary] Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Raynor Solo (p3) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [Hyperion clears spores, mines, and overseers. Banshees kill thrashers safely]

Kerrigan (p0) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Kerrigan Solo (p0) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [Lots of omega wurms. Add ultras later]

Artanis (p0) [Commentary] Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Artanis Solo (p0) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [Tempests; attack from the back of the 4th set]

Swann (p2) [Commentary] Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Swann Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [Calldowns clear enemies near thrashers (max concentrated beam mastery), factories give vision for laser to kill thrashers]

Zagara (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Zagara Solo (p1) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [Overlords clear mines, then scourge bomb the thrashers]

Vorazun (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Vorazun Solo (p3) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [Time stop, oracle + shadow guards snipe thrashers. Make sure to target fire the thrashers]

Karax (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Karax Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [Mirages and sentinels. Repair beam + extra lives + unity barrier = easy]

Karax (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Karax Solo (p3) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [Observers and SoA. Prioritize energy upgrades and tech, then get the forge upgrades. Don’t use orbital strikes for defense. Even easier than p2]

Abathur (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Abathur Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [all swarm hosts; once you clear enough enemies in the front, just target fire the thrashers]

Alarak (p3) [Commentary] Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Alarak Solo (p3) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [mothership and warp prism do most of the work; awesome sniping spot for the last set of thrashers]

Nova (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Nova Solo (p1) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [clear mines with raven turrets and nova, kill thrashers with liberators]

Stukov (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Stukov Solo (p3) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [add tanks to help with clearing enemy bases]

Fenix (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Fenix Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [air champs clear thrashers, others defend; all-in on the last set of thrashers]

Dehaka (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Dehaka Solo (p1) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [creeper/swarm hosts]

HH (p2) [Commentary] Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Han and Horner Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [clear mines and anti-air with air strikes; kill thrashers with wraiths; call in the fleet does extra damage to thrashers if you don’t have detection]

Tychus (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Tychus Solo (p1) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [Vega opening; MC enemies and use them to clear mines]

Zeratul (p3) [No Mining] Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Zeratul Solo (p3) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [no mining, which means no obs]

Zeratul (p1) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Zeratul Solo (p1) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [Deploy void seeker, project cannons, use Serdath legion to steal units]

Stetmann (p2) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Stetmann Solo (p2) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [lings can take many shots]

Mengsk (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #65: Magnetic Pull - Mengsk Solo (p3) [=Brutal+3] - YouTube [ESOs]

Easiest: Mengsk (Karax p2 or p3 if you don’t want to ESO cheese)

Best against random AI: Mengsk

Least effort: Mengsk

Proudest: Alarak (found an awesome sniping spot), Raynor (first ever solo?), Zeratul p3 (fair and balanced)

Questions about any of these runs are welcome.


Pretty easy as Nova P3 and Mengsk mass artillery.

Mom, let me sleep, I don’t want to go micro Overseers around endless waves of zerglings (Zagara) or infested (Stukov) because of that damn We Move Unseen :sleeping:

edit: damn it, could not sleep through it, so ended up with trash ally not doing anything, not even reliably sending detectors. And Overseers so love to play the “washing machine” game instead of going into Oversight.
Won, but trash game is trash.

This mutation sucks…Units get pulled in and then a mag mine sets off. I lost dozens of units in a second without any counter play.

counter [del]play[/del] commander

Yep, magnetic mines can surprisingly easily go all the way to bases to cause Attraction to trigger them :confounded:
Also, cloaked infestors that manage to get in your base is ANNOYINGNESS!!!

Zagara P1 with an Artanis P0 ally. Not too bad.

Really the only hitch was the increased amount of time to finish the mission. We ended with Hammer having about 25% of her life left. Otherwise, it was pretty straight forward. Got the bonus.

Artanis’ shielding/Guardian Shell seemed to help a bit.

Zagara P1 with Dehaka ally
Baneling + Fatal Attraction = Acid in your face :smiley:

Any commander is fine this week. Just remember that mines spawn in your natural so check around it first.

I had some games where mines could reach the main mineral line/command center area as well.

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whew! won with 24 hp on the fortress!

Had to wait 3 minutes in the queue, surprisingly got another brutal Megnsk player, I tried to defend the waves while he massed earthsplitters–didn’t manage them very well though…

We took 3 tries, kept losing his base, but on the third try, I was Zagara against a air protoss comp, I massed Scourge and obliterated most of the attack waves.

We were able to get a win with 24 hp on the fortress–he kept distracting the thrashers by sending down troppers, and I sent in my Zerglings, should’ve took my expansion though, XD.

This is actually pretty hard if you actually try to do it the traditional way. Without skipping the guarded areas, I was only able to win it once with Swann + Stukov going right up to the Thrashers. I remember a long time ago you would have an Artanis partner and this makes it much easier the “traditional” way. But I don’t play him and never seem to pair up with one.

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Wasn’t hard for Mengsk P1 + my partner’s Karax p1. The only difficulty was to clear the center with ESOs - I build 5 or 6 on a main base as soon as possible to support my partner’s attempt to defend it. After that I didn’t have much time to get the second base. Obviously the only base gives enough resources

Having a non-P3 Artanis was nice. Dead Zerglings get revived, and are briefly invincible so they can cover just a bit more ground to trigger Mag Mines

Hmm, perhaps We Move Unseen is “making it worse”, but had quite a few allies who do NOT make any detection. For example, one Artanis ally couldn’t be bothered to make a single Robotics Bay and crank out a few Obs.