Co-Op Mutation #291: Hard Target

Amon has bolstered his Void Thrashers with monstrous endurance, diminishing the effect of your assault against them and allowing them to completely ignore attacks from one of your armies. Split your forces and maintain communication to bring down this tenacious menace.

Barrier - Enemy units gain a temporary shield upon the first time they take damage.
Hardened Will - Enemy Heroic units reduce all incoming damage to a maximum of 10 when any non-heroic enemy unit is near them.
Polarity - Each enemy unit is immune to either your units or your ally’s units.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Renegade Commander] [Piky Devouring One]
[CtG Shadow of Death] Nostrebor Folly of Man
[CtG Signal Savant] Ancalagon Chief Engineer
[CtG Lone Puppy] you Lord of the Horde

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Immobilization Wave, Time Stop, and other movement/attack restricting spells still work on enemy units immune to you, but they deal 0 damage.
  • You can manually target the enemy units immune to you, but it will do 0 damage.
  • Barrier triggers when an enemy unit is damaged but not killed. 1-hit KO bypasses Barrier.

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  • Immobilization Wave, Time Stop, and other movement/attack restricting spells still work on enemy units immune to you, but they deal 0 damage.

This isn’t absolute though is it? IIRC, Karax’ “stun strike” won’t affect enemies not on your “polarity side”.

56, this week 2nd… i hate Polarity…

1st clear. Tychus P2+Stukov P1

Mutation (Hard Target) play list

Is this the start of that polarity string of weeklies?

Question, does the barrier count as a different “unit” affected by polarity? I don’t remember it being like that but asking just in case.

Abathur P0 and Dehaka P0. Very good combo. Everything would be beautiful if not for the polarity.

#56 Hard Target – SOLO CLEAR not possible, so…

Mutators: Polarity, Hardened Will, Barrier

Ten mutations later: polarity makes a return. Fortunately, there aren’t any mines, so stall tactics work well. If you’re afraid that your pub ally is a potato, use commanders that can stall for a long time.

Great stalling commanders:

Stukov p3 (endless infested)

Karax p2 (sentinels + autoheal)

Stetmann (lings + green zone)

Abathur p2 (endless locusts)

Alarak (keep pushing the enemy back)

Hardened Will and Barrier just make fights last longer, so again, stall tactics are good.

“Solo” runs where I control the “ally”. (“Ally” doesn’t mine anything)

Stukov (p3) and Nova (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #56: Hard Target - Stukov and Nova "Solo" [=B+4] ("Ally" No Mining) - YouTube [Infested are great for stalling; p3 Nova’s cooldowns are reduced significantly, meaning more nukes and bigger sabotage drones]

Stetmann (p2) and Dehaka (p0) [Com] Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #56: Hard Target - Stetmann and Dehaka "Solo" [=B+4] ("Ally" No $) - YouTube [Stetmann’s lings + green light are great for stalling; maybe I should’ve used Dehaka p3, but I didn’t want to micro so much]

Raynor (p1) and Kerrigan (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #56: Hard Target - Raynor and Kerrigan "Solo" [=B+4] ("Ally" No Mining) - YouTube [Kerrigan does tons of damage while Raynor’s fat bio stalls; perhaps I could’ve used Kerrigan p2]

Karax (p2) and Zagara (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #56: Hard Target - Karax and Zagara "Solo" [=B+4] ("Ally" No Mining) - YouTube [Extra shields for hunter killers; Karax’s sentinels and auto healing make him a great commander for stalling]

Abathur (p2) and Zeratul (p3) Starcraft 2 Co-op Mutation #56: Hard Target - Abathur and Zeratul "Solo" [=B+4] ("Ally" No Mining) - YouTube [Have to blindly search for the artifacts; once you get the second one, things become much easier]

Questions about any of these runs are welcome.


Polarity is normally pretty spicy in pubs but this being Void Thrashing makes it have near to no replay value.

Remember that you can place units next to a Thrasher and click it to prevent it from attacking the fortress. Even if your ally is trash you can still stall the hammer’s fortress dying quite a bit.

It looks like that if you hit a unit that you cannot damage, it still triggers the barrier. Aoe triggers barrier for all units regardless of polarity :thinking:

I think polarity is by far the mutator i hate the most in pub. >_<

Polarity is an instant veto for me. randoms are just too unreliable for this to ever be fun. maybe if my brother wants to play Co Op ill play this, but I wont do this with randoms.

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Done first time on brutal. Had a level 13 Raynor ally who actually played better than most randoms. I used Abathur Tunneling Horror to help stall.

If you do play it’s best (more fun) to be expecting to carry and be pleasantly surprised when you happen to get a good ally.

Stukov, Lord of the Hoard, you can literally just afk wait for the fool to attack his targets.

If you are lazy, Swann P1 is excellent for polarity. The drill will do a lot of hard work for you.

With Polarity, I knew I should not try Hard, and with Zagara, it may have been a horrible pain against air comps, worst than usual.
So I wondered, what alternative to Zagara that can make up for a brain-dead ally?
Wait…braaaaaain…dead…yeah let’s go for Stukov.

So I went for Stukov P1, while my ally was indeed braindead, a Dehaka Hard leecher.
My units got wiped out easily several times, and I feel like the first Thrasher started as my target, then switched to my enem…ally target regarding Polarity (I think I will go check the replay then edit that post regarding that).
But eventually, the enemy went down, the bonus went down (I thought it was escaping, but it somehow died, I think there may have been a weird effect of the Aleksander that took place here).

Oh right, my base got almost wiped out near the end, through a double attack wave from 2 directions of the east (I was on the east side) coming out of nowhere without warning. That was close. A little bit more of braindeadness of my ally could have costed us the game.

Chore done.


Okay, the Void Thrasher didn’t switch its polarity, my infested were just standing around it like idiots until Dehaka showed up due to it not being my target from the start.
Also, regarding the bonus, it wasn’t the Aleksander, it was the plagued munitions from one brave infested marine, good job, you will…not be remembered because there are just too many of you infested, but if it wasn’t for technicalities like that, you would get honors.

Tychus P0 and Stettman P2, was really easy.

Stettalites stagger the waves somewhat. Just make sure to go into the enemy base/wave together with your ally and it should be a cakewalk.

Finished in 17min.

Swann P1 is probably the easiest way for a weak player to do this mutation. You can be afk 100% of the time and still win while contributing more than most pubs. I had a Swann p1 ally not have units out until the final set of Thrashers and he was still clearing out his half of the attack waves faster than me Drill only.

For the people who want to do the carrying, you want commanders that can tank for your ally or else your ally will never move out. So Raynor p0 (bio), Artanis p0 (dragoons), Kerrigan p2 (nydus spam), Karax p2 (Zealots and orbital strike), Stukov p3, Fenix p2.

Beat it first try with randoms on NA/EU accounts. :heart:

Honestly I can’t stop simping for Swann P1. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

70% slow and the fact that drill AoE triggers barrier even on your teammate’s targets makes stalling much more effective. :muscle:

Used drill and Drop in the early game while building up my army of Goliaths and science vessels.

Zeratul ascension level 750+ I played with on EU server turned out to be quite “special” - he built Immortals against mutation which has hardened will and then was surprised that killing his Void Thrashers took an ETERNITY :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

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LOL… I can picture scenarios where any ally manually controls the laser, and actually makes it worse :laughing:

Did it as Karax P2, with Stukov P3. Don’t need any towers really, so may as well trade that away for faster pushing power via units.