Co-Op Mutation #284: Wheel of Stupid

The Void itself bleeds into reality, warping the very fabric of space and time. Battlefield Conditions change at random and never stay stable for long. All bets are off, commanders. Be ready for anything.

Chaos Studios - Mutators are chosen at random and periodically cycle throughout the mission.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Lord of the Horde] [Piky Devouring One]
[CtG Lone Puppy] [Nostrebor Shadow of Death]
[CtG Knowledge Seeker] [Punisher Best Buddy]
[CtG Network Administrator] 오후네시칠분 Primal Pack Leader

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)

Mutators found so far:

Aggressive Deployment - Additional enemy units are periodically deployed onto the battlefield.
Alien Incubation - All enemy units spawn Broodlings upon death.
Avenger - Enemy units gain increased attack speed, armor, and life when nearby enemy units die.
Barrier - Enemy units gain a temporary shield upon the first time they take damage.
Black Death - Some enemy units carry a plague that deals damage over time and spreads to other nearby units. The plague spreads to your units when the enemy unit is killed.
Blizzard - Storm clouds move across the map, damaging and freezing player units in their path.
Concussive Attacks - Player units are slowed by all enemy attacks.
Darkness - Previously explored areas remain blacked out on the minimap while outside of player vision.
Diffusion - Damage dealt to enemies is split evenly across all nearby units, including your own.
Double-Edged - Damage dealt by your units and structures is dealt back to them, but then healed back over time.
Eminent Domain - Enemies gain control of your structures after destroying them.
Evasive Maneuvers - Enemy units teleport a short distance away upon taking damage.
Fatal Attraction - When enemy units and structures die, any of your nearby units are pulled to their location.
Just Die! - Enemy units are automatically revived upon death.
Laser Drill - An enemy Laser Drill constantly attacks player units within enemy vision.
Lava Burst - Lava periodically burst from the ground at random locations and deals damage to player air and ground units.
Mineral Shields - Mineral clusters at player bases are periodically encased in a shield which must be destroyed for gathering to continue.
Missile Command - Endless missile bombardments target your structures and must be shot down throughout the mission.
Orbital Strike - Enemy Orbital Strikes are periodically fired throughout the map.
Outbreak - Enemy Infested Terrans spawn continuously around the map.
Polarity - Each enemy unit is immune to either your units or your ally’s units.
Photon Overload - All enemy structures attack nearby hostile units.
Propagators - Reality warping sludges are crawling towards you. Anything they touch is turned into a copy of the sludge.
Purifier Beam - An enemy Purifier Beam moves across the map toward nearby player units.
Scorched Earth - Enemy units set the terrain on fire upon death.
Self Destruction - Enemy units explode and deal damage to friendly player units upon death.
Slim Pickings - Player worker units gather resources at a reduced rate, but resource pickups spawn throughout the map.
Speed Freaks - Enemy units have double their normal movement speed.
Temporal Field - Enemy Temporal Fields are periodically deployed throughout the map.
Time Warp - Enemy Time Warps are periodically deployed throughout the map.
Transmutation - Enemy units have a chance to transform into more powerful units whenever they deal damage.
Twister - Tornadoes move across the map, damaging and knocking back player units in their path.
Void Reanimators - Void Reanimators wander the battlefield, bringing your enemies back to life.
Void Rifts - Void Rifts periodically appear in random locations and spawn enemy units until destroyed.
Walking Infested - Enemy units spawn Infested Terran upon death in numbers according to the unit’s life.
We Move Unseen - All enemy units are permanently cloaked.

Other Notes:

  • There are three mutations at the start of the map. Mousing over them in the lower right corner is helpful.
  • Starting at 5:00, every 90 seconds, a mutator is switched off, and a new one takes its place.

Commander of the Week: Commander of the week [Wheel of Stupid] - Online Poll -
Mutation difficulty:
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Commander of the Week winner of last week:

Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List


Oh me gawd, it’s the fun wheel.

No one stepped up to continue the weekly mutation info thread?

49,118. this week 3rd.
i hate this… Chaos Studios…

this week 1st clear Nova P1+Artanis
Mutation (Wheel of Misfortune+Oblivion Express) play list

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The name of the mutator speaks for itself and you will still find some weaker players. Nova P1 and Tychus P3.

Some internal infos from map editor:
Internal Index: 53
Internal Id: ChaosStudio4

Possible mutators (pick id between 1 and max, then apply “CT_MutatorRandomAllowed” to confirm it can be used, list below filtered):
Id 02: Walking Infested
Id 03: Outbreak
Id 04: Darkness
Id 05: Time Warp
Id 06: Speed Freaks
Id 08: Mineral Shields
Id 09: Barrier
Id 10: Avenger
Id 11: Evasive Maneuvers
Id 12: Scorched Earth
Id 13: Lava Burst
Id 14: Self Destruction
Id 15: Aggressive Deployment
Id 16: Alien Incubation
Id 17: Laser Drill
Id 21: We Move Unseen
Id 23: Slim Pickings
Id 24: Concussive Attacks
Id 26: Just Die!
Id 27: Temporal Field
Id 28: Void Rifts
Id 29: Twister
Id 30: Orbital Strike
Id 31: Purifier Beam
Id 32: Blizzard
Id 34: Photon Overload
Id 37: Void Reanimators
Id 38: Going Nuclear
Id 39: Life Leech
Id 41: Micro Transactions
Id 42: Missile Command
Id 45: Polarity
Id 46: Transmutation
Id 51: Diffusion
Id 52: Black Death
Id 53: Eminent Domain
Id 64: Double-Edged
Id 65: Fatal Attraction
Id 66: Propagators

Unused mutators:
Id 07: Mag-nificent
Id 18: Long Range
Id 19: Shortsighted
Id 20: Mutually Assured Destruction
Id 22: Nap Time
Id 25: Stone Zealots
Id 33: Fear
Id 35: Minesweeper
Id 36: Chaos Studios
Id 40: Power Overwhelming
Id 43: Vertigo
Id 44: Undying Evil
Id 47: Afraid of the Dark
Id 48: Trick or Treat
Id 49: Turkey Shoot
Id 50: Sharing Is Caring
Id 54: Gift Exchange
Id 55: Naughty List
Id 56: Extreme Caution
Id 57: Insubordination
Id 58: Heroes from the Storm
Id 59: Inspiration
Id 60: Hardened Will
Id 61: Fireworks
Id 62: Lucky Envelopes (doh!)
Id 63: Sluggishness
Id 67: Moment Of Silence
Id 68: Kill Bots
Id 69: Boom Bots

Checked on 2021/09/27.

Now that was the only way I could have fun with such a mutator: making that list.
Note that the amount of possible mutators is higher than the list in OP at the time I write this, but I didn’t look into what was different/missing.


Did it on Brutal first try as Karax P3 with a Nova P3 partner.
Got pretty easy mutators:

  • Aggressive Deployment (but too early, never triggered)
  • Fatal Attraction (doesn’t mean much to Karax)
  • Alien Infestation and Walking Infested
  • Scorched Earth
  • Propagators (slow and easy to snipe by Nova)
  • Mineral Shields
  • Purifier Beam (barely killed anything)
  • Self Destruction
  • Barrier (probably the only annoying one, but we had enough firepower)

Ran into EvilLing for the one game I played of it this week for giggles. Got memed on REALLY hard to the point of nearly losing twice or three times. We wound up needing to cheese the trains to win with P2 Vora and P1 Stettman.
Some of the combos we ran into:
-Speed Freaks + Outbreak + Fatal Attraction (Out the gate)
-Double-Edged + Life Leech
-Fatal Attraction + Mineral Shields
-Fatal Attraction + Microtransactions

Thankfully no majorly degenerate combos or mutators showed up, but man… What a rough game.

My first try was horrible as hell, started with Rift, infested and the one that pulls you to the center into a polarity, propagators and nukes.
Man that was a really bad luck

At least you weren’t stuck on the defensive the whole game, only for the last train to wind up with Just Die! and Poops.

The game was over immediately. Without proper kiting power, you can’t stop the poops. You just can’t.

The difficulty of this Mutation is it brings every fool that doesn’t know to play out of the wood work. Be ready to dodge or solo carry.

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I played it twice. Handled it very easily until the very last trains we got terrible combos:

Just Die, Walking Infested and Difussion
Poopagators, Just Die and Concussive attacks

Lost both of them just when the trains were under 5% of health twice. I hate this mutation.

Had Just Die and Transmutation with a p3 stukov ally going mass bunker. Turns out mass bunker beats that pretty well, lol.

Yeah, once you get a critical mass. Just doesn’t work so well if you get those mutators near the beginning.

Finally beat it on my third try with my P3 Tychus and my ally P3 Stukov. Chaos Studios is no joke.

We got some easy mutators in the beginning then it got worse toward the end. We managed to destroyed both bonus train. Before the last train departed, we faced Speed Freak, Transmutation, and Evasive Maneuvers. We both lost expo bases and I faced probably about 3x enemy army size. I fought them at Northwest ramp and to my surprise, I held them off.

Unfortunately my ally couldn’t hold the South ramp so I came by and killed them all. After that, the last train just happened to be right by the south ramp. My ally couldn’t build army due to lack of production structures and his top panels was on cooldown. I’m all that left. I destroyed the last train with no trouble. Victory is our.

tried to beat it on Hard with Raynor, got paired with a normal ally, still got crushed at start, had aggressive deployment. Switched to Stukov P2, and had a Tychus normal ally as well, went pretty smooth, I went for tanks and diamondbacks. Last train had polarity, and my ally wouldn’t kill his Hybrid, even tho I kept pinging, my tanks’ infested kept buffering for me tho, lol.

Got Propagators + Fatal Attraction, FeelsGoodMan
Propagators, Polarity, Avenger the next game but still won.

Got it first try with some not-too-bad mutators. Interestingly, Polarity swapped in near the end of the game (after a train had spawned) and it individually applied Polarity to each train car like it used to (as opposed to the entire train for one player or the other).