Co-Op Mutation #265: Shir Chaos

Stetmenn p2 is an unstoppable monster than can clear the map with ease, I only built 4 spine crawlers for defense on my side of the map at the expo just for safe measure, other than that offense is the best defense

Yeah, thank god for that, or i wouldn’t have been able to do the brutation with no cheese vorazun p3+kharax p1 and almost did it with zagara p1+swann p2(full clear, but last hybrid had a couple units that survived my army and they pushed jinara in the pit before i managed to reach them with the 2nd set), both on random queue. They have the best moba heroes.

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Cleared it with P2 Kerrigan and P3 Stukov ally. Not easy but not that hard as well. It is a decent challenge.

Thanks to my ally, at one point, I stopped care about the outbreak mutator as my ally making sure that his infested were spawned at everywhere route so I can concentrate on destroying buildings and waves.

Was against Terran ground composition, so I just use Ultralisks and Hydralisk composition to deal with them.


Finally completed as P3 Alarak with a P3 Stukov ally, including bonus. I supported both bonuses with several overcharged Pylons. The 2nd one encased my Pylons and had to be shot down regularly. Enemy comp was Oracle, Void Ray and Tempest. I skipped Ascendants this time. To my surprise, it worked pretty well, probably because Protoss comps don’t consist of many units.

There were some Carriers near the Pit as well, pushing through that was interesting.

As usual, I went for the buildings on the right side after the 2nd Hybrid wave. We pushed the middle together until that point, then we split up. He proceeded to pour Infested down the middle lane, I cleared the right side, then I joined the middle again.

However, I forgot about the buildings around the 3rd Hybrid spawn, which proved to be a bit problematic later as we hit the 20min mark. I was trying to push Ji’nara when he suddenly pulled all Infested back. I didn’t really know what was going on, since I constantly had to deal with enemy Protoss waves at Ji’nara, so I stayed there to hold the position. Later, I realized they were coming from all those buildings from that 3rd Hybrid spot, which proved to be problematic for Stukov to handle. So I just asked him to help me push with something so we can deal with the final Hybrid and end the game. I believe we were at almost 28mins.

Definetly could’ve avoided that by destroying those last buildings. They just spammed Aberrations out like crazy. I also mistimed an Empower Me, since I misunderstood a callout from Ji’nara. As the final Hybrid spawned, I had to retreat a bit and play the Destruction Wave kite game until it was ready again. I also sacrificed the Mothership since I was supply capped and had enough for an instant resummon. Mass Tempest and big Hybrid with two lives are no joke.

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did it as vora p3 with abby p2 ally but I got disconnected at the victory screen and when I reconnected it marked the game as a loss RIP.

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You’re still using the prestiges on them.

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So prestiges are now also “MOBA commanders”? :thinking:

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Queueing for this in pubs is like playing Russian roulette, but with 11 out of 6 chambers loaded :rage: :rage: :rage:

Challenging mutation though


No, no, that’s where you’re not getting it :stuck_out_tongue:. Let me sort it out for ya.

  1. If a commander is too hard to use, it’s MOBA.
  2. If a mission is too hard to use, it’s MOBA.
  3. If a mutation is too hard, it’s MOBA.
  4. If you disagree, you’re MOBA.

Basically everything is MOBA, but we keep playing MOBA, complain about MOBA, and why we shouldn’t MOBA, on a forum for MOBA. Do you get it now, you MOBA?? :stuck_out_tongue:

And when MOBA years later, we’ll all remember that Starcraft 2 was a MOBA game. Mmm mmm, clear as mud? Goooooood.


Alark P3 really saved my butt in this mutation, establishing fair defence is the key in early round and the rest is hauling your butt to destroy every building before the Aberrations pop up.

I am not 100% about this but looks like if your champion remain idle for too long before the Hybrid wave pops up, more enemy support waves are summoned to push Ji’nara (sometimes they just ignore her and kill your expo;;).

No boss you’re wrong again, sorry.

Finally finished it on the 17th attempt with Nova P1 level 14 and Bunkerstukov as an ally. Playing this mutation with Nova P1 was hell but fun when it worked. The moment you make one mistake and lose much/ all of your troops the game is over. On the other hand, when you don’t make any mistake it’s still an absolute b!tch to play but very rewarding when it finally works. I Started off with marines, transitioned into ghost for the waves since they had no detection. Our game lasted 31 minutes against air zerg (we had some aberration-fun as well). In the end if you can stall it long enough bunkerstukov finally gets the better of it. I would put this mutation even as Brutal+5 but I guess it would have been easier if I would have used Vorazun/ Karax P1.

Sorry, let me dumb it down for you: zagara p1 has no hero unit available.

If you need further help understanding things, let me know and i’ll try to help you out. I’ll start by letting you know this is the forum section for the “moba game” that you don’t play. You can check if you’re in the wrong part of the forum by looking for the “co-op” in the title.


Zeratul P2. By the time abberations spawn, you can have +7 or +8 artifacts. A few cannons and a tessaract cannon can defend just fine against abberations at this point. Note that cannons get +1 structure and shield armor as well as +3 damage per artifact. The start is a bit rough but late game is smooth sailing.

after my previous loss due to disconnect, I gathered all the OP I could in a ball and threw it at amon in the form of P2 stetmann w/ infestors. pretty much rolled over the mutation.

Stukov P3. Opened with rax before overlord into two bunkers to counter first infested. Apocalisk clears expo, Alexander takes care of huge wave and 1st set of hybrids. The rest is pretty straightforward. Mass bunkers and cannons from my ally Karax P1. Even had time to kill both elementals. After all structures were destroyed the last wave was a breeze.
The enemy was zerg air (guardians, devourers, etc.).

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Unusually hard map. The 2nd wave is bugged. In the editor is says something like spawn t8, it should say t2.

I know a lot of people are screaming for Vorazun and Stetmann but legit Stukov P3 makes this map brain dead.

Here is the build order

  1. Overlord
  2. Spam drones until max pop of first overlord
  3. The second to last drop build another overlord
  4. Build a barracks when you have the minerals and don’t have a worms waiting
  5. At 16 on minerals pull 2 off to build both Vespene extractors only keep the build units on them until you max out your mineral line
  6. From here on you want to build upgrades as you go for bunker spam
  7. Pull one worker off minerals and have them build 8 bunkers

These 8 bunkers will be enough to keep the enemy from pushing and it will be enough to clear out the first and second hybrid spawn locations. Do not bother with expanding until those 2 locations are clear, otherwise the infested they create will be a nightmare.

Your goal after you expand is to pull 2 more workers and just spam bunkers I recommend a distance of 2 squares between each so you can still travel between them. However keep the infected colony at the front for less headaches.

The way you deal with waves before you get 15+ bunkers is with the Apocalisk and Aleksander. Make sure to keep one of them ready to tank for your infested when you fight hybrid. Preferably the Apocalisk but I have done it with the Aleksander.

Your job as Stukov is to full clear the map of all buildings ahead of hybrid spawns. You cannot beat the map easily if you don’t go for a full clear. Ignore bonuses, if you clear the map your rando partner will do them without you.

Last thing the only thing you need your rando partner to do is be able to fight the infested that attack them at the beginning. With the Apocalisk and Aleksander you won’t need them for attack waves but if they can’t handle infested dodge and go next.

Yeah legitimately this mutation was so ridiculous that I only beat it on Normal, I’m kinda ashamed to say, and I mostly won because a 563 Swann basically carried me (though I didn’t slouch and did my best all the same) Honestly with Zeratul it felt impossible because I don’t know how to deal with early attacks as him.