Co-Op Mutation #261: Conflagration

They would be using Destroyers. If you roll a decent enough composition, you just stomp the enemy.

Vanguards are a good choice for all those ground Infested and Broodlings. Especially with Matter Dispersion (+30% aoe). You don’t even need a big number of them.

I haven’t used vanguards but wouldn’t their projectile miss most of them?
Vanguard Pellets are notorious for their lackluster aim.

That’s just their bad reputation. I regularly use Destruction Wave and still have Vanguards with a decent amount of kills when it’s a ground-heavy comp. For example on Void Launch a few days ago, I had a Vanguard with 47 kills.

Even if it’s small Zerglings, or in this case Infested, it’s worth it.

Try it and see for yourself, I can only encourage it. Just don’t spam them. I’d say around three Vanguards is already enough. They’ll do the job.

It’s rare, but have had an Artanis ally lose his only pylon powering a whole mess of production buildings. Luckily as Karax, I was able to fix that near instantly with a few well placed pylons :sunglasses:

Comp does this too… with Stukov, just have Infest Structure target the only pylon powering 2 to 3 Cannons. PC are then easy targets. Or, have the broodlings just target the pylon itself. Otherwise, a single Marine, Hydra, Goon, Stalker, Reaper, etc. was able to take down 2 cannons b/c I was able to take out the lone pylon first!

Hmm, on a related note, I forgot how many languages this game supports. If I can get foreign audio but with English text, I’ll have to try that out!!

Fun mutation for this week.

Did every commander and I think Kerrigan was easiest just because of Lurkers/Mutalisk.

EDIT ~ Just had a p3 Alarak ally never take his expo and he was fine with pure Destroyer

Beat it as Karax P1 and ally P0 Raynor. Pretty easy. My ally deal the Thrasher while I handle the defense.

Once I got Colossus, Energizers all set up and SoA at full power, it’s a piece of cake. I didn’t build any monoliths because they’re not worth it against infested and broodling. It’s better to spend those gases on Colossus.

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Beat it with P2 Swann and Kerrigan Ally.

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Just add energizers in pylon mode. They don’t get disabled unless killed (but they have lower attack priority in this mode)

tbf I was floating like 4k minerals and like 2k gas at the end of the game when I went destroyer alarak p3, even after building an obscene number of cannons. I didn’t go pure death fleet though, I had a separate tiny army with alarak and a group of supplicants plus a couple of havocs so that I could cover multiple attack paths and drops.

Cleared it with P2 Kerrigan + Mass Mutalisks and P1 Tychus ally.

Cleared all side objectives as well.

Tried as p2 Swann and went almost pure defense. My ally kerrigan massed a flock of mutalisks and sniped objectives, but lategame the wall was just indestructible. Early game is the hardest part .

I was teetering between Swann P2 and Karax P1. I can at least focus on d, while somebody else can focus on pushing. I figured more Coop players prefer and are better at pushing, while I prefer defense.

I went with Karax P1. It just so happens that my ally picked Swann P2! Not ideal as I ended up pushing, wishing I chosen Karax P2 instead. On the plus side, I got to skip all of the tower upgrades, not to mention the towers themselves, so getting Carriers out was pretty fast and a lifesaver since enemy was ground comp like Tanks, Vultures, and Gollies. Since I usually play Karax P3, I now have Chrono^3 again (Boost, Field, and Wave), making getting out a decent number of them, even from just 2 Star Gates, to be quite adequate.

I Chrono Boosted and Waved his towers as necessary (while also boosting my Carrier production). He eventually made Wraiths to help with pushing (makes sense since Swann P2 who focuses on towers will rack up enough gas to even overcome the +50% gas disadvantage)

Nicely done, though I feel your ally’s choice of Swann P2 probably held you back. I can’t really see the advantage of Swann P2 since the anti-ground dps of turrets is almost always eclipsed by tanks. Billy is higher dps vs single-target armoured, but tanks do splash and you’re spawn camping. Billy and Betty are mainly there to take the hits so your tanks don’t. Though, along with Karax P1 a Swann tower-build is a lot stronger.

Worth mentioning is he did make tanks early on, and put them behind his towers to give them more “oomph”. Early on, he pushed at least once or twice with several tanks when I didn’t have my Carriers up yet.

So I used Karax P1 with with a Stukov P3 ally… against a zergling comp. The lag… the lag was real. I had over 3700 kills. That was a rather stressful match. Didnt help that banelings came with them.

So… many… units… burned through so many minerals with all the photons I put down. Bonus got done though.

Curious… what kind of PC specs do you have?

It is actually a fairly powerful computer, the only time the lag spikes got really bad was when I chrono boosted the defenses. I know starcraft 2 does not use multicore… which amd cores are built around… so that probably did not help.

But between stukov… the zerglings splitting into more units, and then lighting things on fire… oh and the infesters launching even more units… the lag did get bad at times.


I have a 10th gen i7 @2.9GHz. I haven’t had lag yet playing through all 3 of Stukov’s Prestige, but yeah, it’ll be ‘fun’ seeing if I get paired up with Stetmann, vs. a zerg comp (I’ll need to take note again, as I don’t think it was that bad), or its equivalent.