Co-Op Mutation #253: World on Fire

had a brain fart moment when I tried to do the mastery reset trick with raynor but I forgot to switch to the mutation tab so it went to a normal mission and I ended up with a level 1 raynor after leaving the game.

lol I was kinda bummed after that so I just went tychus p2 on the next try. ally was p2 swann but he didn’t help with the defense at all. and I found that I didn’t need it either because tychus p2.

Shoulda just stuck with it. The mutation is easy enough that you can just spam bunkers and bio as level 1 Raynor to shoot down missiles. Then used the Hyperion and Dusk wings to clear defenses, then collect crystals to finish the game. That’d jump you straight to level 6.

Completed as best buddy and my friend as Swann. He took care of the missiles. After that he started doing wraiths. I did not expand nor make combat units.

Probably true, esp since MULE/OC is available from level 1.

Dusk Wings unlock at lvl 2. Hyperion cooldown is 6 mins; after first one at 5 mins. No orbital droppods = can’t reinforce in the field, army gathers in two places; one of them will surely get nuked before reaching the enemy. I suppose 6 OC’s and marine-only army would still be fine.

Doing that one mission (on brutal?) would have got you to level 2, almost 3; which would have then made it easier to do the stuff CtG mentioned. And you’d have Dusk Wings every 4 mins.

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oh yeah true, but I find level 1 raynor kind of weak to some comps, like ling/bane for example. didn’t want to be the weak link in the co-op. also I was like ‘ah screw it tychus p2 let’s go’ after my brain fart, couldn’t be bothered to tryhard it (and go through a couple of ally insta leaves at seeing my level).

yeah for sure, but I only had time for one game and that one wasn’t it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Played with Stetmann P3, lings don’t even care about nuke and if I need to avoid nuke, I just switch to speed boost, got a Tychus allies so the game was easy sailing

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Kerrigan’s nydus shall cover the ground.

Make sure you don’t cross the beams!


You could mass zerglings with shield and pwn

Easier than I expected. Did it as lvl 14 P1 Stukov, with Swann partner. I felt like I did almost nothing, but I ended up with over 2x more kills than partner, probably thanks to the fact, that he was “defending” (I guess :thinking: ).
One infested bunker shoots down Nuclear missile and all its defense drones :slight_smile:

One think to be aware of - most of the expansion isle is NOT safe from nukes; only the area around the bases is. The nukes hit not only the ramps, but also the whole western and northern part of the isle.