Co-Op Mutation #253: World on Fire

Nowhere is safe from Amon’s wrath. Between the endless missile salvos, random nuclear strikes, and a purifier beam in search of something to burn, Veridia’s lava flows might be the least of your worries. Get your workers back to base safely. It’s their time to shine.

Missile Command - Endless missile bombardments target your structures and must be shot down throughout the mission.
Going Nuclear - Nukes are launched at random throughout the map.
Purifier Beam - An enemy Purifier Beam moves across the map toward nearby player units.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Architect of War] Piky Devouring One
[CtG Infested Admiral] Ancalagon Valorous Inspirator
[CtG Merchant of Death] Ancalagon Lone Puppy
[CtG Dark Prelate] DIABLO Broodbrother

[Reddit Post Link]


  • The Purifier Beam and the nukes do NOT go into the expansion. However, they do hit the ramps, so changing defensive layouts is advisable.
  • Missiles spawn [at the very start], from the edges of the map. They slowly fly to the players’ bases.
  • Missiles deal 100 damage at first. However, the size increases, and eventually [they launch nukes toward our base]. Those ones come with a warning sound.
  • We can shoot down the missiles. Sometimes [they launch Point Defense Drones], so we need to shoot those down first. Also, we cannot stop them from spawning.
  • The missiles do not target units or workers.
  • The Purifier Beam slowly chases units, but it does not venture into players’ bases.
  • A new Purifier Beam spawns every 10 minutes.
  • The warning spot for Going Nuclear is the large targeting area. However, you only have 5 Blizzard seconds of warning before the nuke hits.

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One can defend and the other collect. Swann and Karax for the best defensive. Tychus, Dehaka, Abathur, Zera for collect.

Do Swann P1 slow the mega missiles (nuke)?


Re-live the event that is lag. Add in extra funsies with Stetmann and Stukov on this map. Come try it! You’ll never forget it! :wink:

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#18, #87 and this week… 3rd…
this week 1st clear Tychus P2+Nova P3
Mutation (World on Fire)play list.

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I use Dehaka’s Creeper hosts to defend against missiles, they actually quite excel at it as creeper ram through missiles and ignoring point defense lasers.
But yeah, they can’t beat Swann, Karax and Stukov as the defenders.


Pretty easy, Tychus P0.

Raynor would be fine for defense too. Bunkers have turrets, sometimes there’s marines in them too. Both are hitscan so can take down missiles. Tanks and Missile turrets for base defense. If you’re facing a ground comp, Vultures with replenishing spidermines helps. And “Get OC and MULE it up”.


Vermy Problem again? Come on. Just had this 2 weeks ago wasn’t it? Ya this one isn’t fun at all probably skipping this week.

Stukov p0 is better for defending since bunkers like Raynor’s are hit scan so point defense drones can’t protect nukes, and then just use mech or calldowns for pushing.


I’m currently reading stuff in the editor, and I will just give facts without trying to interpret them (people with experience of mutation or having read more can come up with conclusions):

  • There’s a timer called NukeCD, set to 0 in Casual and Normal, but to 900 in Hard and 600 in Brutal), and it uses AI Time seconds.
  • There’s an array of timers (indexed by player) called BarrageTimer, initialized at 5 AI Time seconds.
  • At a mission time below 300, that array is refilled by the following values, from Casual to Hard: 45, 30, 20, 15.
  • Else at a mission time below 600, that array is refilled by the following values, from Casual to Hard: 30, 20, 15, 5. 10% chance of point-defense drone.
  • Else at a mission time below 900, that array is refilled by the following values, from Casual to Hard: 30, 12, 4, 2. 20% chance of point-defense drone.

And I’m too lazy to report/figure what’s that about splitter and standard missiles.

edit: forgot *cough* missed *cough* this:

  • NukeCD is refilled at 120 in Hard and 60 in Brutal
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Played it in pub with a couple commanders.

Tychus felt the most comfortable since him getting his army nuked doesn’t matter.

Just patrolling some scvs to repair and running workers away from Missile Command nukes is really all it takes. I think people are freaking out over the Missile Command mutator too much when Going Nuclear is the real pain here.

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Yes to the people calling Raynor and Stukov good options for defending which I actually agree a lot, I wouldn’t say the best of the best but they can carry their weight (and their ally’s) in that regard with ease. They also have an edge in some comps.

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Complete the mission with p0 artanis, ally is P1 karax. Ally do all the defence while I clear the map and collect the crystal. Nuke is really annoying, have to babysit your army and worker entire time, off the screen few seconds and you probably will get nuke. Countless time saved by guardian shield. Took 30mins to complete the mission include bonus objective.

Cleared it with P3 Kerrigan and P0 Stukov.

My Stukov ally defending the missile commands and at the same time, he will send the infested to push. I don’t really do much in the mid-game except for manually piloting the drones with crystal back to the base due to the random nuke mutator.

Won using Zagara (accidentally P3 instead of P1) in casual.
Was annoying, would have been better with an actual ally instead of a Stukov that just wait for sight to spawn tanks, then do nothing (causing tanks to get nuked eventually of course).

I had never seen missiles with (mobile :astonished:) point-defense drones before, I wonder when they added that?

Also, at some point, purifier beam got locked in the north entrance of expansion, so I had to make sure those idiots drones would not go straight into it.
Tried to lure it away with Zagara, but it doesn’t seem to take the bait that easily.

Done as P0 Karax with a P1 Vorazun ally.

Monoliths take care of the missiles protected by those PDDs, Cannons of everything else. Chose P0 over P1 so Unity Barrier is still active, and for repairing units as well.

After a while, my ally just chilled in the middle base with all the DTs and Stalkers. Pretty sure he used Time Stop to run in and get those crystals, then back to the middle.

All those environmental effects, plus a swarmy Zerg comp, was really a lot at once on the screen.

Sidenote: Also got a P3 Stukov in the beginning who lagged the game, even prompting the “waiting for player” screen to show up. At the beginning. I quickly left.

Brutal+2!? Nice to be getting more easier Brutations. I’ve long stopped gunning for achievements, but if I can get them “organically”, without grinding, then I’m still game for that.

First ally I got was so awful, a Tychus who went Nikara first and sat in the beam. I’m not yet good enough to a do a true solo, though I did manage 2k kills before losing. It would have been easier if he just quit at he start.

Next was great, smooth and easy. I went Raynor for the prestige trick and 8 OC cos I wanted to rain marines all around the map. Gotta sing raining men when doing that! :rofl: :rofl:

Used Tychus P3 as usual, had a Zagara P1 ally. I am grateful for Zagara picking up the crystals my SCV’s kept dropping because the laser and nukes kept killing them.

Also, mass oracles with lasers is scary, not much can melt through P3, but oracles very much can if not careful.

More annoying with the nukes and lasers with the workers than anything. Not very difficult but not very fun either.

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