Co-Op Mutation #245: Urban Warfare

The city is a dangerous place. Unseen assailants lurk around every corner, and the streets are littered with deadly hidden traps. Even the buildings themselves seek to strike you down. Move quickly and carefully, and always watch your back.

Photon Overload - All enemy structures attack nearby hostile units.
Minesweeper - Groups of Widow Mines and Spider Mines are buried throughout the battlefield.
We Move Unseen - All enemy units are permanently cloaked.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG Galactic Gunrunners]
[CtG Matriarch of the Nerazim]
[CtG Desolate Queen] Arcturus Renegade Commander
[CtG Soldier of Fortune] Arcturus Merchant of Death

[ [Reddit Post Link]](Will add later)


  • Sometimes there are mines between your bases. Move carefully.
  • Artanis’ Guardian Shell is a literal life-saver for mines.
  • Observers’ and Overseers’ surveillance mode and scanner sweep are helpful for seeing mines.
  • Even the first wave [2:30] is cloaked.
  • Time stop reveals all cloaked enemy units and mines.
  • Apparently even Ravens’ Auto Turrets get Photon Overload, which is pretty funny.

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Another easy brutation week.
Once again like other previous brutations, this one reminded me how OP the recent commanders (Mengsk) are and how some prestiges make life easier for some commanders.

I beat it with P2 Dehaka.
Suped up Primal Leaders and improved Primal Wurm Cooldown mastery really made it easy.

#10, #79 and this week… 3rd…
1st clear Alarak P3+Artanis
Mutation (Urban Warfare) play list.

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Multiple commanders are going to be strong. Peraphs the first cloacked wave will be a bit complicated, but that’s about it.

Mengsk laugh intensify !

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How does Mengsk clear the mines near the ‘launch’ point?

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It involves a bit of luck when blind droping troopers in the launch point. Build turrets, or even a starport->witness, for detection, and ESOs to clear out the mines. There’s a couple of vids on youtube showing how mengsk can solo the brutation.

This one is really fun and strategical.

Who was commander of the week last week? It isn’t showing in OP.

I used Nova P3 for this, and had a P2 Stetman ally… almost feel sorry for those poor shards and pirate ships, they sank faster than I do on Sea of Thieves.

Still, it is nice to have an easy mutation after last week. I am not really that good, so I struggle with the harder brutations.

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Zagara-ed like usual.
Had to hurry getting a Lair to get Overseers, then had to hurry getting Scourge cost reduction because I was against air compo.
Then thanks to my ally choice of commander and difficulty (Hard), I stetlagged slowly toward victory.

Mutation difficulty and popularity polls say “Special Delivery” instead of “Urban Warfare”.

Did it as P0 Stetmann with my ally as a level 3 Mengsk. Ally really knew what he was doing so it was a piece of cake clearing the objectives even though I played like a noob.

Did it with a p1 Zagara and regular Stukov. Just fast teched to get spore crawler and baneling nest out as soon as possible. Dealt with an Air Zerg Comp. Wasn’t too hard. Plus since Stukov didn’t use his expansion gas, I made two hatches near them and started mining. All the extra resources I needed.

Did it as p3 nova with tychus ally, easy. I had each base blown up before ally reached it, our armies just mopped up and killed shards.

Went in with level 11 p1 mengsk, p2 stettman ally saw me build a turret early for detection and left (?) and I was like thanks haha. It was super straightforward with the extra income, I just turtled on 3 bases and bombarded the shards for the win.

If people are collecting bounties to catch up. Not that I’m saying anyone is but a hypothetical thought. I was just thinking how crazy long it is to reach certain marks now.

Let’s say you’ve done the weekly very casually back then and collected about 100 bounties up to this relative point. It’ll take you 100 weeks to get to about 500 bounties or so - that is almost 2 years :stuck_out_tongue:. Maybe you’ve got more than 100 to start off… we’re still generally looking at 1/2 year to 2 years, wow haha.

Or you’re super ambitious to catch up to the top dogs. Aaaaand for some reason they all stopped collecting bounties, which btw is about 1000. That would move that timeline from 2 years to 4.5 years :crazy_face:.


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Nice I just went from level 5 to just about 9 with Arty P1. With good Tychus partner. He wanted to leave at the beginning exclaiming I was only 5 and didn’t think he could carry me. I told him don’t worry he didn’t have to carry. Proper use of shield overcharge is key. Again it’s like time stop in this way and a lot of people don’t know, but use it as soon as you get it, you end up getting more of them thru ought the mission.

Got my first cannon up just in time to detect first attack which Tychus shredded. Of course it was ling comp. From there it was Observer/Dragoon to clear all the mines. The first rift then the expo area. Then went into mass immortals which are really good vs. the objective. You can add reavers late, which add even more damage.

Simple and fun mutation.

Picked Stetboy P2. The mine sweeping capabilities of super Gary are just awesome. Spider mines can’t hit him and the widow mines have almost no impact when you keep the green bubble up. The special Lagg mutator was more difficult then the real ones :stuck_out_tongue:

These early mutations are great for leveling up those prestiging commanders, heh.

Used lvl 6 Nova, buddy was lvl 10 Dehaka, slow and steady but no way we were even going to lose it first try. Hard to account for new age coop power back before it happened, eh? :crazy_face: