The hardest wars are those of attrition. The temple is under siege, minerals can be difficult to harvest, and Amon’s army is both resilient and fanatical. Hold out as long as you can, and hope it is enough.

Mineral Shields - Mineral clusters at player bases are periodically encased in a shield which must be destroyed for gathering to continue.
Barrier - Enemy units gain a temporary shield upon the first time they take damage.
Avenger - Enemy units gain increased attack speed, armor, and life when nearby enemy units die.
Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:
[Reddit Post Link]
- Avenger can buff units up to ten times, with each increasing HP and shields by 10%, life regen by 1 per second, armor by 0.3, and attack and movement speed by 10%.
- Units that get the Avenger buff also grow in size to give players a visual indicator.
- Mineral shields are 50 health structures. A minimap ping indicates their arrival. If not destroyed they last a very long time then they disappear on their own.
- Player units and static defense DO NOT autotarget Mineral Shields.
- Barrier is a 100HP shield that lasts for 5 seconds.
- Barrier triggers when an enemy unit is damaged but not killed. 1-hit KO bypasses Barrier.
- The Mineral Shields also get the Barrier.
- Mind-controlling/Reclaiming Avenger-buffed enemy units will cause them to lose the Avenger buff.
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#7, #76 and this week… 3rd…
Avenger is … hu… …
1st clear Tychus P2+Kerrigan
Mutation (Temple of Pain) play list.
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At least, they don’t have life leech.
Units that auto-target Mineral shields: Primal Host, Primal Guardian’s Explosive Spores, Mag-mines, Reaper’s KD8 Charge, Abathur’s Symbiotes.
I think H&H P1 can be good, high damage glass cannon, and camp with mines, as long you are decent clearing the mineral shields, it should be okay. Commanders who are not economy based, like Abathur or Dehaka, or Solo Kerrigan, should also be fine from that mutator.
Just my 2 cents
I like playing any commander. This time, I will choose scourge queen Zagara. Free units + splash. 
Much to my surprise I did this brutation on the first try. Used Tychus P3 and had a level 14 Fenix ally. Fenix went mass carriers, so things got stressful at times. Went up against marines and siege tank comp and ended up getting my base nuked twice.
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I remember this one being strangely fun. Now a lot more guys to choose to try it with.
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Done as Alarak P3 with a P1 Mengsk ally.
Enemy comp was Zerg with Hydras, Ultras, Lurkers and Queens.
Had seven beefy Ascendants, otherwise lots of Destroyers and the usual Supplicants, Havocs etc.
My Mengsk ally was struggling, but it was understandable, since he was around Ascension 40. Squishy troopers kept getting annihilated by Avenger Zergs and Hybrid. He stabilized a bit after getting some tanks, which didn’t last long though because they got got wrecked by flying Avenger Hybrids.
He got overrun in the end, so I ignored the south-eastern Thrasher and ping-ponged between our bases until the timer ran out.
Avenger is a pretty interesting mutator. I like it.
Cleared it with P3 Kerrigan (me) and P1 Tychus ally, and since we were against heavy ground composition, I went mass mutalisk and it works well until the late-game hybrids went into Avenger mode and starting to stomping my forces. Even so, we still won in the end.
It is not easy as I thought it will be.
Not sure if I will do that one, bad map and bad mutators for Zagara (though more about it being a pain than being impossible)
P1 Zagara makes this mutation easy. 2 early bile launchers for each base negates mineral shields, and pays off over the 26 minute long mission. fast bane nest handles first attack waves and sometimes doesn’t trigger barrier. Scourge snipes bonuses, thrashers, and north doom drops. fully upgraded lings bring down, slowly but surely, big hybrids. Extra hatch all over to delay enemy incase they break though.
Completed with Vora P2 and a lv 11 Zeratul
The enemy just kill themselve most of the time with my Voidray, DA Zealot assistance.
But first lost is when playing Alarak and he himself eat all of my ascendant because of 1 wrong micro move 
Got it on the first run as P0 Abathur. Had a useless Raynor ally, who placed a tank and a wall of depots on his side and called it a day. Oh, and he also used his top bar. I had to use all my nests on his side so I could clear his waves after mine with brutalisks. The game ended when he had a supply depot and a refinery left.
On second run I had a decent Fenix ally, so it went much more smoothly.
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I also did it with p1 Zagara!! Bile launchers are very good - even covered my swann ally bases - and used scourge ling bane combo. The enemy comp had Lurkers - so that was a bit more difficult, with the ocassional giant hybrids, but got it first try.
It wasn’t bad. Just had to keep up with units and get an early baneling nest asap. I faced zerg air comp and had a level 8 sub mastery Stukov as an ally.
I completed it as Raynor with Artanis ally. Enemy was Thor and Siege Tanks, but I thought I could spam marines with guardian shell – it didn’t work. Luckily he kept his army intact. Instead of killing the last wave, we baited them around and used my OCs to tank for the temple. We won with 42 hp left.
Finally played it with Zagara.
to all those that mentioned how Bile Launchers are finally finding an use here (though these things attract enemies more than Vorazun Oracles somehow
) .
Good thing I didn’t have a brain-dead ally, or flying hybrids would have gotten past me.
“Avenger” was powerful, but a ton of units from Zagara keep them at least busy and thus less significant…still need to regenerate units faster than on normal maps.
I had 2 Bile Launchers covering my south base, and 3 on the east base (with 1 that, as mentioned earlier, always attracted all surrounding enemies, must look tasty or something
Won in Normal with ally in Hard (Kerrigan), against Masters and Machines composition (though at some point it’s the hybrids that would hog the avenger bonus).
Should have F10 N ed as soon as i saw ling comp. But i stayed In as Arty 15 with a Mengsk ally. About 5=10 minutes later we were losing and I left, ling comp is terrible on this.
That only works when backed by a strong economy. You’d need probably 6-10 orbitals.
Encountered the same. Played Arty, not even on brutal, just hard difficulty. Worst is I activated prestige during mission start countdown, now have to start levelled from level 1.
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