Few things are as harsh as a Kaldir blizzard. Resources are hard to come by, and the winds freeze everything they touch. Destroy Amon’s shuttles, and try to keep warm.
Blizzard - Storm clouds move across the map, damaging and freezing player units in their path.
Slim Pickings - Player worker units gather resources at a reduced rate, but resource pickups spawn throughout the map.
Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:
[Reddit Post Link]
- The Blizzard clouds move from left to right across the map. Even touching the edge of a cloud will slow down your units considerably.
- The Blizzards do not pass through players’ expansions.
- Workers gather 1 resource per trip on Brutal difficulty. It is still worth it to expand, but you need to take your expansion early for it to pay back its cost and be worthwhile.
- Using patrol on single units/workers is a good way of seeing the resource pickups. They still appear through the fog of war so you can return to them later. Don’t take too long, though, as the pickups despawn at some point.
- This mutation in general is anti-economy and anti-small units. Therefore, commanders with strong hero units will do extremely well here.
Commander of the Week: https://www.strawpoll.me/24772174
Mutation difficulty: https://www.strawpoll.me/24772227
Do you like this mutation? https://www.strawpoll.me/24772279
Commander of the Week winner of last week:
Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List
P3 Kerrigan should be the MVP!
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Oh god another cancer one.
Not a difficult mutation, just really annoying. Might just level a prestige CO with this one with my brother.
I’ve never understood how people seemed to say it’s possible to level, or maybe the word should be “grind”, on a mutation.
Isn’t the 1st time you play it the only time where you get more exp than a normal mission?
It is but you can launch mutation when you are lvl 15 and then hit “prestige this commander” when the countdown starts.
This way assuming you win your first try you automatically start lvl 5 or 6 your new prestige. And yes it is once a week and if it fails you get to level from level 1 instead.
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The resource pickings isn’t fun, with blizzard, on this map. These mutations came out before all the a-move moba commanders. They used to be a lot harder, always are annoying.
If I’m only going to play this mission once for the bounty, I might as well put the XP bonus onto a CO that could use it rather than just arbitrarily level my Ascension level.
This mutation isn’t hard, any CO can do it it’s just annoying. There’s nothing telling me “use this CO” for this, so if I can just anyone, I’ll just pick a CO I haven’t prestiged yet and use them.
Bounty XP bonuses are worth several levels for a Pre-15 CO or it can be worth an entire level and a half if you’re around level 12 or so.
Too bad I only play Raynor, don’t think can complete this week brutation. This week brutation highly dependent on hero unit due to low resources.
Cleared it with P3 Kerrigan and P3 Stukov.
P3 Kerringan = a lot of money. With the help of enough Omega Worm, it is easier to pick the resources all over the place as long as you keep spawning Omega Worm at everywhere.
This mutation wasn’t that hard at all.
Is it a mistake to build workers and / or take expansion with slim pickings? Just comb the map for pickups?
Also does blizzard damage buildings? description says “units”
Blizzard (the red one at least) do damage buildings.
I Stukoved this one. I was lucky to be partnered with a Karax P1 that defended well when my waves of infested failed to intercept something, and it was convenient when my many barracks got hit by Blizzard as zerg regen + karax repair made the storms useless.
I didn’t try to take an expansion at all, confident it would be mostly wasteful.
Still, whenever I see Slim Pickings, I’m very pessimistic on the amount of resource pickups on the map, but it wasn’t too bad (in Normal at least), so maybe it would not have been that hard for Tychus.
Zagara on the other hand would have suffered from her lack of anti-air since main objectives specifically need it, so playing in Hard (with her or another commander) was not thinkable for me.
Done as Alarak P3 with a Dehaka ally, including bonus. One ship got through the middle conduit because we were all slowed down. And it was very close in the end. Dehaka stayed in the middle, while I went for the right conduit, then I warped to intercept the left wave, and had to slowly get to the middle to help for the last shuttles. We had to focus fire the shuttles, they would have escaped otherwise.
The few buildings I managed to build outside of our base survived until the end, so if you want a more relaxing experience, I’d say Karax P1 would be a good choice here since his buildings are way stronger and he has repair beam. You just need to get a Probe through the damn Blizzards, and be prepared to replace it often.
The Blizzards are way more annoying than Slim Pickups.
You can go mass corruptor on this with Zag. Just micro around the storms and focus fire the shuttles.
Zeratul P3 made this easy, had a level 9 karax P0 who went mass carrier, but was still able to largely complete the mission as a normal Brutal. Comp was zerg.
We managed to complete the bonus as well.
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Complete this Brutation with a level 5 Alarak with a Dehaka partner, it was an easy breez, early game resources are an issue but pick up spawn around the map so forgo building worker and early expan is much more profitable but try to keep your worker active all the time 2-3 worker patrol the area around all bases could prove useful.
Failed two times as Artanis P0. I switched over to Karax P1 with Nova P0 ally and successfully beat it without any troubles.
Karax and Stukov structures will be fine outside of bases. I haven’t tried Swann and his Fire Suppressive System upgrade but I don’t think they’ll hold.
Should’ve done it with P3 if you have it. Dragoons ignore Blizzard damage, and you can alternate Solar Bombardments and Orbital Strike Archons on attack waves as they spawn.
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Fire suppression should hold… the damage is 5 dps, and Fire suppression is 15 hps… so its just fine… although they will be all at 1/2 strength.
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