Co-Op Mutation #236: Train of the Dead

Hercs if mobile or flaming betty’s if static. Top bar for waves.

This! I actually like Polarity - it’s a great idiot filter for allies. If they think they can go off with their early/fast start army and clear a base or whatever without their ally…and then getting wreckt. Instead of waiting for ally, using indicators for where they want to attack, setting up defense at both bases, etc.

Boom bots involves a bunch of un-SC2 things - text/voice chat codes with your ally, typing it in with a weird command card, being able to select it without vision, etc. My partial-polarity variation/suggestion still requires both players to co-ordinate their attack on the bot. And unlike lock n load, you can’t do 50-50 damage with player A’s tank and player B’s probe*; both need to send some fighting units.

* Apart from Zeratul P2 with 100+ fragments.


Indeed. Yet, many of those who hate cooperative mutators are the same who only care about soloing (and showing off their lack of real life). Quite contradictory.

That part is definitely consistent. People who hate coop mutator should be the people that care about soloiing only.

Im saying people that like coop for being a mulitplayer game but hates multiplayer aspect of it.

Granted, boombots can probably be handled better (maybe one player enters the code first to unlock for the other player, then the other player enters), but I’ve done all of the boombots in pubs without voice, so not only is it doable, I also don’t think it’s that hard.


Personally I started to dislike polarity after it kept getting paired up with just die. Just got grating after a while, I dunno.

But yeah, there’s a large contingent of people who play/played coop viewing it as a competition. There’s been some very vocal people on the forums about it no less.

I started to dislike a lot of them only because the weekly mutation had nothing but those…

I dislike them because a lot of them require you to have near-perfect synergy/communication with your ally which is nigh impossible with random queue


Polarity requires you to have a lot of faith in your ally which I unfortunately cannot spare. Experience has taught me to be pessimistic


I did with Stukov lvl 12 P0. My Kerri’s allies carry me 70-30.

I haven’t got used to playing brutal.

  • ‘Just Die!’ and/or ‘Polarity’ have appeared 27 times
    • that’s 11.4% of all weekly mutations :scream::scream_cat:
  • ‘Just Die!’ and ‘Polarity’ together = 3 times
    • and with no other mutators
  • ‘Just Die!’ 17 times in total
  • ‘Polarity’ 13 times in total

Mutators we’ve had the most:

  1. Speed Freaks: 19 (8.1%)
  2. Void Rifts: 17 (7.2%)
  3. Just Die!: 17 (7.2%)
  4. Barrier: 16 (6.8%)
  5. Outbreak: 15 (6.4%)
  6. Avenger: 15 (6.4%)
  7. Self Destruction: 15 (6.4%)
  8. Scorched Earth: 14 (5.9%)
  9. Going Nuclear: 14 (5.9%)
  10. Missile Command: 14 (5.9%)
  11. Purifier Beam: 13 (5.5%)
  12. Alien Incubation: 13 (5.5%)
  13. We Move Unseen: 13 (5.5%)
  14. Polarity: 13 (5.5%)
  15. Void Reanimators: 13 (5.5%)

(Raw data source: CtG’s mutation DB in OP.)

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Yeah, and that’s not even half the mutators.

It’s like why bother make all these if you aren’t going to use it.

That’s why mutation as a whole is such a fail lol.

Umm…actually :nerd_face:, of the 70 available mutators, they’ve used 62. I only listed the one’s we got most. These are the 8 we’ve never seen, and in most cases, I’m thankful we haven’t:

  1. Force Fields
    • Enemy units spawn Force Fields upon death.
  2. Nap Time
    • Player worker units periodically fall asleep and must be awoken via the Wake Up ability on their command card.
  3. Sluggishness
    • Your units accelerate and turn slowly.
  4. Stone Zealots
    • The enemy has deployed Stone Zealots
  5. Terrible Terrible Damage
    • Enemy damage is increased by 15%.
  6. Tychus Teaches Typing
    • Invulnerable units are attacking you. You must type their true name into chat to defeat them!
  7. Undying Evil
    • A monster is deployed against you. Each time you kill it, it will gather more power and return even stronger.
  8. Worker Strike
    • Your workers have timed life.

So Boom Bots seems to be a redo of Tychus Teaches Typing, with less aggressive attacks (bots don’t explode until you get very close, so no attack); no language barrier (numeric codes instead of localised hero names); and ally co-operation (both participate in disarming, instead of just one player knowing all the names).

I don’t think many ppl think it’s a fail. Though some combos definitely meet that criteria. Especially mutator synergy not being accounted for in the difficulty rating or when queuing for B+X levels. Biggest missed opportunity was not having “fun” mutators like many which Maguro has made ( Ex. Endurance & Level Playing Field would be so cool, separately and together.

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Considering the number of people who play coop VS the number of those that play brutation (or even that of a bare minimum of weekly mutation), I would say it is exactly that - a fail.

Mutations as a whole is a large feature of coop. One look at most people’s profile you can see their bounty count is very very low. Why would that be? It is because it is unpopular. We can’t view it as an “elite” or “harder” difficulty because they aren’t. They really are a different puzzle so to speak.

And dev’s grasp on people’s interest to solve these puzzles as a way to increase difficulty failed miserably. It is the very reason why you can’t random match above B+1. It is the cause of why people requiring multiple attempts even on 90% of weekly mutations - their gauges level of difficulty and repetitive lazy notion on mutators was just a poor direction.

M’s mutators aimed at a much better level to be honest. The topic on mutators as a whole to be fun orientated than tedium has come up so many times since they were released. I remain disappointed (given where we are now) that they did mutators in like this lol.

I honestly think if they’ve rebalanced the mutators to be “less individually difficult” then it is a easy fix, but alas some thing aren’t meant to be.

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Fair enough. I stand corrected.

For me, if I find a mutation to just be punishment, I usually don’t bother or just do it on Normal or Hard.

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Whole heartedly agree that is the feel.

And it is just so unfortunate. Nobody should go into a coop game feeling “oh man, this is just awful” regardless of their skill.

Anyway, far too late now, if they are going to change anything, sure as heck won’t be mutations lol.

My biggest issues with mutators are how they tend to hard counter certain commanders, beyond that though, I noticed that mutations often favor commanders with a very fast ramp up speed, or who have powerful heroes that can solo. I think that is why commanders like Dehaka, Tychus, and Zeratul work so well on many weekly mutations.

I also despise polarity and Boombots on a personal level. Polarity because it makes things immune to you, and Boombots because of just how Boombots function and have to be disabled.

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I like this one a lot.


Well I like mutations for the extra challenge. That is except for a few really stupid ones or some of the broken combos. Maybe I’m a sadist. :rofl: :sob:

But … how?

0 damage is odd but I can imagine it. Negative damage ???