Co-Op Mutation #220: Shared Pain

Huh, I expected this to be easier … I got 3 games as Kerrigan (on Brutal) against Zerg with summoning Hybrids

  • first try with lvl7 Stetmann, who build only zerlings :frowning:
  • second with Artanis who was good, until he got disconnected after loading his maxed out army into an Omega worm, so I could not use it nor build a new one :frowning:
  • finally completed (+bonus, ocfourse, because otherwise it does not count :wink: ) on 3rd try with another Artanis

I think I need to learn how to solo these things.

Anyway, Guardian Shell seems veeery useful in this.
Ultralisks are okay :slight_smile: they are not immune to the pull, but at least they survive for some time.

And enemy Broodlors are super annoying; I try to focus fire them, but units keep cancelling that command and switching to the broodlings

1st Attempt: Failed as Abathur with Karax.
2nd: Failed as Abathur with Karax
3rd: Failed as Abathur with Zeratul. Almost got this one. Couldn’t break through the enemy defense to reach the final cell.
4th: Succeeded as Swann with Zeratul. We even got the bonus.

Wheww it’s harder than I thought. You need the Hercules for Siege tanks. Otherwise, time will be against you.

After I beat the mutation as Swann, I decided to do Artanis for experiment. I heard Guardian Shell is very useful and Someone said the same too. I wanted to test it out.

1st attempt with Raynor ally. Easy. I don’t have any trouble as Artanis and we got the bonus too. My ally seem to struggled a bit but he managed to pulled through.

2nd attempt with Zagara ally. Sadly, my ally left the game right when the game start. I stayed and tried to solo it. Beat the game. Artanis make this mutators easy mode. Lol. I skipped the bonus though. I posted up the link below. Just copy it and paste the link in the search bar.

Another mutation on “The Girl who cried Hybrid”. Uugh.

Why does everyone insist on attacking the first Hybrid even though the timer is running way down? The Hybrid’s not going anywhere (usually) but time is.

1st & 2nd attempts: ran out of time

3rd attempt successful, as Vorazun with random Dehaka ally, on US. Went DT+Corsair but should have gone DT+Stalker, coz it was Devouring Scourge so my Corsairs got wiped, not enough Black Holes. Built late game Stalkers to for anti-air.

4th, 5th, 6th attempts - with random allies on Asia: Dehaka, Karax, Alarak - all failed coz ran out of time. Allies were busy on the first hybrid and I kept losing units (not enough micro).

This mission needs an “always on” and large timer on the right side. People keep not noticing it. All my allies were level 100-700, so not noobs.

If your ally insists on killing the Hybrid, just keep getting parts. The only downside to constantly get parts before attacking the first hybrid and not doing Parts --> Hybrid --> Parts --> Hybrid --> Parts --> Hybrid is that you miss out on the bonus 2-3 mins that gets added on each time you complete getting parts for each Hybrid. Maybe it gets added on when the Balius starts its run for each Hybrid, but by then both have large enough armies and I’ve cleared out the bases.

Also, what happens with Fatal Attraction when you add in Minesweeper, optionally also with Magnificent? Kill one mine, your army gets pulled in, sets off the other spider+widow mines and mags and everything explodes. Work around that by killing mines with just one unit on a suicide mission.

Or Fatal Attraction with Propagators? I imagine that needs a “perfect run” to work, coz if even one propagates, then as soon as you kill any one poop, you get pulled in and the other poop poops your units. Rinse & repeat to defeat. Seems like a purely Zagara, Abathur, Raynor (spider mine) mutation.

7th/8th attempt, Vora with a random Stukov ally, on Asia. Successful. Finally someone who prioritized getting parts over fighting the Hybrid.

9th/10th attempt, Vora (level 45) with random Swann ally on EU. Successful.

With non-heroic or non-heavy units, prepare for heavy loses. Build enough production to be able to re-max fast. Lost 1/2 my DT’s and 2/3rd’s of my Corsairs over the course of the game (stats via Maguro’s Co-op overlay).

Even after the 3rd Hybrid was out, kept getting parts to buy time. Good thing too coz ally lost most of their units while fighting the 3rd and had to make more.

And expect massive FPS drops when dealing with enemy waves or pushing into bases.

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1st try artanis + zagara
Ally was mehhhhhhhhhh. Made exactly 0 anti air against skytoss carrier so I had to kill every attack wave (and lost both my bases near the end of the mission). He also refused to make banelings other than the free ones so most of my damage went into killing him. Timer hovered around 1:30 remaining for a while, but easy enough.

First with Zagara and Dehaka ally went pretty well, but gotta do a little more micro with diffusion since you can’t run a whole army into a wave.

2nd was with Dehaka and a mostly-asleep Zagara ally. So I collected parts and cleared waves and left the first hybrid to him. Tyranno worked quite well and I kept Dehaka separate from army and calldowns most of the time.

Really? I thought Tyrannozors’ high damage output would react badly with diffusion. The mutation would kill them faster than they can kill their target.

What about the trains? From what the experience I had from TotP, Mass Tyrannozor attacking a Void Thrashed kill them all quickly due to Diffusion and Void Thrashing have lots of Shield/Life

Definitely the easiest mutation in a while. Beat it on the first attempt with Zeratul.

Had a non-helpful Karax teammate that only built Immortals, which he repeatedly lost due to Diffusion. It ended up being OK going solo because Zeratul can clear this mutation pretty easily.

Zeratul can single-handedly run around the map collecting all the parts you need with his blink & cloak. From there, just mass cannons at your entrances (unaffected by FA) and project them to take down the hybrid, using Zeratul for vision. Calldowns can be saved for defense or used against the hybrid.

Only way to lose this is when ur ally is asleep at the wheel (aka not helping collect parts/clear bases)


I did lose a few which almost never happens normally, but their high hp and healing really helps. Also, “If the unit taking damage is killed, the killing damage won’t be diffused”, so the spikes barrage kills a large portion of a wave outright.

Mostly any units are there as something extra to do when not micro-ing Dehaka or his calldowns.

P.S. For heroes it really really helps to keep them away from any of your other units otherwise you’ll struggle to have any micro control.

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Zeratul is OP and you had an ally. So not easy and not solo.

Yea I would not call that really easy (although with Zeratul, everything is easy :smiley: )

But more frustrating than the game are some of the players.
One called me “NOOB LOL only 3200 mmr” few times before he left (I am actually 3400 and he was 3700 so I don’t see the issue … or the point, for that matter), the next one told me to leave because he wanted to solo (couldn’t have have asked someone in the chat? I should have at least killed his workers or something …) :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Plus all those players who speak only Russian … :hear_no_evil:

Won it as Mengsk with Zeratul ally. ESOs trivialize this soooooo much. Add some Zeratul hero, cannons and calldowns, and it’s one of the easiest mutations you’ll ever have.


Vorazun and Abathur can disable pooping with spells.

After trying a couple of commanders, Artanis seems to have the smoothest ride on this one:
-Tempests are beefy, relatively small in number and outrange attraction against ground.
-Disintegrate actually puts in some work for once, it’s range is huuuuge. Best used with “sieged” observers (can’t be pulled) if you have the APM; target air units first as default AA attack doesn’t outrange pull.
-Spear calldowns are much more valuable then usual, Shield Overcharge can really save your bacon if you get chain pulled because your partner is an idiot. Even orbital striking attack waves makes quite a difference.
-Guardian shell is OP as always.

Agreed. Even a basic comp of Zea/Goon can pull this off if the partner is just competent and goes for parts instead of rushing hybrids. Spear can save a potentially bad situation. Dont use casters.

Because we don’t have all day. If you make units you can easily kill hybrids and collect parts and do bonus, which is what most people do. What ever it is you are doing is what slowing you down, so change what you are doing.

What is slowing you down is attacking the first hybrid instead of just getting more parts, then attacking with an army that can kill the hybrid in seconds rather than minutes.