one of the easiest way is to play as Tychus.
get Crooked Sam asap, ideally with stun upgrade researched.
push the bases along your ally with Tychus (Odin for big bases), Nikara and Rattlesnake. the healings should keep both armies alive easily.
have Sam as a roaming force to kill any propagator that spawns. ask your ally to send some ranged army units with good dps to follow your Sam if possible. otherwise ping your ally whenever his/her propagator spawns and you can’t kill it. also, demolition charge helps to stun your ally’s propagator if he needs it.
And you can’t Brutal+ cheese it, yay!
At this point im not even surprised that we are getting another sheet, frustating and stupid week mutation we got.
Do the devs actually play these ones and say that will be fun?
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It appears that when the propagators propagate, the new ones are not effected by polarity. I wonder if this is intended.
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Ofc it’s not, but it’s good that way.
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Yes, they are polarised.
Newly pooped poops can be polarised.
In the vid posted above by spirit:
- The 2nd poop @ 5 mins appears to be polarised to spirit/Zagara, not their ally/Artanis (who appropriately withdraws from the poop)
- The 3rd poop @ 6:30 is immune to Zagara (shield icon), and you can see that the first newly pooped poop was polarised to/vulnerable to Zagara.
- The original 3rd poop was immune Zagara but its first pooped poop was vulnerable to Zagara
- The pooped poop and all its pooped poops were all polarised to/vulnerable to Zagara, which may just be a coincidence.
So, unless there’s also un-polarised (icon?) poops that can spawn polarised poops, all poops are polarised and newly pooped poops are also polarised, to either player, and aren’t restricted to the original poop’s polarity. (Maybe there’s a different polarity behaviour for pooped poops that poop vs original poops that poop. ie 2nd degree of separation.)
So both players need to be present for poop sniping.
If you play on Asia, you still have a few more hours of Train of the Dead.
This is arguably the easiest polarity in weekly mutations recently. It takes a couple of tries, but it’s doable with a good partner. Did it as Zagara with Tychus. Key is to keep attacking enemy positions at all times and never taking a break. Try to finish the map before 17 min.
I agree, Warhead. Zagara is a must have in this mission. The second commander just need to get a big army quick to aid Zagara.
Are propagators biological? Does Nova spec op ghost snipe work on them?
Did it as Dehaka with a Nova partner in the pub queue. A good Dehaka can push as fast as Zagara, so it works well. Make a squad of guardians to leave at the base around the expansions to handle props that spawn on the opposite side of the map from dehaka (he is ideally attacking one of the lock locations on one side, so use your guardians to handle the opposite side. Use Dehaka’s deep tunnel / mutas to be where you need to be on the map to respond to attack waves, assault bases, etc.
This isn’t a F2A mutation for Dehaka. You’ll get the best results having different attack groups for mutas, dehaka, and guardians.
If you have a primal pack leader, you should be coordinating with your ally to push an objective. Don’t sit around and let the mission timer burn making it harder for you. Pack leaders are immune to props, so take advantage of that. Murvar’s locusts can be propped, but for the most part the baneling locusts handle props alright and murvar can out dps any small amount of propping that happens. You should be spawning glevig in your base and tunneling him to where he needs to be to avoid having the units he spawns get eaten by props also (as long as you don’t f2a).
Use Dehaka to eat props, but don’t eat your allies’ polarity props as Dehaka will poop them out, and they will probably eat dehaka (though you can get away if you act fast).
It’s very doable, but a lot of it does rely on your ally, and if you fail a few times because you make a mistake or your ally does, be persistent and you can beat it. The mutation is very beatable.
Tl:dr: Dehaka is gud, don’t f2a, and be persistent and you can beat this mutation.
No, they are not, and you will need three snipes from Nova to kill one poop. Early poop defense will typically require kiting or airstrikes.
What about Phoenix graviton beam?
Propagators are Immune to I’m afraid… If you want to beat with Artanis, better snipe them with Dragoon or Artanis.
Poops are heroic, and thus cannot be lifted by Phoenixes or mirages. You can slow them with Stukov diamondbacks (which is typically the recommended anti-poop strategy for Stukov, since conventional Stukov strategies normally feed the poops), but that’s more like a side benefit of kiting them than anything.
It’s worth noting that Primal Wurms can be summoned at proximity of the Lock which it can provide vision for Dehaka’s Deep Tunnel or Primal Pack Leaders.
This tactic works wonders for partner commanders who can quickly Summon/move through faraway places like Artanis, Abathur, Nova, Tychus (Beat this with Nova and Tychus Partner).
For me, I used my units solely for defence, Dehaka and Primal Pack Leaders are powerful enough.
That’s frustrating. I’m trying to beat it with Nova + Artanis friend. Its his only commander thats even leveled. I’m thinking of getting a hit squad of banshees and just kiting using terrain as blockers. Unfortunately artanis doesn’t have good mobile anti-ground air units like that.
His Dragoons and Reavers hit very hard and Matrix Field allows him to summon everywhere.
Nova and Artanis Synergy should be outstanding, especially when Artanis can leave Observer in safe place around the locks and turn on Surveillance mode.
Then Nova can take your and his forces virtually anywhere!
Ally is for the weak. Just solo!
Since there doesn’t appear to be any friendly fire, I’m also thinking of using a lot of spider mines. 4 would kill a poop which is only like 60 minerals. What I’m afraid of is if the wrong polarity poop shows up and the widow mines dont activate, and the poop just converts the mines.