Co-Op Mutation #211: In The Name of Love

An ambush by enemy forces has left your troops unprepared. They move sluggishly, and are slowed even more as they come under fire. Keep everyone just ahead of the fire if you want to get out alive.

Concussive Attacks - Player units are slowed by all enemy attacks.
Purifier Beam - An enemy Purifier Beam moves across the map toward nearby player units.
Time Warp - Enemy Time Warps are periodically deployed throughout the map.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG (Stetmann)] Punisher (Tychus)
[CtG (Han and Horner)] Iswald (Artanis)
[CtG (Fenix)] Iswald (Alarak)
[CtG (Abathur)] DEATHwish (Dehaka)
[CtG (Swann)] Iswald (Stukov)
[CtG (Zeratul)] DEATHwish (Zagara)

[Reddit Post Link]


  • The Purifier Beam is permanent for Amon, and spawns at the start of the map. It slowly chases your units, and also [your static defense]
  • A new Purifier Beam spawns on Brutal at 10:30 and after every 10 minutes.
  • The Purifier Beam does not go into your bases.
  • Time Warp slows down player units and structures in a large area until it dissipates.
  • Concussive attacks affect static defense and production structures.
  • Time Warp and Concussive Attacks affects the artifact trucks.

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EZ… but i hate Concussive Attacks …

#211 Mutation (In the Name of Love) play list.

Fun mutation, horrible map…


Concussive and Time Warp shouldn’t be able to slow down Kerrigan’s Ultralisk right?

They are affected cuz it’s not a stun nor snare. Just a slow.

Tip: ultralisk immune slow.

Ultras are immune to time warp and once in a while gets concussive.

With Kerri leap attack and omega worms to distract the beams, she effectively negates the mutations.

  • update: I watched one of my replays. 1 ultra, out of 10, got affected by time warp, so not completely immune.
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Went in as Zeratul, got matched with a Fenix. He carried as I wasn’t expecting the slow effect to last as long as it did, and I had a hard time finding my second artifact fragment which made my advance slow as I didn’t want to walk into a hive of lurkers and hosts. Either way, he did more than his share and won first try.

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Beat it on first try as Kerrigan and Mengsk as my ally. Doesn’t seem that difficult and should be beatable with any commanders combination.

I went with Ultralisk/Hydralisk strategy with couple of Nydus Worm while my ally went Earthsplitter to soften up the enemies defense.

Yeah, mutation was way way easier than you would have believed just based upon the map and mutators

Played as Zagara, matched with a Kerrigan. Didn’t really notice most of the mutations in this Brutation besides the occasional Time Warp areas, but that’s easily dealt with. Felt like a normal Brutation for the most part. My Kerrigan ally even solo’d the 2 bonus objectives.

Cradle of Death Brutation? I’ll take a hard pass.

Easy mutation.

I am using Kerringan, and my ally is Tychus.

Purifier Beam is non-factor due to mass Omega Worm spam.

Concussion is nothing as long as your armies are ranged and and again, Omega worm fixes the slow travel distance by teleporting your armies to other side immediately.

It’s kind of pointless because it’s a relatively easy mutation, but I sometimes wonder if this is one of the easier maps to lure the Purifier Beams away from the action with someone like Karax and his beam-trapping setup, thereby neutralizing one of the mutators.

I hate Cradle of Death.

Anyway, done with both bonuses as Mengsk with a Tychus ally. Had like 8-10 Earthsplitters. I defended all our ramps, although I was a bit slow on the bottom ramps, but that’s what calldowns are there for.

Had a few Aegis Guards, Emperor’s Shadows, Medivacs, and a Blackhammer for +3 armor. Most my minerals went into troopers for bunkers.

Escaping a nuke impact while being concussive was a little annoying. I loaded the infantry into the Medivacs, used the speed boost, and I still didn’t have too much time left. On the final platform, we were even surrounded by Purifier Beams.

Enemy comp mainly was Zerg with Ravagers, Hydras and some Ultras. Amon sometimes teleported Protoss on the battlefield, but can’t say I saw Terrans.

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Night and day compared to last week’s.

I found Nova very efficient for this mutation. She can blink to avoid the slowdown mutators. And I just used sabotage drone, griffin airstrike and nuke to clear all the bases.