Co-Op Mutation #210: Call of the Void

Took me 16 tries to beat it. Pretty frustrating. I tried multiple commanders but no luck. Then came Karax and my ally, Abathur, whup this mutation. We even got the bonus. I’d say Abathur is the real star here.

My strategy is a little different to Lumisery’s Karax video. I prep up the cannons defense, protecting all 3 entrance to our base while my ally lured the enemies into the toxic nests for a quick ultimate evolution. After my ally cleared out the center area, I started to build cannons (I spread the cannons out, not clump them together) in that middle area. That’s way, when the rifts popped up in that area, my cannon will be there ready to take it out. I do the same thing at the top and mid-right area. I have no units at all. I was on two base and my ally was on one base throughout the entire game.

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You must be serious! senpai is just trolling that he effectively carried a deadweight karax who did not snipe rifts until 10’ mark, no SOA, no nothing except turtling at base. I’m sure it helps a bit but without Karax’s contribution I’m sure the game result would not change.

Only way Karax could have made it better was if he used orbital strikes to kill units being lured to nests, like a kind, thoughtful partner.


Ah, okay, that wasn’t clear.

Usually thoughtful Karaxi save energy to strike void thrashers. It would be waste to use it on units.

I feel people didn’t watch the 4 minute lumisery’s video, it’s a video of a karax doing pretty much nothing and “rushing” carriers while Abathur solos everything, pls don’t try karax if your intention is to defend, what karax is good for here is to snipe the rifts with the soa and use observers to get vision himself, but he isn’t very good vs the reanimators or to do the mission.


Well I skimmed through it and saw Karax doing something (like sniped few void rifts, thanks to vision provided by tumors), I wasn’t counting who did more :smiley:

I usually don’t mind ally defending :slight_smile: Unless that means not building anything but pylons and assimilators until full saturation (=having nothing when the first rift opens), then transition to 4 forges (the classic “fourge”) and building too much static defense but only in the main base (esp. on maps where the expansion is always attacked first) :frowning:

But void rifts would be an exception because if I go after them then I don’t have the time or army to also kill bases/objectives.

It would be nice if the score screen had information about number of void rifts killed (or damage done to them?), because the guy who has more kills (and therefore “looks” better in the score) is probably the one who stayed at home with his army “defending” the endless waves.

Your point is that these waves should be allowed to destroy the bases and this not a problem or what? Even if you kill rifts and reanimators fast, some units will get spawned out of it and need to be catched befor they demolish your base.

What? That’s not what I wrote

This mutation is actually way easier than you might think (and easier than all previous void rifts mutations). The map is so small, and the objectives lead you to (easily) full-clear both sides of the map, which prevents reanimators from spawning from those directions.

Some advice: don’t be so econimical in the beginning; use aggressive commanders like zagara; remember to full-clear top-left and top-right corner.

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Vorazun’s Dark Templar right click Void Rift/Reanimator and forget about it strategy still works well.

Had a Han and Horner ally in one of my games who couldn’t reach the back rifts with the Horner platform air strike though

Bombers gets killed when fly near bunkers. You need to destroy bunker on the way to rift with bombers first, after that you can attack rift itself. It’s because of marine hitscan attack, so other marines at enemy base contribute to dmg too, ofc.


Successfully completed it, with bonus, as Abathur with a Karax ally, with me attempting to get fast Brutalisks to attack the Rifts, which the Karax ally used the Spear of Adun abilities to also kill them. They also provided defence for the expansions.

I later did it was Abathur with a Han and Horner ally, with bonus, but Hammer’s Fortress had under 100 HP left, so only by the skin of our teeth!

Excellent advice! thanks

Cleared as Zag with Aba part, no sweat. Using Zag relieves early pressure and lings are solid for covering rifts, with tumors giving vision on re-animators. Aba’s burrow and sustainability made it easy to maintain pushes. As said above, make sure to clear everything in left and right bases to control re-animator spawns. Easier to do the bonus than to skip it on this one.

This week will probably go down as one where the difficulty of the mutation does not match its Brutal+ rating. I think that people can say that they have faced harder Brutal+3 and Brutal+4 mutations than this.

Either that, or I’m skewed by the fact that everything I’ve seen involves killing the rifts on sight and/or wall-off cheese, and less rock slapping shenanigans.

This isn’t as deceptively as easy as Thunder Dome (hard mutators countered by the fact that you can finish the mission quickly and avoid the worst of the mutators), but it’s getting close.

Abathur makes this easy mode. Brutalisk can dig to any location on map to sniple all the rifts.

To be brutal 5 this would need to be on SoA map or Cradle.
Played Aba with Vora allay. Same build as in a normal game.
Amazing how a map choice changes difficulty.

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yeah, Void rifts is not that bad when the map is small.

It’s difficult. End of story. If you played with Abathur or other imba commander it don’t count. I was winning invisible speed propers playing as Aba + Vora “easy”. But it don’t mean it’s easy mutation.

With Abathur how do you get a ultimate evolution before the first rifts at 2:20?

I use the lure trick with the enemies in the centre next to the first void thrasher. But even after clearing that first batch guarding the void thrasher, my roach is always at around 70 biomass when the first rifts appear.

Do I need to put points into the double biomass chance mastery?