Co-Op Mutation #200: Train of the Dead

If you use Toxic Nests for vision, and spend some minerals on static defense at each entry, this is a normal game for Abathur.

Clear it with Kerringan (me) and Stukov (ally).

Not that difficult since my ally fortified the middle lane with his bunkers and siege tanks and I put like 6~8 lurkers and a lot of Nydus at the entrance between my base and expansion base, so the infesteds and aberrations stop being an issue to my base for the whole game.

I did it Stukov (Brutal) and a Random ally as Artanis (Brutal).
Extremely easy and fun mutation this week.
I went for infested bunkers and Siege Tanks and simply swarmed around.

Just pick Stukov and show the walking dead what an endless army actually looks like. :wink:

Happy to see Stukov is #PartlyGreatAgain for this mutation.

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Pretty easy this week. HH with a Dehaka partner. Widows & a few Hosts were enough to keep the infested off the entrances. Widows really shine this week - they make for wonderful suicide units now

I don’t know… free vision everywhere with no-supply watchers to counter Darkness, excellent defense against Outbreak with cannons (praise monk for the cannon cost reduction!), and excellent train damage with void templars?

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Mengsk/Abathur, ezpz first try.

CtG dont forget weekly mutation 200.5 dance dance bla bla bla ^^ Brutal+0.5 ^^

fixed. thanks. :slight_smile: