If you use Toxic Nests for vision, and spend some minerals on static defense at each entry, this is a normal game for Abathur.
Clear it with Kerringan (me) and Stukov (ally).
Not that difficult since my ally fortified the middle lane with his bunkers and siege tanks and I put like 6~8 lurkers and a lot of Nydus at the entrance between my base and expansion base, so the infesteds and aberrations stop being an issue to my base for the whole game.
I did it Stukov (Brutal) and a Random ally as Artanis (Brutal).
Extremely easy and fun mutation this week.
I went for infested bunkers and Siege Tanks and simply swarmed around.
Just pick Stukov and show the walking dead what an endless army actually looks like.
Happy to see Stukov is #PartlyGreatAgain for this mutation.
Pretty easy this week. HH with a Dehaka partner. Widows & a few Hosts were enough to keep the infested off the entrances. Widows really shine this week - they make for wonderful suicide units now
I don’t know… free vision everywhere with no-supply watchers to counter Darkness, excellent defense against Outbreak with cannons (praise monk for the cannon cost reduction!), and excellent train damage with void templars?
Mengsk/Abathur, ezpz first try.
CtG dont forget weekly mutation 200.5 dance dance bla bla bla ^^ Brutal+0.5 ^^
fixed. thanks.