Co-Op Mutation #191: Choices Choices

Hybrids supercharged with Void energy are marching towards the temple. They are nigh unkillable, and they destroy all upon death. Keep them at bay until the Temple is ready!

Hardened Will - Enemy Heroic units reduce all incoming damage to a maximum of 10 when any non-heroic enemy unit is near them.
Inspiration - Enemy Heroic units increase the attack speed and armor of all enemies within a small range.
Mutually Assured Destruction - Enemy Hybrid units detonate a Nuke upon death.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG (Tychus)] Piky (Artanis)
[CtG (Alarak)] Piky (Kerrigan)
[CtG (Dehaka)] Mazso (Karax)
[CtG (Zagara)] Mazso (Nova)
[CtG (Vorazun)] Aommaster (Swann)
[CtG (Arcturus)] Ancalagon (Stetmann)
[CtG (Abathur)] [Hunter (Stukov)]
[CtG (Raynor)] [Hunter (Han and Horner)]

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Hybrid nukes detonate INSTANTLY after the death animation.
  • Hybrid destroyers detonate mini-nukes, while all other hybrid detonate big nukes.
  • Hardened Will is basically the hardened shields from the Wings of Liberty version of the Immortal. If your normal attack does 50 damage, it will deal 10 damage to units with hardened will.
  • Inspiration provides +25% attack speed and +3 armor to enemy units within 5 radius of the Hyrbids.

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this week… Nova, Tychus very good.

#191 Mutation Choices Choices play list…

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You did not add who became the best.


This feels like it’s going to be a good week to be Alarak. Ascendants kite very well and then can turn around to spam Mind Blast.

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Might choose Zag for this one.

Useful bug: if you have Brutal+ selected as your difficulty (which you would, if you’re normally playing that) and you play the mutation, the mutators in the loading screen are those of the weekly mutation, but you get some random Brutal+ mutators in game. The full 185’000 XP bonus applies, even if you’ve technically only beaten a Brutal+ mutation. I tried it on my second account and it also worked. Was this already known?



Did it with Artanis and Tychus.
Artanis’s Guardian Shell proved useful for surviving some of hybrid nukes.

Artanis + Alarak is perfect. Did it in 1 round.

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Ohhh so this is what happened last week! Indeed, blizz should fix this brutal+ overiding the mutation.

Edit: First time I got super easy random mutators (range and barrier) and with it came all the 185k xp. Tried this trick a second time but it didn’t work and got the actual mutation. Wasn’t ready with Fenix (not the best this week haha), got wiped at the very end and we won with 1 hp remaning. Don’t ask why.

Did it as Artanis with a Mengsk partner against Ling/Baneling/Muta/Corruptor/Broodlord comp, all 3 bonuses completed as well. Guardian Shell helps immensely against Hybrid Nukes and Mengsk’s Earthsplitter is very effective for defense and taking out Thrashers and dealing with the bonus during the down time. Went Zealot/Dragoon heavy with a few robo units sprinkled in.

Overall, fairly easy mutation with Artanis.

Zag and Artanis=What mutation? Immortal shields are useless against lings, guardian shield makes nukes useless, and even if all the lings die…There is still more to use. I had over 5k left in minerals and kept running out of Larvae to where I had to make 3 extra hatcheries to keep up.

Raynor and Spider Mine spam seems like the go to this week.

No interest in doing it though, this combination doesn’t seem fun at all.

If you play Zag, it’s pretty much a “What mutation?” I did it with a Dekaha ally and only lost 500 hp on the temple cuz a hybrid blew up near it. It’s not difficult at all. Either use range or replaceable units.

If you want to make this week mutation look like Normal Brutal game, go for Strett Infestor spam strat.

Or Abathur Swarm Host spam.

I say it’s not fun because it’s not challenging in any kind of meaningful way.

Dehaka + swarm hosts are great for this mutation. But Dehaka is usually powerful for most of the mutations so nothing new.

6 games played on diff chars and every games has been against an air comp… wouldn’t be piss3d if every char i played was set up for ground comp!! cant decided if i’m unlucky or id this mut is set up for air comp because of the map!

Oh well, this was a clear Alarak pick for me. Done first try including bonus objectives. My ally was Abathur, he lost quite some stuff due to nukes. Comp we faced was a Terran one with Vikings, Libs, Battlecruisers, Ravens and so on.

Had 10 beefy Ascendants, lots of Supplicants in case Alarak eats a Nuke, a medium amount of Slayers with full upgrades, and even though there were Vikings I went for a few Wrathwalkers. They couldn’t really scratch 'em before getting annihilated by the Orbs, or pushed back by Alarak.

Death Fleet was useful for the teleport, sniping the last Zenith Stone, and just helping the main army or my ally.

Had to play very actively, and I liked that. I’m glad I got it first try though.

Karax + Mengsk. The real threat is the last wave with lots of Hybrids