The rogue Tal’darim personality has activated the surveillance jammer, which severely impacted your forces’ targeting systems. Charge in with detection and purpose, or you’ll be flailing in the dark.
Long Range - Enemy units & structures have increased weapon and vision range.
Short-sighted - Player units and structures have reduced vision range.
We Move Unseen - All enemy units are permanently cloaked.
Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:
[Reddit Post Link]
Other Notes:
- The first enemy wave [4:00] is cloaked.
- Enemy buildings are not cloaked.
- Long range makes enemies much more effective in sniping spellcasters like Ascendants, High Templar, and Infestors.
- Units have a shorter attack and vision range than usual. This does not affect Melee units.
- The Aleksander will steal the vision of units it mind controls.
- Raynor’s scan works perfectly to give vision and detection for the mutation.
Commander of the Week:
Mutation difficulty:
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Weekly Mutation Database
Maguro’s Mutation List
Hey CtG, someone on Discord is asking why your post has no images anymore.
For some reason, my account has been downgraded to trust level 2, despite having exceeded all requirements.
Another one bites the dust.
I had the same happen to me. When I inquired about it, all I got back was “just continue to be a great community member”.
Not that it’s super awesome to have trust 3 but it’s inconsistency is rather annoying. Sorry to hear it happened to you, especially when you are actually using it for something weekly.
Pretty ez and fun one. Not too much trouble as nova, air strikes and sabotage drones don’t care vision lol. Terran was kind of a pain though, extra ranged tanks and ravens are annoying.
Easiest on this is probably go air army, maybe fenix carriers with an early obs and some cannons/lots as fodder. Tempest as Artanis should work well also
My guess is the whole ‘Free Hong Kong’ stuff probably affected it unfortunately.
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They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
Why would it? I never said those words.
I feel think we must have had this mutation combination like a dozen times by now, its so boring and unchallenging too.
Sure, you never said those exact words, but you always started off your posts with " I support the right to freedom of expression." along with the image of the Hong Kong flag which heavily implies that you are referencing the movement. Not that I disagree with you or said movement, but that’s just my guess as to why you got your privileges downgraded. Don’t want to derail your thread any more so I’ll just leave it at that.
Apparently it is fixed now! I’ll try to fix what I can from my phone but I’ll do the rest of the post later when I get back home.
last week was fun, this week very easy, just make detection and more units to win
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Just get Zera and spam those cannons , brutally steal your coops mine field from both bases and you will end up with 100+ cannons in no time
Managed it with Zeratul and an Abathur partner, first try. Was lucky enough to have ground Zerg, and not Terran Air as the enemy type. Went with units, leashing observors to the immortals and replacing them if/when they got knocked down. The only thing to note, is your Nexus on the expansion won’t automatically make the two assimilators for gas due to the vision; at least that’s what happened to me on the east expansion. Didn’t feel too different from the normal Malwarfare mission; just requires you to get detection earlier than normal.
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Pretty eazy mutation.
Beat it solo first with Nova and after with Tychus. My laptop ally got some more exp this way and is almost lvl 90 and very ready for Arcturus Mengsk
Done as Alarak with a Nova ally. Luckily had a Zerg comp with lots of Zerglings and stuff, so perfect for me.
Kerri and zag first try. Mass overseers failed when it was air Zerg, but 16 nydus helped.
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Zagara with a Tychus ally… its just very annoying… creep spread is just that much more tedious and even against a protoss robo comp the overseers die to quickly and just like that everything is dead. (again annoying more than difficult…)
Nova with Dehaka ally against Zerg (Mass Ling, Muta/Guardian/Broodlord/Devourer/Scourge comp). Besides losing Nova once and all my Ravens at one point to mass scourge, it was a fairly easy Mutation.
Rush detection and you can almost play it as a normal map.