Co-op Mission Update - Stukov Revamp

His usage already dropped sharply when they nerfed bunkers.

I was talking about Zeratul there. If they went ahead and nerfed Zeratul’s cannons, folks may stop using him on account that was his one draw.

His immortals are pretty good.

They really are nice, but at a cost of 750/300/4!! At those prices, Zeratul rightfully has free, auto-geysers, and low macro!

On a related note, Stukov’s Infested Db’s are much nicer now (and I liked them before they were buffed), but… I have a feeling just like people focus only on Stukov’s Bunkerlisk, folks will only focus on Zeratul’s projecting towers.


On a related note, Stukov’s Infested Db’s are much nicer now (and I liked them before they were buffed)

Definitely that’s my fav Stukov’s army comp. When I get a little bored of it I go full air but it’s so gas consuming that I need to build like 4 barracks to support them till I hit a critical air mass.

And also mixing idbs with ilibs or ibanshees is nice too.

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Diamondbacks are pure love, even if they is infested.

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