Co op commander changes/improvements

After playing I came up with a list that would, be it small make a big difference.

Table of Contents:

  • Zagara: prestige 3 gains detection.

  • Swann: Increased science vessel speed.
    Thors get high impact payload.

  • Artanis: Obtains shuttle unit.

  • Mengsk: Imperial witness buff.
    Emporers shadow, Pyrokinetic immolation rework.
    Labyrinth cloak touch up.

  • Stetman: Mecha Infestor UMI-C Charging Protocol rework.

  • Artanis, Vorazun, Fenix, Karax: Gain a new upgrade that makes zealots move as fast as ladder zealots.


Prestige 3: Apex predator

Zagara: Gains detection on herself.

Zagara p3 allows her to deep tunnel around the map, it would be fitting that she would be a 1 woman army early game. Without having the need of a overseer to follow her around and wait for it, this change will allow her to preform better with mutations that have burrowed and/or invisible units. No hassle needed to get overlord speed and worry about the overseer(s) dying.


all prestiges

Science vessel: gain movement speed of 2.81 from the current 2.00.

Having science vessels a bit more mobile will increase their efficiency in battle. when I used them in co op their slow movement speed couldn’t catch up to my faster paced army’s like cyclone/hellion builds and some parts in maps. This change will allow science vessels to be more useful out side of mass thor or thor/siege tank builds. I am aware that P3 swann gives them tactical jump which is a nice addition.

Thor: High impact mode from ladder. 11 range with the same damage and attack speed.

I find that thors are very strong against all units except big air units like carriers, battle cruisers or some mission objectives. Giving them High impact mode will allow thor compositions to beat Air focused compositions like Air Terran or air Protoss easier. thors are costly and if they had high impact mode. Players wouldn’t need to invest in cyclone, wraith, or goliath upgrades. The 3 mentioned are squishy since those enemy comps all have anti armor attacks that shred said units and some have aoe abilities.
On that account, those enemy comps don’t give me a problem but a lower skilled player would find this change welcoming.


All prestiges

Robotics facility: shuttle

Gains the ability to warp in a Shuttle like unit from the robotics facility, cost 150 minerals and can pickup Artanis’ units at a distance. Same speed, pickup distance and health as a upgraded warp prism. units inside upon death will be dropped. Has double the cargo space of a warp prism, Costs 2 supply.

A interesting thought that came to my mind. A change that wouldn’t affect the commander at all with lower skill level players. This would allow pick up micro to be practiced and allow reaver shuttle play like in broodwar, it would be a cool addition and a way to raise the skill ceiling of Artanis players. On another note it would allow trapped units like that back part of the map in Temple of the Past mission to be free without needing prestige 2.


All prestiges

Imperial witness: Benefits from Scatter Veil upgrade

Imperial Witness gains a extra shield like the imperial intercessor(medivac). The upgrade Scatter Veil applies a passive 100 shields to Imperial Witness. After upgrade, patriot mode adds a additional 100 shield health, the upgrade adds a auto casted ability that adds 100 shields instantly, can occur once every 20 seconds, gains a passive 100 percent shield recharge rate while in patriot mode. The 100 shield ability activates as soon as the imperial witness takes more than 100 shield damage while in patriot mode. Exiting patriot mode removes any excess shields over 100 instantly and will be refilled when the ability is off cooldown when entering patriot mode again.

Scourge, vipers, phoenix and hybrid dominators psi blast(the ability that does huge instant damage) and yamato are major threats to Imperial witness’, adding this upgrade allows the imperial witness to have a higher survival rate for lower skilled players in all combat scenarios, scourge and phoenix usually kill the imperial intercessors that hover over the players base(s), this change will make Mengsk less punishing to play. The cooldown to the auto casted shield recharge is to prevent players from making the imperial witnesses “immortal” by entering and exiting patriot mode over and over again.

Emperors shadow: Pyrokinetic Immolation rework

Spell is now casted in a area of affect, hits air and ground units, same size as ladder psi storm radius. Rank 2 increases its radius (same as Artanis upgraded storm in co op). A wave of fire stays in place damaging all biological units in the area for 20 seconds, does 20 damage each second a unit is inside. All units that were inside the aoe stay on fire for 5 seconds upon leaving, the passive applies 20 damage each second to themselves and nearby enemies. Rank 2 applies the same damage increase, It is applied to both the aoe and passive(burning). Rank three will apply to the aoe and the passive, units killed by both will deal 50 damage to nearby units upon targets death. The ability will have a 10 from original 5 second cooldown and cost 150 energy from the original 75 energy cost to cast.

A change to make the ability much more useful, I find that most small zerg units or bio units die too fast for this ability to become useful since the affects stop upon enemy unit death, making it aoe will remove this problem, with the current spell the big units like hybrid or ultralisk already die fast from trooper/imperial guards death ball before the spell does its damage, trooper dps is insane. This change will allow the Emperors Shadow to zone and area control huge waves of zerg air and ground units such as banelings, punish swarm hosts and lurkers. High templar and dark templar. This change will reward players to micro and use emperors shadows more often. This spell does not friendly fire.

Emperors shadow: Labyrinth cloak touch up

Labyrinth cloak now prevents death upon taking fatal damage, will now actually prevent deaths from yamato cannon and psi blast(hybrid dominator). works exactly the same as guardian shell, with a 10 second invulnerability-upon taking fatal damage, Emperors Shadow wont die but health is reduced to 1 when labyrinth cloak is used.

My emperors shadows during gameplay rarely died since I micro them behind troopers or other units in front of them, however yamato cannon, a hybrid dominator psi blast, disruptor and sometimes reavers often kill my emperors shadows, I do use emp but the yamato cannon fires extremely fast. This small touch up will actually make the ability have more use.


Prestige 0,1 and 2

Mecha infestor: UMI-C Charging Protocol rework.

Mecha infestor now permanently attaches to allied or stetmans unit. Providing instant and passive buffs, 20 percent damage resistance, instant 50 (heroic-100) egonergy or 50 (heroic 100) egonergy, 100% health, shield and energy regeneration, restores full life on first use, adds 25 percent more max health and shields on host. Host’s cooldowns are reduced by 25 percent.

Adds the passive Revival Protocol If the host dies the Infestor will revive host instantly with 100 percent hp with recharged abilties (ultimates like immobilization wave and roach drop are unaffected), The host has a passive 120 second cooldown from revival program, if the host dies within that time the infestor and Host will die. Heroic Host’s will now have stetlite passive, speed, health, or energy buff if outside of stetlite influence for 30 seconds. Infestor can not leave host for the rest of the game until death. A new infestor can bind with a previous host that was revived at command center, nexus, hatchery etc. Cannot use on summoned or timed units, other mecha infestors, workers and Structures, This abiltiy has a mineral, gas and supply cost, depending on what the host is:

Heroic units require 8 free supply, 300 minerals, 300 gas.

Non heroic massive units require 4 free supply, 150 minerals, 150 gas,

Armored/light, non massive, 4-2 supply units cost 2 free supply and 75 minerals and 75 gas.

1 supply units cost nothing, only the cost of infestor.

Some notes: Fenix suites will each need a infestor to merge with. Each fenix suit keeps the buffs while regenerating health, shields and energy while off the battle field. Loses infestor when a suit dies.

A-lot of information here, This change would make stetmans infestors really interesting, this would help Kerrigan, Zagara, Tychus and outlaws, Zeratul, Dehaka and his tyranazors, Nova, Stetman himself, Alarak and mothership, abathur evolved units, fenix suites. This is just a summary, obviously changes for balance and all that will need to be implemented.

Artanis, Vorazun, Fenix, Karax

Zealot/Centurion/Legionarie/Kahdalis/Sentinal: speed buff, movement speed upgrade at twilight council that adds a passive speed buff, for those who want ladder speed zealots.

The faster zealots on ladder are really good, I was thinking of implementing the same speed but in a form of upgrade in co op for the commanders mentioned above.

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These are actually good suggestions. I don’t play ladder so it’s a surprise to me that ladder zealots move faster but IIRC that speed upgrade goes with their charge upgrade right? I do wish coop had some sync up with ladder counterparts, lots of good QoL things were added on the ladder that would’ve been useful in coop like the void ray’s prismatic alignment ability.

Makes most sense, fully agreed.

IMO, Science Vessels could use a speed boost only for P3, just enough to fly in sync with Hercules ships. Outside of P3 though it’s not needed as much.

Cyclones and Hellions are not meta units, they are quite niche. Goliaths and Siege Tanks, on the other hand, are, and SVs have no problems catching up with them.

…And Goliaths too, don’t omit them.

Well, that’s what you have Goliaths for. You don’t have Goliaths on ladder, that’s why such mode is needed for Thor. But the same doesn’t go for Swann in Coop.

On the other hand, if they do invest in Goliath upgrades then they won’t need Thors against mass big air at all.

Goliaths are squishy only when in low quantities. But as soon as Swann gets unit count up and does Armory upgrades, Goliath army turns into a giant wrecking ball, especially when supported by SVs with Nanorepair and Defence Matrices.

I used to be such a low skill player, you know. And back then I always found it easier to just mass Goliaths with SVs and A-move, while I could find no application for costly and very slow moving Thors.

I mean… okay? But I don’t see much application for that in Coop. Coop is not ladder, you know, it is not (and never was) about balanced fights where just surgical attacks may do wonders; Coop is rather about killing endless giant enemy forces with even bigger force of your own. And I think that such Reaver micro manuevers might get tedious to execute with not that much of a benefit in the end.

That is certainly the last thing you should think about. That area of the map is not even intended for your troops to go to.

That’s a solid idea, I like it.
However, in my opinion this is the unit that actually needs a speed buff, instead of SV. It’s just too clumsy to move, and that becomes quite an issue when you have to have detector alongside with Troopers against enemy Zerg with Lurkers. In general the problem of invisible enemies is easily mitigatable by collective construction of Missile Turrets right on the battlefield, but Lurkers just kill Troopers en masse, making it a PITA.

I’ll agree with Koetetsu on this one, increased movement speed should come with Charge upgrade, not as a separate upgrade — this is how it’s implemented on the ladder.

The charge upgrade was changed on ladder so instead of doing damage it passively increases movement speed.

Charge already increases basic movement speed. It was like that since WoL, and it was never removed, only the value kept being changed, with the most recent change increasing it further.

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hmm true, it does increase the speed in coop as well, just not by much