Cheese happens way to often

The problem is the battery,it lowers a lot the skill required to pull off a cheese,it heals everything,pylons,cannons,buildings, and ground/air units,and P being able to build anything with a single probe or two, erase proxy batteries from the game making them to only be allowed near
comoleted nexus and every P cheese will require some brains and micro,or locking them behind some upgrade at forge.

Reaper cheese…well,there are counters but the worst thing is that random attack delay that will make some reaper being hit before the othe reaper,and just one hit can mean the early can snowball from that lost reaper.
But in general mirror cheeses are eqsier to do than to defend

Oh cmon canon rush fail protoss ahead same thing witch zerg 12 pool+16 supply hatch like 12 is a macro build what a joke either tvp where mass early reaper win time for second base like just free because your oponent try catch your reaper and terran made base for zero risk being counter attack since protoss forced made own base after dealing witch reapers

You are so pathetic ravenboygirl, defending cheeses and cannons and carriers. You’re kind is plaguing the forums and ladder and the entire world that we live in, where the majority, like us, works, and you come and steal, points, time, wages, money from momma and poppa. Spoiled brats, you couldn’t earn one dollar with your skill and knowhow. Only benefiting from someone else’s work

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2 years later and someone necros this thread with a book report. Bad.

ahhhh memories.
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You’re correct. I have a background in usability research and the guerrilla research I’ve done on this game comes down to this: people who cheese constantly drive new players away. Why? Because cheese kills the incentive to learn how to counter it (for brand new players that is). And it also kills the fun, which is what a game is supposed to be. A gamer will only take proactive action (learn how to counter it) once they’ve had fun with the game. And new players can’t have fun getting cheesed 5 times in a row. They quit the game and never come back. “F this game”. “I hate this game”. “It’s over already?” I hear it way too often. People who defend cheese don’t realize they’re literally killing the game.

Cheesers weak in macro once you survive hard part it was done

Maybe it is true,but since forever new players are being told to play macro while playing safe,countering cheeses.First you learn how to stop the most basic strstss,then if you are able to stop them you can play mid and lategame. It is ridiculous asking for lategame when you can’t survive basic cheeses.

Ye, honestly I think if you’re new to the game you’re better off learning 2 base pushes and forgetting macro games until you get to the point players are allowing for it. Stopping a cheese while doing a strong macro opener is much more difficult.

Proxy void ray sheild battery is too powerful

Not too powerful,but it is too easy to execute because a high amount of batteries lower the skill needed to micro the voids and the defender must have a good reaction.

Protoss have to cheese in order to win, the game is horribly designed that way. Instead of fixing actual balance issues, the bliz balance team just put band-aids on everything then decided to nerf Protoss into the ground and then realized they f****** up royally and just slapped another band-aid on in the last patch (battery overcharge) and then said GG and signed off.

Protoss free choice play macro or not even witch nerfed stuff cheese only indicate player weakness in macro game aspect

After 10+ years bunker / cannon rushes are still fixed by freaking ramp rocks
The game is garbage in basically all aspects since very beginning

haha you realize this itself is cheese. Build a bunker in your opponents nat or cannon rush easier. l