Can't play on custom, the game crashes on this menu

Work around for Custom tab not working.

go and click Campaign. From Campaign’s sub menu click “Custom>>” (NOT CUSTOM ON THE MAIN TOP TAB) then from there click “Arcade”. Then whatever Arcade game you want to play. That worked for me just now.

Just to add to this.

Be sure not to sort the Arcade or Melee tabs by “Newest”. That will load the tiles of the affected maps on the UI which may freeze the client.

Also, when a custom game ends, it defaults back to the “Lobbies” tab. So people may need to force-close the game on the Victory/Defeat screen (before the results screen) to avoid the freeze.


Thank you Leviathan for you efforts in this manner, and sharing the details that you’re are allowed to share in the post to which you included a link.

I’ll leave it up to you whether or not you feel it’s worth sharing, but there’s a second workaround I’ve been using:
Connect to EU or KR through the client. Click the Custom tab, then click the Arcade sub-tab (Lobbies, Versus, Arcade, Campaigns). Then logout of SC2. Login to US server. You can now click the Custom tab, and it’ll default to the Arcade sub-tab, not the Lobbies sub-tab. Once in a lobby, minimize the lobby and select the Campaign tab. As long as the Campaign tab is open when the game starts, the Campaign tab is what will be open behind the results screen when your game ends, so no freeze after matches. It’s a few more steps than the method you’ve been sharing, but that way you don’t have to close SC2. It sounds like a lot in text, but it takes like 45 seconds. Just thought I’d share.

Yes! I saw that specific part somewhere earlier today but couldn’t find it. That’s much better than force-closing on the Victory/Defeat/Quit screen. I’ll add that to any posts I make.


Hey all,

I posted a work-around guide over in General Discussion. This can be used while the freezing issues persist.


Thanks Leviathan for tying to keep us in the loop on what’s happening with the limited information you’re able to provide, greatly appreciate it and it helps. I just wish some more on the matter was shared, I hate being left in the dark about this. Something like this is a serious matter and I wished maybe a “Blizz” post on a update would make us feel a bit better and more understanding of the current situation.

But hey at least some of the MVPs are getting something out there for us to read, to be fair you’re the only MVP I’ve seen in this matter.

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More than a week later, and still a major issue. Why do I feel like I had way more control over my rented Battlefield 2, 3, and 4 servers than Blizzard has over its own servers? This is just plain disgraceful.

still not working…please fix

At least publish the workaround on the starcraft 2 launch menu ?

I have seen them posting lobby descriptions saying they were paid at one point to screw with the lobbies. Think its time blizzard gets cops involved.

great, another shat fest due to greedy execs just because people mod the game…

I find it crazy that this issue is still going on almost 2 weeks in now.

There’s been 2 issues. The first was patched a few days ago which effectively resolved it. But, a couple days ago, a new type of attack started. Thus it’s not all one lingering problem.

why they dont attack diablo 4 instead ? :yum:

StarCraft 2 is broken for life

Is it one person or a group - if it’s one person like…… in 2024 there must be a solution

SC2 broken by one idiot

a fairly large group

As nightslasher mentioned above, all evidence points to a group.

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Unreal . What blows my mind is these people could be doing actual good in the world with their skills instead they waste their time ruining StarCraft 2…… it’s pretty sad

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