Cannot level up

I have been stuck on mastery level 87 for days. Whenever I finish a mission, I gain experience and it says I have leveled up, but then when I go back into the co-op menu, I am still level 87. I’m not playing co-op until I hear there’s a fix.

RIP SC2 SUPPORT SYSTEM. Why is it forum-based?


same here lvl 289 on brutal with Vorazun - i guess ca. 450K Masterypoints are gone so far
lvl < 15 got saved well

same here. i got no xp for my mastery level. just tried it out.

I have same problem. When blizzard find this problem and fix it? I dont want play, when all my score for game fly no where…

Same problem here. Stuck at level 874. Game summary shows XP and leveling up, but when I go back to the co-op menu it is gone and I am back at level 874.

Same here…no answer?

Bump! Please fix! Stuck at 363 for days now!

Same here, bar shows that I’ve leved up my mastery but when I leave to the commander screen the progress is reversed

Exactly same issue here.

Yeah same issue. I’ve been playing at Level 125 in Coops with less that 4000 points away from Lvl 126 for the past week. Kinda loosing my ambition to play at this pace. Any recoop of points Blizzard? I should be up to Lvl 128 by now. But I’m stuck.

Same here, as everyone else i believe.

one more in the pile hope they fix it soon

yea there is a few post about this bug. surprised they haven’t respond yet.

Bump! Blizzard, please acknowledge the bug at least!

¿sin respuesta aún? ¿lo que ya jugamos se pierde?

im having the same issue. i should be at level 50 mastery by now and still at 44 after 8 games im hating this

I am also having the same issues. I had requested help to Blizzard and they have indicated that this is an issue reported by other users as well.

Their email suggested me to provide a bug report. I am presuming that everyone posting here is trying to do this as well.

Im having the same issues

And where i can find bug report? And more - how you can telling with teh support? I not find section when i can telling with them…

I am also having the sam issues. I can not get EXP … …