Can we replace fungle it’s pointless

It’s dumb they nerfed it even a full energy can’t kill marines.

Thats just dumb can’t even kill mineral dumps. I might as well use neural on two marines and stim them to death


Stupid post is stupid.

Point of fungal isn’t to kill, it’s a support spell now designed to catch clumps of units and make the units that do damage much more effective. It still does that and does so very effectively. Literally seen every lategame TvZ Serral and Dark play.


just replace Microbial Shroud with IT and zerg might have a playable late game again and get some utility options.

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IT was cancer and needed to go.



several patch, Zerg late game was nerfed.
first Bl, then Infestor, then Lurker.

the only win condition is “more bases than the opponent”, with the disadvantage that you have no def advantage.

So Zerg was set more to mid game. which was also weakened with the last patch.
has a reason why reynor is switching to toss.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

10/10 Joke.

another 10/10 joke. considering hes only switching races when its zvz (and we all know that he would have won vs solar with zerg…)

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Yes. Yes they were. Nerfs that were absolutely deserved considering how absolutely dominant Zerg has been over the entirety of LOTV and frankly they show no signs of slowing down until this year, and even then it’s really only reigning them in to be even, rather than winning every tournament ever.


They should remove the armour tag on infestors.

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We are taking away the strength of the late game race, ok.
can we do the same with T? remove the power from mid game?
or does Zerg then get options for early/mid? also no … nice

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And still they forgot the most important reason why zerg was ever overpowered in LOTV

Creep Spread !

Free maphack that reveals 70 % of the map. Can’t engage zerg without being noticed. Plus if you clear creep zerg can easily replace it so vs decent zerg it never recedes.

Also spore crawlers should require evolution chamber, as it did in WOL/HOTS. With spores being available so early you cannot do any dmg with cloaked units. Things like banshees or dts are completely useless. It is the main reason why we never see WM drop vs zerg - just because of this.

Creep spread how stupid is that mechanic it’s defensive tool for offensive race I guess ur forgot scan anyone can say scan is billion times better.

Main problem is Zerg has to have pre set up army because if you have army pushing its gg.

It be nice to have aoe that destroy mineral units that is not setting economy in drain. Like banes or 300 gas to kill small group marines .

Brood lords decent but u nerfed broodlings.

It be one thing if buffed damage of brood lord to compensate but no. Lost 10 dps and may buffed their health so they don’t melt.

It’s all biased so Terran don’t try so hard to win tournaments but in the end they kill game dumb balance.

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I agree, it is stupid. It’s the best racial mechanic in the game. 20% speed boost, vision over the entire map so you can’t miss any attacks coming in, what more can you want? About the only thing that would make it better than it already is, is giving creep detection too.

Scan is also infinitely more expensive. Late-game, you’re requiring the iron bank which means thousands of minerals sunk into orbitals alone, often giving you anywhere between 4-7 additional orbitals - sometimes more - which is 2200-3850 minerals sunk into command centers.

Early game, you’re trading vision for economy if you’re scanning to find tech etc, something you’re not always going to get.

Midgame your scans are limited, so you can only use so many clearing creep, which is 100% necessary to fight a Zerg on any front.

Awww, the main problem Zerg has is that it has to do the same thing every other race has to do? Cry me a river.

A Zerg complaining about econ drain, now I’ve heard everything.

Your AOE units are fine as they are.

Instead, they’re more mobile so it’s harder to catch them out of position. Broodlords are still good as they are.

Wow, a Zerg player complaining that they don’t win enough tournaments. You know that Zerg up until this year won close to 60% of tournaments in past years? There have been years in a row that Zerg has won more tournaments than Terran and Protoss combined.

And you’re complaining that they don’t win enough? What about the poor Protoss players who went years without a single GSL win? Who have the least victories and runner-ups of any race currently?

What a joke. Cope. Cry more.

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Creep is a 30% speed boost.

That’s not necessarily true either. Unlike the other factions, Zerg can potentially stock up enough larva to pump out an army in “response” to an attack that they see coming. They just need enough time for the units to finish, or for morphed units (Brood Lords, Banelings, Lurkers) to follow up with their second morph.

i’m starting to understand miro …
he sees creep and larva mechanics and then comes the lapse in his thoughts: he thinks that Zerg has the same units as Terran and tools.
Miro that’s wrong.
zerg doesn’t have all round units that can be built by default like ghost or marine or now cyclone.
you have to actively defend a lot of things, as zerg you don’t have PF and spread siege units.

you like the new Bl. you don’t use it. I would also think tanks are fine with 10 range…

??? I know how Zerg works, thank you.

No, because that would be insane if Zerg did have units like that, that given the way they produce, they would literally be unstoppable. Unlike Zerg, Terran units aren’t produced en-mass all at the same time.

Apparently not.

I do offrace Zerg sometimes. Granted not to the level of my Terran, which I’ve played a lot more than I have Z, but I do.

Eh, Different units. More comparable to Tempests AtG if anything. The thing about both Tempests and Broodlords is they don’t have to siege up, and they can both use their full air-to-ground range without a spotter. Power is traded for mobility.

Broodlords technically have the launch as their attack in addition to the broodling DPS as well. The fact that they mess with pathing was a problem to some extent, hence the broodling’s lifespan reduction. They still do that to an extent, but the broodlord has to keep launching broodlings to continue to do that, rather than launch a few waves and fly away.

They’re fast enough now that they can kite slow units like the Thor if done correctly, though that’s pretty difficult to do.

Potentially though, it could mean more damage uptime for the broodlings since they impact the target roughly the same time, or slightly faster than the grounded broodlings die - that could mean a slight DPS uptick compared to the old broodlord but I’m not 100% sure on the math for that, so I can’t be certain.


We had this and it was removed for a very good reason: It made getting Spore Crawlers, one of Zerg’s few ways to deal damage to air units, too hard to get out in time relative to enemy air units, because of how fast Protoss and Terran can end up having high-damage air units in Zerg’s base while Zerg can’t shoot up.

But spore crawlers provide detection which literally shuts down banshee/DT play.

And the reason why spore crawler requirement was changed to spawning pool is not because of lack of anti-air early game but because zergs complained about widow mines. Now widow mines are no longer cloaked after firing, requirement can be reverted to evolution chamber.

you should make your “quotes” better, they feel so random.

They’re both right. I play random and Zerg late game has definitely been attenuated due to the nerfs that the race has taken…especially against Air Toss and Terran MM