Can we do something about Protoss, PLEASE?!

I’m in Masters and play Zerg. For the past few months playing vs Protoss has been a regular thing however recently it is like everyone in the game switched. In the last 40 games I’ve played 30 Protoss players. What the hell is going on? Can we nerf this noob stuff? Its obvious everyone is jumping ship to take advantage of a-move storm/nova to GM.


Literally use your zerg casters such as infestors fungral growth and there be no storms

lol what? Fungal slows units and barely does any damage. You need 5 fungals to kill a HT. Good luck doing that before they use all their storms on your army.


They did do something. The current game state is that something. They wanted protoss to be busted. :person_shrugging:

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Am I mistaken or did they still not win a tournament?

Toss still getting Rick Rolled in tournaments. Obviously another round of toss buffs is what’s needed to fix balance!

meta advantages for T/Z:

  1. protoss basically has to do: nex > sg > nex in pvz, nex > tc > nex in pvt to play a macro game
  2. its extremely obvious when protoss is not playing a macro game
  3. other races scale really well into late game against protoss

protoss advantages:

  1. oracles can protect a lot of econ early
  2. easy to micro
  3. best splash damage in the game

i’m a noob but in my opinion, protoss wins more on the ladder because its a best of 1. in a best of 3/5/7, protoss doesn’t have the same variety as the other races, especially against zerg. like what other build is there besides nexus > sg > nexus. adepts have been nerfed into the ground. you can actually defend the new adepts with just queens and lings and micro. immortal all in has been bad since blizzard added ravagers into the game, and there’s no way to hide them. 3 hatcheries hapen super fast and 3 hatch production lings beats everything that’s not an oracle or archon.

that’s just an example, but the same is true vTerran. every game is 1/1/1 harass then pin the protoss on 3 base. if protoss opens sg instead of TC and gates, he gets his nexus bunker rushed with 111 units raliied.

its funny to me as someone whos been playing since launch and played all 3 races a bunch that protoss has like 1.5 viable build orders per matchup, pros dook on protoss as soon as tournaments become best of 5, still we are here whining because they have one viable build.

the reason protoss has no build variety is because devs listened to people like this who cry and nerf protoss. any time protoss or terran have had a good build, its been nerfed before its been figured out. do that over a span of 10 years and what do you get? this game, where every early game is almost exactly the same units, same actions,


And what ? Split army so storms be waste ?

Fungal is an anti movement ability. You can force him to fight. You don’t want to fight because you will lose the fight, so you’d be forcing him to do something he wanted to do anyway. That makes no sense to do. Fungal is borderline useless vs apetoss. Storm on the other hand can delete entire zerg armies by mere clicks.

Storm should work like fungal. In order for fungal to have insane efficiency, it has to be coupled with biles. Now it takes two abilities to accomplish the same thing. It’s difficult to do so that means it’s only available to talented players. Storm isn’t designed this way because it’s deliberately designed to require minimal skill to use.

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You’re not mistaken. There are no tournaments, only a matchfixed joke in which people lack first grade math and try to justify to themselves “zoning storms” are a thing.

Are you mistaken to ignore the fact that Harstem 3-1’s maru because EU-style would be unbeatable or that a protoss who attacks a refinery with his colossus during the most important fight of the game can just drop a HT from an unexpected angle and auto-win with storm? Yes.


This has more to do with the type of units in play rather than some inherent problem with Fungal. Fungal can be very useful on anything that depends on mobility to avoid getting caught and overwhelmed, including some Protoss units like Stalkers, Oracles, and Phoenixes. Fungal by itself is relatively weak against slow & durable ranged units like Tanks, Thors, Lurkers, Colossus, Carriers, and any other units with the health to shrug off the damage and that don’t care about getting slowed.

I disagree. Storm is a pure damage ability without any utility besides damage or the threat of damage. In that respect, it has more in common with Biles or Parasitic Bomb than it does with Fungal. Not every ability needs to have some crowd-control effect, especially since Protoss already has other overlapping crowd control effects such as Force Fields, Stasis Field, Graviton Beam, and Time Warp.

Rather than changing Storm, it might be wiser to tinker with other Protoss units. That is unless the actual damage, application (i.e., ticks & damage-per-tick), or radius of Storm itself is the issue–which is not my current position on the matter.

That’s one of my favorites. I think for this world championship I will host a bingo tournament. The person to spot the most APEtoss moves will win a prize. Anything from a Colossus attacking a refinery to an F2 accidentally revealing hidden tech. I saw one where a code s toss was secretly massing phoenix and then accidentally revealed it with an f2. He won the game anyway, lol. Protoss gonna protoss. They just aren’t playing the same game as everyone else.

Yeah I think sc2 esports are a very corrupt sport. Sc2 definitely isn’t a fair competition. The life match fixing scandal was just the tip of the iceberg. Balance is so fubar’d that it heavily favors some competitors over others, likely to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars in prize winnings, and they think this will make for good entertainment. Honestly I would be amazed if laws weren’t being broken. Given the history of matchfixing in sc2, it’s hard to view the current balance scenario as fair play. Something foul is afoot.

I remember watching a podcast where a couple of lawyers were talking about an entertainment company in the US and how they are immune to being sued due to the way the company was incorporated. It had something to do with being an entertainment company instead of a sports company. Because they were an entertainment company, they could rig the tournaments without consequence. It’s hard to see the current balance scenario as anything other than rigging tournaments. If I were the one doing that, I’d talk to a lawyer and make sure I have all my ducks in a row because IF I were doing something wrong, it would be highly visible. All it takes is 1 lawyer with relevant law experience to take notice and it’s T R O U B L E. If you are a company that operates in multiple countries / jurisdictions, wouldn’t this risk grow exponentially? It seems that way.

A giant lawsuit would be the worst possible outcome for everyone. It would probably be the permanent end of balance updates because nobody would want the risk of balancing the game if that could be interpreted as rigging a tournament and if rigging a tournament were somehow illegal in some jurisdiction. I don’t want that to happen, but I worry it might. I hope their love for protoss is worth it. It seems to me the smart play would be to eradicate any semblance of favoritism and that would require them to balance grandmaster. But they are the ones running the show, not me, so lets all cross our fingers and hope for the best.

I’ve worried about this for quite awhile but I’ve avoided talking about it because I didn’t want to put the idea out there. Putting the idea out there might make it more likely to happen. But at this point the favoritism is so blatant and undeniable that what I say and do will make no difference. Protoss are winning 2.35 Grandmaster slots for every 1 that zerg wins in EU and KR right now ( :exploding_head:. All it takes is 1 upset competitor to talk to a lawyer. Have you guys thought this through? I sure hope the competition contracts are air tight.


Harstem being anywhere near the top 20 players in EU should prove to everyone that Protoss is overpowered.

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I think a dissatisfied competitor (e.g. clem after losing 0-3 to herO) would have a really tough case on their hands, and blizzard could buy an expensive team of lawyers, but what about one of the matchfixers quitting the scene or having a change of mind in how they want to live their life and earn their money? They could spill the beans any time, and could easily convince people that maru doing a bunker rush in the ONE game that a protoss player makes a bad wall that makes a bunker exactly fit, then making everything next to that wall, was matchfixed.

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git gut and enjoy gaem