Can GSL caster stop jerking Maru off?

Other players do cool stuff too you know. No need to hype the nth barrack rush. He kills 10 workers “Omg great play !” Opponent kill 20 “ok move, I think he would’ve wanted more”

you all need to stop hyping the pros so much. there are other people who play the game, but all you see is everyone go " oh serral this, oh raynor that" the 20 people in the top get all the recognition yet there are a ton of good players who stream everyday, but because they aint top 20 gm, no one cares. Yall need to just stop slobbing on all the pro’s knobbies like you all do.

I think main failure of this game it went heavy focus on pro and this ideology only pros can be balanced.

Marineking was the main reason marine was never balanced.

Protoss wanted fast voids so queen got nerfed

This game needs to be remade and focus would be causal side.

I mean there’s a reason for it. Maru is the greatest RTS player to have ever lived. Nobody even compares, skill wise. Imagine being the most earning player while playing the objectively weakest and hardest race.

You can’t compare him to anybody of the other races as he is playing with a SEVERE handicap.